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Image of Mordenaku (Mordenai)
Title <Prince of the Netherwing>
Gender Male
Race Nether dragon (Dragonkin)
Class Hunter
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Netherwing dragonflight
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Karynaku (mother), Neltharaku (father)
Mordenaku in Valdrakken.

Mordenaku, known in his high elven hunter guise as Mordenai, is a nether dragon quest giver located at Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley. During the invasion of Outland, he approached adventurers with a plea for aid to save his people from the Dragonmaw orcs. He is the son of Karynaku and Neltharaku, Netherwing's matriarch and patriarch, respectively.


The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Mordenaku was the son of Karynaku and Neltharaku, the matriarch and patriarch, of the the Netherwing. Thus he was known as the "Prince of the Netherwing."

By the invasion of Outland, his mother had been captured by Zuluhed the Whacked and the Dragonmaw clan, and imprisoned within Dragonmaw Fortress. His father led the Netherwing in multiple attempts at freeing her, but they all ended in failure. Other members of the Netherwing were also enslaved by the Dragonmaw and those free had taken to skies and feared landing and falling pray to the Dragonmaw war parties.[1] However as a result of this, Mordenaku witnessed his fellow Netherwing fall dead from exhaustion before their bodies hit the ground. In time, he was able to recruit adventurers to help him gather food for his brethren, who swooped down to eat the offered meal before they returned to the air. For their aid, Mordenaku declared that the adventurers were kind and compassionate.[2]

Following this, he sent them to his father, where working together the pair were able to successfully free the trapped Netherwing and kill Zuluhead.[3][4] With his mother free and his siblings saved, Mordenaku declared that adventurers had proven themselves as an ally of the Netherwing. He further mused that they might call upon them again for aid, but informed them that when that day happened, they would be welcomed with open arms as a brother to the Netherwing Dragonflight.[5]

Once 300 riding skill was acquired, Mordenaku sent word to his allies that their lands were lost, their children stolen in the night, forced into slavery or worse, and that the time to retake what was theirs had come.[6] He then revealed that Netherwing Ledge, which was once a bastion of sanctuary for the Netherwing, was now home to the Dragonmaw. However while they had control of the territory, the Netherwing magic was still strong and he cloaked their identity, which would allow them to infiltrate the ranks of Dragonmaw. He then prepared a forged letter, from Teron Gorefiend to Overlord Mor'ghor, and sent his allies on their way.[7] Upon their arrival to the Dragonmaw camp, Yarzill the Merc revealed themselves as an agent of the Netherwing sent to aid them.[8]

After adventurers reached the rank of highlord, Mordenaku's magic was discovered and shattered by Illidan Stormrage. However before the Dragonmaw could attack, Yarzill revealed themselves and spirited them to the safety of Shattrath.[9]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Seeking allies to help defend Amirdrassil, Wrathion sent an invitation to the Netherwing to meet him in Valdrakken. The Netherwing in return, sent Mordenaku to serve as their representative, and he traveled to the Dragon Isles.[10] As Mordenaku met with Wrathion and Vyranoth, he was pleased to also reunite with the adventurer who aided his flight during the Invasion of Outland. In light of requesting the Netherwing to go to war, Mordenaku inquired as to what Wrathion would give in return. Vyranoth subsequently pointed out that with Outland being a harsh place the netherwing would benefit from a safer home on the isles, and it was decided that the mountains of Thaldraszus would serve as their roost.[11]

With this agreement, the Netherwing formally joined Valdrakken Accord and the group set off towards the cave above the Sand-Lost Sanctum. Upon their arrival, Mordenaku admitted that he was unsettled over the fact the land was pristine and not shattered as Outland. However, he also thought that it was a good kind of unsettling.[12] After the cave was successfully secured as the new Netherwing roost, Mordenaku traveled with Wrathion to meet with Mother Elion at the Ruby Lifeshrine. When Vyranoth decided to remain behind to ensure the whelps were safe until the rest of the flight arrived, the price thanked and informed her that his kin should be along very soon. As Mordenaku and Wrathion set off, he learned of Wrathion's origins, which caused him to remark about how the netherwing had developed their own flight and culture.[13] When Elion asked if the netherwing whelps had any special accommodations, he admitted that anything did they was normal to them but could be called unique to others. In order to ensure that the whelps would receive the best of care, it was decided that one of the netherwing would arrive to speak with Elion.[14]

After admitting that he hadn't expected to be altering the future of his flight when he arrived to the isles, he celebrated with Wrathion, Vyranoth, and the champion at the Roasted Ram. During the celebration, he expressed his desire to pay Khadgar a visit and that he found it hard to believe that Illidan was resurrected and had helped save Azeroth. He also informed the champion, that while they were already popular among the flight for freeing them, their legend would double after this day.[15]

Following this he can be found in both the Emerald Dream and with the rest of his flight in Thaldraszus. He found Tyrygosa's arrival to the netherwing roost most welcome as her assistance was always appreciated. He then declared that between her and the champion, his flight had been given the warmest of introductions to Azeroth.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Shadowmoon Valley 25-30 Elite Alliance Horde
Petitioner's Concourse, Thaldraszus[33.7, 62.0] ?? Boss Alliance Horde


  • Inv spear 07.png Aimed Shot — An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 8333.
  • Ability impalingbolt.png Arcane Shot — Shoots an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.
  • Ability golemstormbolt.png Scatter Shot — A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and disorients the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.


Objective of


Shadowmoon Valley


They can't keep this up! Their wings will eventually give...

Gossip after completing N [25-30] Ally of the Netherwing

It is good to see you again, friend.

Gossip after completing N [25-30] Blood Oath of the Netherwing

Brother, you are now considered bound by blood to the Netherwing. All of Netherwing will be behind you now! The time to strike at the heart of our enemies is now, friend! We must reclaim our lost heritage.

Attacking a nearby rock flayer
Just one good shot...
When Karynaku approaches him



It didn't occur to me that Tyrygosa would be here on the Dragon Isles as well. Her arrival was most welcome, and her assistance is always appreciated. She's always had the best of intentions for the netherwing.

Between your aid and her help, my flight is being given the warmest of introductions to this world. Thank you again.

Patch changes

See also


External links

Shadowmoon Valley Drgon Isles