Walk a Mile in Her Shadows

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NeutralWalk a Mile in Her Shadows
Start Alleria Windrunner
End Alleria Windrunner
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Hunt for the Harbinger
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Galakrond's Unrest
Next N [70] Dark Descension


Uncover the void presence at Galakrond's Rest in Dragonblight.

  • Inspect the void presence
  • Clear the shadows (4)
  • Meet Alleria at the gates of Ulduar in the Storm Peaks.


I don't often work with the Riftwalkers. I prefer to handle missions alone. Still, I will not abandon one of them.

I cannot yet sense the Riftwalker's presence. Our best path forward is to retrace her steps.

Which means following the shadows.


You will receive:


We now know why the Riftwalker didn't report back. She's turned against us and serves only the Void now.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if the Harbinger had a hand in this.


On accept:

Alleria Windrunner says: This is where Iridikron empowered the Dark Heart. But that was millennia ago.
Alleria Windrunner says: Why would there be void activity here? Why now?

Follow Alleria downhill and use the extra action button when close to her:

Voidflare — Request Alleria fire a flair into the shadows, revealing the Riftwalker's tracks.
Alleria Windrunner says: Tracks. They might belong to our Riftwalker. Let's follow them.

Head into the excavation and use the extra action button at any marked spot:

  1. Alleria Windrunner says: Galakrond was consumed by a never-ending hunger. And that same hunger was used to empower the Dark Heart.
  2. Alleria Windrunner says: The Riftwalkers reported fluctuations in void energy, followed by a period of calm.
  3. Alleria Windrunner says: Could the Dark Heart be absorbing magical power? And converting it to shadow.
  4. Alleria Windrunner says: These tracks lead north. Wait... I sense something. Is it Ulduar?
Alleria Windrunner says: I'll scout ahead. Meet me there.

Near the Ulduar instance line, Shadowrift Ethereals, Grasping Void tendrils, and Riftwalker Nilara have taken over the space. Approach Alleria:

Alleria Windrunner says: Well. We're on the right track.


  1. N [70] The Harbinger
  2. N [70] Door to the Ren'dorei
  3. N [70] Riftwalker Reports & N [70] Cracks in the Void
  4. N [70] Galakrond's Unrest
  5. N [70] Walk a Mile in Her Shadows
  6. N [70] Dark Descension
  7. N [70] Legacy of the Void
  8. N [70] The Path Taken
  9. N [70] And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood
  10. N [70] Defend Telogrus Rift
  11. N [70] Null and Void
  12. N [70] Radiant Warnings

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