Ellia Ravenmane

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NeutralEllia Ravenmane
Image of Ellia Ravenmane
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Class Monk
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Angkhal Pavilion, Pedestal of Hope, and Dome Balrissa, Krasarang Wilds
Status Alive

Ellia Ravenmane is the primary "antagonist" of the Cradle of Chi-Ji storyline. An overeager trainee, Ellia is defeated by the adventurer repeatedly and slips further and further into desperation, before falling into despair. It is unknown what became of her. When an adventurer defeats her in her final fight, she jumps off the pedestal. She may have died or escaped.

Objective of


In Ellia Ravenmane:

  • Jab Melee range — Jab target enemy, inflicting 110% weapon damage. Instant (3 sec cooldown)
  • Kick — Kick target enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Instant. Hits for ~11,000 Physical on cloth.

In Rematch:

  • Fierce Jab Melee range — Jab target enemy, inflicting 120% weapon damage. Instant. Hits for ~10,000-12,700 Physical on cloth.

In Revenge:

  • Fierce Jab Melee range — Jab target enemy, inflicting 120% weapon damage. Instant. Hits for ~10,000 Physical
  • Fists of Fury 10 yd range — Furiously punch tarrget enemy, inflicting Physical damage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Channeled. Hits for ~6800-7900 Physical
  • Vicious Kick — Kick target enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Instant. Hits for ~16,000 Physical.

In Redemption:

  • Fierce Jab Melee range — Jab target enemy, inflicting 120% weapon damage. Hits for ~12,000 Physical on cloth.
  • Fists of Fury 10 yd range — Furiously punch target eneny, inflicting Physical damage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Channeled.
  • Sha Blast 40 yd range — Blasts the target for 27,907 to 29,408 Shadow damage. 1.5 sec cast. Hits for ~15,000 Shadow
  • Sha Spike 30 yd range — Creates a geyser of flame at the target location. 1.5 sec cast. Summons a void zone on the ground that hits for ~13,000 Shadow after a few seconds
  • Vicious Kick — Kick target enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Instant. Hits for ~12,000 Physical.


Most of Ellia's background and motivation comes via the in-game mail system after winning another duel:

After N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane, sent by Ellia:


I refuse to accept defeat! You haven't heard the last of me!

After N [15-35 Daily] Minh Do-Tan, sent by Ellia:


I heard you beat Minh Do-Tan. Well, I've been training, too.

I've asked Thelonius to set up a rematch between you and I. This time, we'll see who's really the better fighter!

After N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane: Rematch, sent by Thelonius:

The Fine Line Between Hope and Despair

Before your match today, Ellia Ravenmane swelled with hope and pride. After your victory, she lost a lot of that hope.

Your lesson for today is that hope can turn into despair in a heartbeat. Ellia is learning this lesson the hard way.

After N [15-35 Daily] Kuo-Na Quillpaw, sent by Ellia:

Fighting Trainers Now, Huh?

I heard you beat Kuo-Na. Impressive stuff... RIVAL. Well, I've been training, too. And I've got a few surprises for you.

See you soon, <name>...

After N [15-35 Daily] Huck Wheelbarrow, sent by Thelonius:

Your "Rival"

I am concerned about Ellia Ravenmane. She has not appeared for her training in several days. I fear she has crossed that narrow threshold from hope into despair.

If you see her, let me know.


After N [15-35 Daily] Thelonius, sent by Ellia:

The Fall of the Red Crane

I'm back, <name>.

I was a fool to follow the path of the Red Crane. You are all fools - babies fighting over a Cradle.

I will show you how fragile your precious Chi-Ji is. he fell once into the depths of despair. He will fall again.

Patch changes

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