Galakrond's Unrest

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NeutralGalakrond's Unrest
Start Alleria Windrunner
End Alleria Windrunner
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Hunt for the Harbinger
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
2g 80s 90c
Previous N [70] Riftwalker Reports, N [70] Cracks in the Void
Next N [70] Walk a Mile in Her Shadows


Meet Alleria at Galakrond's Rest in Dragonblight.

  • Take Rift from Telogrus Rift to Northrend
  • Speak to Alleria at Galakrond's Rest in Dragonblight.


Galakrond's Rest. Where the Dark Heart was first empowered by Iridikron. We don't know what power the relic holds, but we do know that the Harbinger now wields it.

And now one of our Riftwalkers is missing, right where it all began.

I don't believe this is a coincidence, <name>. Let's travel to Northrend and search the area.


You will receive:


Time to find our Riftwalker. And, if we're lucky, discover a clue about the Dark Heart and this Harbinger who wields it.


On accept:

Alleria Windrunner says: Hm. The Riftwalker's absence... Could it be connected to the Dark Heart?
Alleria runs to a Rift to Northrend.

Follow her through to land in the Dragon Wastes, south of Galakrond's Rest. Alleria has new gossip:

We know much about how the Dark Heart was created. But not so much what it actually is...

Gossip What are the Dark Heart's origins?

Dragonblight is the grave of Galakrond, a primal dragon who threatened to devour the world. He was defeated by the dragonflight Aspects before they had even been granted their power by the titans. This was millennia ago, of course.

Iridikron saw use in Galakrond's power. He allied himself with the Infinite Dragonflight and traveled to the point in time right after the primal dragon had been slain. It was then that Iridikron imbued a relic with that primal power using Galakrond's still-bleeding corpse. And so the Dark Heart was created...

We know the Dark Heart's origin, and the fact that it is now in the hands of the Harbinger. Now we just need to figure out what power it possesses, and what the Harbinger plans to do with it.

Gossip (Play Scene from Dawn of the Infinite) Can you remind me how Iridikron empowered the Dark Heart?

Gossip Tell me about something else.


  1. N [70] The Harbinger
  2. N [70] Door to the Ren'dorei
  3. N [70] Riftwalker Reports & N [70] Cracks in the Void
  4. N [70] Galakrond's Unrest
  5. N [70] Walk a Mile in Her Shadows
  6. N [70] Dark Descension
  7. N [70] Legacy of the Void
  8. N [70] The Path Taken
  9. N [70] And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood
  10. N [70] Defend Telogrus Rift
  11. N [70] Null and Void
  12. N [70] Radiant Warnings

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