Ryfus Sacredpyr

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NeutralRyfus Sacredpyr
Image of Ryfus Sacredpyr
Title <Loremaster>
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Church of the Sacred Flame, Hallowfall[40.02, 51.13]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Randullus Sacredpyr

Ryfus Sacredpyr (referred to as the Arathi Loremaster by the map marker) is an Arathi located inside the Church of the Sacred Flame in Mereldar, Hallowfall. He offers players a quiz of six questions about Arathi culture. The correct response to each question will only be available if the player has looted the corresponding copy of six of the books scattered around Hallowfall (listed on  [Biblo Archivist]). Correctly answering all six questions unlocks the Loremaster's Reward on the table next to him, containing the  [Arathi Book Collection] toy and a Hallowfall Arathi Commendation worth 150 reputation.


First question

Outsider, welcome.

I have six questions to test your knowledge of the Arathi. The answers to these questions can be found throughout Hallowfall.

If you know where to look.

Gossip Ask your question.

Our ancestors used to think of the cosmos in an antiquated way.

What way was that?

Gossip That Azeroth was flat.

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip That <mumbles> and then <coughs>.


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip That the Cosmos consisted of monopole elemental phase spaces. (Only available after looting  [Palawltar's Codex of Dimensional Structure])


Obviously now we know the vast majority of dimensional spaces consist of multiple energy types.

Don't ask me the logic proofs for it though. I'm terrible at mathematics.

Are you ready for the next question?

Gossip Ask your question.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

The study of the Cosmos is generally done by the Arathi Mages. Only one survived when we made the trip to Hallowfall.

Second question

What are the cornerstones of training an Imperial Lynx?

Gossip Discipline and aloofness.

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip Scritches and treats.


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip Patience and respect. (Only available after looting  [Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx])

Well done!

Yes, there are many things that go into training an Imperial Lynx, but first and foremost the Lynx chooses you, not the other way around. You need to treat them with as much respect as you would any soldier by your side.

Are you ready for the next question?

Gossip Ask your question.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

We may train the lynxes here in Mereldar, but we raise them with kindness.

Third question

What should you do when Beledar shifts?

Gossip Same thing as normal, kill anything that looks at me funny.


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip Seek shelter and light. Have plans, have backup plans. Find joy while sheltering. (Only available after looting  [Shadow Curfew Guidelines])

Correct! Well done. Although from what I hear, you tend more towards the Lamplighter path, forging ahead into the darkness.

Not everyone is a Flame-wielding hero though. Many have been killed by the creatures of the dark when they have been caught out of place.

Gossip Ask your question.

Gossip Hunker in place.

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

While this is a common book in Hallowfall, you are most likely to find copies where the light needs to bloom.

Fourth question

Which fleet was dispatched to find Hallowfall?

Gossip The first fleet.

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip The best fleet!


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip The third fleet. (Only available after looting  [Beledar- The Emperor's Vision])

Quite so. The emperor sent the third fleet across the Storming Sea, knowing they may not return, but trusting that should they find his prophetic vision, they would enact his will.

Ah, if you could see the Arathi navy in all its glory, it's a sight to behold. Still, that's a story for another day.

Gossip Ask your question.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

While there are many copies of this tale in Hallowfall, you may have luck when the light of the morning is broken.

Fifth question

What is scattered on the battlefield of Renilash?

Gossip The blood of our enemies.

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip The remains of gods. (Only available after looting  [The Song of Renilash])

Correct. What gods, we don't know. Gods we have yet to meet? Gods that died long ago? Or gods that are killed on the battlefield?

Debating prophecy used to be a favorite past time[sic] of mine back in the Empire. Back when we had more time.

Ehem! Anyway, ready for the next question?

Gossip Ask your question.

Gossip Weapons? And... er... ham?


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

In the Prophecies of Renilash, the Arathi form an Aegis against the encroaching darkness. Something we have emulated in Hallowfall.

Sixth question

Where does the term Dunelle's Kindness come from?

Gossip From the letters of Mereldar. (Only available after looting  [The Big Book of Arathi Idioms])

Correct! My word, I thought that would be a tough one. You really know your Arathi idioms!

Mereldar wrote many letters, but the kindness of Dunelle is often held as an example of Arathi hospitality. It's a tale for everyone to aspire to.

Gossip That's all the questions. What do I win?

Is not knowledge its own reward?

Hah, just a little loremaster joke. Your reward is in the chest on the table.

Well done!

Gossip A play?

Incorrect. Return when you have found the answer among the canyons.

Gossip From Dunelle... being kind?


At least you outsiders have a sense of humor. You'll need that to survive down here.

Come back once you have found the answer.

Gossip Can I get a clue?

You will find yourself crossing to and fro across Hallowfall looking for this answer.

After quiz completion

I'm impressed with your knowledge of the Arathi culture, <name>.

We're lucky to have someone as interested as you here with us.

Patch changes

External links