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Start Commander Kunz
End Commander Kunz
Level 20-30
Type Daily
Category Zul'Drak
Experience 26450
Reputation +650 Argent Crusade
Rewards  [Patroller's Pack]
12g 40s
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol

Congratulations! is a reward quest offered to players who complete N [20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol before the timed buff expires.

Note: The player must also turn in the quest Congratulations! before the 20-minute buff expires.


You made excellent time on that patrol. It appears that you may be of use to us after all.

As promised, here's a little something extra for your efforts.

Keep up the good work, <name>.



You will receive: 18g 60s
Inv misc bag 21.png [Patroller's Pack]


  1. Complete Commander Falstaav's quests to unlock Pa'Troll.
  2. N [20-30] Pa'Troll
  3. N [20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol
    To complete Troll Patrol, complete one quest from each of the four quest givers:
  4. N [20-30 Daily] Congratulations! (if Troll Patrol was completed quickly enough)

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