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Rewriting the Rewritten

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NeutralRewriting the Rewritten
Start Executor Nizrek [67.5, 32.4]
End Alleria Windrunner [55.0, 45.8]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] Into a Skittering City
Next N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality


Overwrite 3 Shadeheralds.

  • Shadeheralds rewritten (3)


We called you here today because it is "Ascendance Day". Queen Ansurek has deigned declare it a day to revel in our newfound, void-infused evolution--our "Ascendance". Please note my satirical nuance.

While the streets are alive with festivity and joyous citizens, the Shadeheralds planted through the Bazaar will be drowning the air with Ansurek's vile propaganda.

Take this invention of mine. use it on the heralds to overwrite them with more... illuminating information for the public.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


Yes. The Vizier asked the same of me in the other city districts.

I'll admit that my reluctance to trust Anduin's new ally has waned slightly. No more than a little finger's length, but even that is more than I anticipated.


Shadeheralds, projectors of Queen Ansurek, are all over the city.

At [58.2, 29.0] in the southeast of the quest area:

Queen Ansurek says: Ascension! Reserved only for the most loyal. The purest form of our evolution.

Interact with the Shadeherald to overwrite it, showing an Ascended:

The Vizier says: Purest form? Ask yourselves, do the ascended appear nerubian to you?
Bazaar Patrol says: Overcrawler! Invader!
Umbral Citizen says: Let's get out of here!
Umbral Citizen says: Patrols! Run!
Bazaar Patrol says: The queen's word shall not be silenced!

At [60.9, 18.8] to the northeast, near Meesk's Guard:

Queen Ansurek says: The zealots have pressed our borders with their airships. We must show them the venom of Azj-Kahet!

Reprogram it to show a projection of the Black Empire:

The Vizier says: Queen Neferess boldly shielded our people against any threat we faced. Will Ansurek do the same?

Nearby, Arax'ne starts N [78-80] Searching the Web, an optional quest.

To the east at [53.0, 16.0] inside the Dangling Drinks bar:

Queen Ansurek says: We will wipe out the invaders from above, no matter what it takes!

Overwrite it to project Harbingers of the Void:

The Vizier says: Are the Old Ones truly gone, or do agents of the Void continue to manipulate us today?

Once done with both quests, catch up with Anduin and Alleria at the Royal Apothecary near the center of the city:

Anduin Wrynn says: We're here to observe and learn about Ansurek. That's all.
Alleria Windrunner says: We've observed enough.


  1. N [78-80] A Most Intriguing Invitation
  2. N [78-80] Into a Skittering City
  3. N [78-80] Rewriting the Rewritten & N [78-80] Like a Spider on the Wall
  4. N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality
  5. N [78-80] Beginning Anew From Rock Bottom

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