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City of Threads: Splice the Splicer

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NeutralCity of Threads: Splice the Splicer
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 70-80
Type Dungeon (5)
Category Dungeon
Experience 20,850
Rewards 112g 36s


Enter the City of Threads and defeat Izo the Grand Splicer.

  • Izo, the Grand Splicer defeated
  • Suggested players: 5


"Ascension" is no true evolution. It is defilement. It is doom. And Ansurek further etches that doom in stone with each passing day.

If we bring down the Transformatory, then we can potentially rid Azj-Kahet of these abominations for good.

Izo the Grand Splicer is Ansurek's chosen overseer of the ascension process. Cut that wretch's head from her body, and perhaps these mutations will cease.


You will receive:

  • 112g 36s
  • 20,850 XP









Patch changes

External links