Shadow Curfew Guidelines

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Not to be confused with  [Shadow Curfew Journal].
Shadow Curfew Guidelines.

Shadow Curfew Guidelines[64.22, 28.11] is located at the back of a building in Light's Blooming in Hallowfall.


Shadow Curfew Guidelines

Since the Day of Darkness, Beledar has periodically radiated a corrupting shadow energy. Due to this persistent threat, General Steelstrike declared a general curfew during these times of shadow. Please observe the following guidelines:

When the star shifts, seek shelter.

When you hear the warning bell and see Beledar shifting to shadow, do not delay. Have a plan for every location you are in. Take the quickest and most direct path towards a place of shelter. Abandon all non-essential items not needed for survival. Ensure that you are prepared to travel before assisting others. Leave for shelter immediately if danger appears.

Walk in the light.

The Arathi are strongest with the Sacred Flame at their back. Let Great Kyron's Lamplighters patrol the dark. Use the light of the Sacred Flame as your main defense against the darkness. If you must go out, stay within the dawntowers[sic] illumination, or prepare some means of taking the Sacred Flame with you.

Beware the shadows.

The wildlife of Khaz Algar is hostile and dangerous, more so during Beledar's Shadow. The light of Beledar does not reach beneath waterways, the Undersea, or caves which thus contain the most dangerous of wildlife and enemy combatants. Do not put others at risk by antagonizing these creatures or falling into their traps.

The Darkness comes, we are prepared.

Things will go wrong, so make contingency plans. Make more than one. If your home is breached or surrounded, have an escape route. Prepare hiding places around the farm and towns. Maintain caches of supplies and weapons in each location. Work with your neighbors to practice and coordinate enacting these contingencies.

Find joy in the Flame's light.

A person can only shoulder so much hardship. When time and safety permits, remember to make time for the pleasures of life. Find comfort with your spouse, joy with your family, and fellowship with your community. This is a holy land under the light of Beledar, a revelation of the Sacred Flame. We fight to protect this land. Take comfort in its blessings.

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