Ruins of Ogudei

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Ruins of Ogudei cave entrance
Ruins of Ogudei

The Ruins of Ogudei were found hidden beneath a very small cave called the Seaspittle Nook, in the northern part of Krasarang Cove at the eastern end of the Krasarang Wilds.

The ruins were uncovered after continued digging for mogu artifacts by the Explorers' League and the Reliquary, respectively in control of the upper and lower levels of the mine, after the Alliance and Horde forces landed and established their bases in Krasarang. Unfortunately, the digging awakened the ghosts of the mogu and the pandaren they had held captive.

By 40 ADP, most of the ghosts had been laid to rest and mining had ceased, so they should not be disturbed further.[1]


Mists of Pandariah

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

The Seaspittle Nook cave rests on the site of the ruins until after completing A [15-35] Lion's Landing / H [15-35] Domination Point, when the Horde and Alliance forces establish their bases in Krasarang.

After that, the Explorers' League and the Reliquary arrived to focus their attention on the cave. The former claimed the upper level of the mine, while the latter took control of the lower level. Both sides found Mogu artifacts inside, which prompted them to continue digging, making the cave larger and larger until the ruins themselves were revealed. Unfortunately, the digging awakened the ghosts of the Mogu and the Pandaren they had held captive, and the former promptly began attacking them.

Exploring Azeroth

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Chen Stormstout, Li Li Stormstout, and Catelyn the Blade visited the ruins of Ogudei after the Incursion. They found that most of the ghosts had been laid to rest and that mining had ceased, so Li Li hoped they would not be disturbed again. Catelyn searched the tunnels to see if there were any artifacts left behind that didn't require digging, and found depleted crystal shards that might have once been part of a mogu spirit trap.[1]

Notable inhabitants



Patch changes


External links