Chamber of Masters
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The Chamber of Masters is a section of the Horde-faction city of Shrine of Two Moons in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. It houses vendors for every profession and a first aid trainer. The chamber connects to the Hall of the Crescent Moon to the northeast, the Golden Terrace to the south, and contains a stairway to the second floor (Chamber of Wisdom).
Edward Hanes
Frances Lin
David Harrington
Ala'thinel <First Aid>
Gentle Dari <First Aid Supplies>
Stephen Wong <Cooking Supplies>
Esha the Loommaiden <Tailoring Supplies>
Krogo Darkhide <Leatherworking & Skinning Supplies>
Fang Whitescroll <Inscription Supplies>
Derenda Enkleshin <Enchanting Supplies>
Victor Pearce <Alchemy Supplies>
Tixit Brightfuse <Engineering Supplies>
Razzie Coalwrench <Mining Supplies>
Vanaris Whitesong <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
Jorunga Stonehoof <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Hafuna Landwalker <Herbalism Supplies>
Moko Powderrun <Fireworks>
Sheena Sunweaver <Reagents>
Patch changes
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.