Cradle of Chi-Ji

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Cradle of Chi-Ji.

The Cradle of Chi-Ji is the largest island south of Krasarang Wilds. It is found southwest of the Temple of the Red Crane and west of the Nayeli Lagoon. While the Temple of the Red Crane is considered the center of Chi-Ji's power, the Cradle of Chi-Ji is his resting place.

The monks of the Crane Wing order begin their initiation here and say that even when Chi-Ji travels across Pandaria to spread hope, parts of him always remain on the island, in its sand and trees, watching over the monks and testing them. The Angkhal Pavilion, Pedestal of Hope, and Dome Balrissa are all found on the isle, where the monks train and fight each other to improve their skills.[1]


Exploring Azeroth

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Following the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Chen Stormstout, Li Li Stormstout, and Catelyn the Blade visited the Cradle after traveling from the smaller eastern island of Marista, choosing not to stay and meditate here before departing for the Southern Isles.[1]

Notable inhabitants

At the flight path on the northern tip of the isle:

Elsewhere on the island:



A storyline plays out in the Cradle of Chi-Ji daily quests with the August Celestials, centered on an overeager trainee slipping from hope to despair:

Patch changes


External links