Drake Hunt (daily)

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For non-daily version, see N [10-30] Drake Hunt.
NeutralDrake Hunt
Start Raelorasz
End Raelorasz
Level 10-30
Type Daily
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 20100
Reputation +325 Wyrmrest Accord
Rewards 4g 70s
Previous N [10-30] Drake Hunt


Raelorasz wants you to use the Blood-tipped Spear to subdue a Nexus Drake Hatchling and return it to him at the Transitus Shield.


I need more drake hatchlings to continue researching the runes covering their bodies.

They can be found around the northwest edge of the valley....

<Raelorasz pokes his hand with a spear and coats the tip with his blood.>

Take this and use it on one of them. Wait for it to become subdued, then bring it here to me before it expires.


You will receive:


Have you managed to capture one of the Nexus Drakes?


The fate of these young drakes need not burden your conscience, <race>. Malygos alone is accountable for this.

I am working ceaselessly to discover the secrets of these runes.

Rest assured, we shall take no more lives than we must.


Look up, have a range indicator enabled for Raelorasz's spear as it has a rather long range. Keep the drake occupied but don't kill it in the 25 seconds it takes to subdue it.


  1. N [10-30] Basic Training
  2. N [10-30] Hatching a Plan
  3. N [10-30] Drake Hunt (daily)
  4. N [10-30] Cracking the Code

The story continues with the recovery of the  [Scintillating Fragment] and the quest N [10-30] Puzzling...

Patch changes

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