Swift Nether Drake

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  • Swift Nether Drake
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This is a flying mount.
  • Requires Level 27
  • Requires Artisan Riding
Swift Nether Drake.

The Swift Nether Drake was a Season 1 Arena reward, awarded to members of the Arena teams that were in the 0.5% bracket of their battlegroup. These players also received the Gladiator title.

Qualifiers for this mount should also get the Feat of Strength  [Swift Nether Drake].

Mount Journal

The most aggressive nether drakes were awarded those heroes who showed significant prowess and commitment in the gladiatorial arena.


  • There were reports that in Europe up to the top 5% of arena teams may have gotten mounts by mistake and some number less than 0.5% of the top arena teams in the U.S. received theirs.

Patch changes

External links