First Aid trainers

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First Aid Icon WoW Icon update.png First Aid (Profession)

A first aid trainer is an NPC that offers physicians the opportunity to train and learn recipes.

Landmass Trainer Location Coordinates Additional Information
The Maelstrom Cata-Logo-Small.png Horde  Doc Zapnozzle Shipwreck Shore
Wild Overlook
Lost Caldera
Gallywix Docks
The Lost Isles Available only to starting Goblins.
Eastern Kingdoms Alliance  Thamner Pol Kharanos Dun Morogh [47.2, 52.6]
Alliance  Michelle Belle Goldshire Elwynn Forest [43.4, 65.6]
Alliance  Amelia Atherton Cata-Logo-Small.png Duskhaven Gilneas Available only to starting Worgen.
Alliance  Fremal Doohickey Menethil Harbor Wetlands [10.8, 61.3]
Alliance  Angela Leifeld Cathedral Square Stormwind [52.9, 44.8]
Alliance  Nissa Firestone The Great Forge Ironforge [54.9, 58.5]
Horde  Nurse Neela Brill Tirisfal Glades [61.8, 52.8]
Horde  Kanaria Bc icon.gif Falconwing Square Eversong Woods [48.5, 47.6]
Horde  Alestus Bc icon.gif Walk of Elders Silvermoon City [77.6, 71.3]
Horde  Mary Edras The Rogues' Quarter Undercity [73.5, 54.8]
Kalimdor Alliance  Byancie Dolanaar Teldrassil [55.3, 56.8]
Alliance  Anchorite Fateema Bc icon.gif Azure Watch Azuremyst Isle [48.5, 51.8]
Alliance  Anchorite Paetheus Bc icon.gif Blood Watch Bloodmyst Isle [54.7, 54]
Alliance  Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen Theramore Dustwallow Marsh [67.6, 48.8]
Alliance  Dannelor Craftsmen's Terrace Darnassus [51.7, 30.4]
Alliance  Nus Bc icon.gif The Crystal Hall The Exodar [39, 22.5]
Horde  Rawrk Razor Hill Durotar [54.1, 42]
Horde  Vira Younghoof Bloodhoof Village Mulgore [46.8, 60.8]
Horde  Doc Zapnozzle Bilgewater Harbor Azshara [57, 50.5]
Horde  Krenk Choplimb Goblin Slums Orgrimmar [37.0, 87.2]
Horde  Pand Stonebinder Spirit Rise Thunder Bluff [29.4, 21.5]
Outland Bc icon.gif Alliance  Burko Temple of Telhamat Hellfire Peninsula [22.4, 39.3]
Horde  Aresella Falcon Watch Hellfire Peninsula [26.3, 62]
Neutral  Anchorite Ensham Sha'tari Base Camp Terokkar Forest [30.8, 75.9]
Horde  Fera Palerunner Thunderlord Stronghold Blade's Edge Mountains [53.7, 55]
Neutral  Mildred Fletcher Lower City Shattrath City [66.5, 13.5]
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small.png Alliance  Brynna Wilson Valiance Keep Borean Tundra [57.8, 66.4]
Alliance  Anchorite Yazmina Valgarde Howling Fjord [59.7, 62.1]
Horde  Nurse Applewood Warsong Hold Borean Tundra [41, 54]
Horde  Sally Tompkins Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord [79, 29]
Neutral  Olisarra the Kind First to Your Aid,
Magus Commerce Exchange
Dalaran [37.5, 36.7]
Neutral  Joseph Wilson Argent Tournament Grounds Icecrown [71.5, 22.5]
Pandaria Mists-Logo-Small.png Alliance  Soraka Paw'don Village Jade Forest [45.5, 85.8]
Alliance  Mishka Various
Alliance  Healer Nan Emperor's Step Shrine of Seven Stars [45.6, 62.6]
Horde  Elder Muur Honeydew Village Jade Forest [28.2, 15.2]
Horde  Ala'thinel Chamber of Masters Shrine of Two Moons [29.1, 74.8]
Neutral  Apothecary Cheng Binan Village Kun-Lai Summit [71.6, 92.8]
Neutral  Master Bier Peak of Serenity Kun-Lai Summit [51.0, 40.2]

es:Instructor de primeros auxilios