Yan Quillpaw (quest)

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NeutralYan Quillpaw
Start Thelonius [31.3, 63.4]
End Thelonius [31.3, 63.4]
Level 15-35
Type Daily
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 294000
Reputation +350 August Celestials
Rewards 24g 72s 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [15-35 Daily] Mindel Sunspeaker
Next N [15-35 Daily] Fat Long-Fat: Rematch


Yan Quillpaw
Yan has been on this island for decades. Fighting is his life.

Defeat Yan Quillpaw at the Pedestal of Hope.


You have already defeated Kuo-Na Quillpaw. You have not yet fought her brother, Yan.

He will meet you at the Pedestal of Hope, and he will not hold back. His reputation as a trainer is at stake.


You will receive: 24g 72s 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune


Congratulations in advance, <name>.


And with that victory, I suppose we've run out of challengers for you to fight! Other than me, of course.

But... I don't fight. I mean, you wouldn't want to fight me. It would... not go well for you.



On accept:

Yan Quillpaw says: Hope you're ready for a bruising, <name>.

Head southeast to the Pedestal of Hope to find Yan Quillpaw looking out toward Unga Ingoo. Speak with him:

You've faced the best of our trainees, and defeated them all. Now let's see what you're really made of...
Gossip Let's fight!
Yan Quillpaw says: By the name of Chi-Ji, I smite you down!

Yan is a level 90 pandaren with 787,000 health and the following abilities:

  • Flying Serpent Kick 10-40 yd range — Fly towards target enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Instant. Hits for ~10,000 Physical on cloth
  • Uppercut Melee range — Punch target enemy, inflicting 150% weapon damage. Instant. Hits for ~15,000 Physical on cloth.
  • Paw Punch Melee range — Strike target enemy with their paw, inflicting 120% weapon damage and knocking the target back. Instant. Hits for ~11000 Physical.

Today's letter is from Fat Long-Fat:

The Return of Fat Long-Fat

Greetings, <name>.

This is Fat Long-Fat. We fought on top of Angkhal Pavilion. Do you remember me?

I will be returning from my absence shortly. When I return, I would like to fight with you again. Perhaps this time, we fight atop Dome Balrissa?



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