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The Bronzebeard Family

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NeutralThe Bronzebeard Family
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Moira Thaurissan
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Dalaran
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70] Painful Lessons
Next Memories of Adventures Past


Head to Brann and Dagran in the Dalaran Visitor Center to inform them of what has happened to Magni.

  • Talk to Brann


<Moira takes a deep, centering breath.>

We need to let Brann and my son Dagran know what happened. They're at Dalaran's visitor center.

Could ye go get them for me? Father needs his family right now.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


My son always has been the scholarly sort. Takes after his father in that way...

We're all quite proud of him.


It's good for us to all be in one room together, even if the reason is so dire. My father hasn't really been a... part of Dagran's life. But I mean to change that, you have my word.

Thank ye, <name>.


On accept:

Moira Thaurissan says: You'll likely find Dagran with his nose in a book. It's why he insisted we come to Dalaran.

Moira has new gossip:

Father... Da... What have you gotten yourself into this time? You can't leave us like this.

Please be alright, you old coot.

Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>

Moira Thaurissan says: Now listen, you old coot. I know you always meant right by me.
Moira Thaurissan says: You didn't know that I chose to stay with the Dark Irons. That Dagran and I were in love.
Moira Thaurissan says: Whatever your intentions were, my husband died. Because of you.
Moira Thaurissan says: I hated you for taking him from me. My anger built a wall neither of us could ever get through.
Moira Thaurissan says: And now... we may never get the chance.
Moira Thaurissan says: But my son--my little Dagran--he needs you. I guess so do I, loathe as I am to admit it.
Moira Thaurissan says: You were never the best father. But you can still be a good gran'da. So please... wake up.

Head to the visitor center:

Dagran Thaurissan II says: Have you seen these new tomes, Uncle Brann? They must be from Drenden's library.

Dagran and Brann has gossip:

Dagran Thaurissan II

Oh! Hello there. Are you here to chat with Uncle Brann?

Brann Bronzebeard

Hey there, champion! Dagran and I were just perusing the local books and whatnot. Lad couldn't be more excited for his first visit to Dalaran.

What brings ye here?

Gossip Magni's hurt. Moira needs you both in the Portrait Room.

Dagran runs out
Dagran Thaurissan II says: I hope Gran'da is allright. I never got to spend much time with him...
Brann Bronzebeard says: Don't worry, lad. Magni's made of stern stuff. Pardon the pun.
Brann follows suit.

Return to the Portrait Room. Dagran and Brann have new gossip:

Dagran Thaurissan II

Gran'da has been through way worse than this. I know he'll wake up soon.

He has to...

Brann Bronzebeard

Magni really mucked the bedroll with this one, didn't he? Couldn't leave well enough alone.

Well, I know that's not really his way. Not when the world is at stake.


  1. B [70] The War Within
  2. N [70] Oh, THAT Sword
  3. N [70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [70] The Bronzebeard Family

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