Warlock quests
These warlock quests are specific to warlocks.
Exile's Reach
- [1-10] A Warlock's Bargain
Level 8: Shadowfang Keep
These quests are available once the warlock reaches level 8 and require the warlock to visit Shadowfang Keep:
- [8-30] A Message From Evelyn Thorn
- [8-30D] A Boon for the Powerful
- [8-30] Kazak's Behest
- [8-30D] Token of Power
Level 20: Blackrock Depths
These quests become available once the warlock reaches level 20 and require the warlock to visit Blackrock Depths:
- [20-30] Meet with Evelyn Thorn
- [20-30D] Stones of Binding
- [20-30] Meet with Kazak Darkscream
- [20-30D] Stones of Binding
Level 20: Summon Sayaad
A simple quest to learn [Summon Sayaad].
This quest was removed in Patch 10.1.5 due to a rework of warlock's demon customization.
- [20-70] Whatever You Sayaad
Level 30: Ahn'Qiraj
There are a series of quests to get epic warlock armor sets. They are seldom done anymore because Outland items are superior and easier to obtain.
The Implements of Unspoken Names are obtained from Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj quests and require Cenarion Circle reputation:
- [30R] Shroud of Unspoken Names
- [30R] Kris of Unspoken Names
- [30R] Ring of Unspoken Names
The Doomcaller's Attire set is obtained from Temple of Ahn'Qiraj quests and requires Brood of Nozdormu reputation:
- [30R] Doomcaller's Circlet
- [30R] Doomcaller's Footwraps
- [30R] Doomcaller's Mantle
- [30R] Doomcaller's Robes
- [30R] Doomcaller's Trousers
Level 30: Madam Shadow and demon customization
A series of warlock-exclusive quests was added in patch 10.1.5. Completing the quest chain unlocks the ability to customize demons' appearances. Note that one of the appearances requires some digging around before a certain part of the questline - be prepared for a difficult fight!
- [30-70] A Dark Summons
- [30-70] Beginning Impositions
- [30-70] Some Wicked Things This Way Come
- [30-70] Hermetic Insurance
- [30-70] Those Who Hesitate
- [30-70] A Wolf Among Sheep
- [30-70] Curses & Cultists
- [30-70] Fel Suspicions
- [30-70] Last Rites By Accident
- [30-70] When Revenge Burns Green
- [30-70] A Lighter Shade of Fel
Level 35: A Tale of Six Masters
- Main article: Green Fire Quest Chain
A series of warlock-exclusive quests was added in patch 5.2.0 related to the Council of the Black Harvest:
- [35] An Unusual Tome
- [35] Reader for the Dead Tongue
- [35] A Tale of Six Masters
- [35] Seeking the Soulstones
- [35] Seek the Signal
- [35] Infiltrating the Black Temple
- Side: [35] Plunder the Black Temple
Legion Warlock campaign
Main campaign
- [10-45] The Sixth
- [10-45] The New Blood
- [10-45] The Tome of Blighted Implements
- Acquire the chosen artifact:
- Affliction ( [Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester])
- [10-45] Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester
- [10-45] Following the Curse
- [10-45] Disturbing the Past
- [10-45] To Point the Way
- [10-45] The Fate of Deadwind
- [10-45] The Dark Riders
- [10-45] The Power Possessed
- Demonology ( [Skull of the Man'ari])
- [10-45] Ritual Reagents
- [10-45] Looking into the Darkness
- [10-45] Dark Whispers
- Destruction ( [Scepter of Sargeras])
- [10-45] Finding the Scepter
- [10-45] An Eye for a Scepter
- [10-45] Ritual Ruination
- Affliction ( [Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester])
- [10-45] The Heart of the Dreadscar
- [10-45] Rebuilding the Council
- [10-45] The Path of the Dreadscar
- [10-45] A Mutual Friend (optional)
- [10-45] Rise, Champions
- [10-45] Champion: Calydus
- [10-45] Champion: Ritssyn Flamescowl
- [10-45] Information at Any Cost
- [10-45] Recruiting The Troops
- [10-45] Troops in the Field
- [10-45] Tech It Up A Notch
- [10-45] Searching the Archives
- [10-45] An Unlikely Ally
- [10-45] Bloodstone Bandit
- [10-45] It Hungers for Blood
- [10-45] Testing a Theory
- [10-45] Debt Repaid
- [10-45] A Daring Rescue
- Complete both:
- [10-45] Champion: Jubeka Shadowbreaker
- [10-45] Champion: Zinnin Smythe
- [10-45] Empowering the Soul
- Side quest: [10-45] Recruiting More Troops
Level 45
- [45D] Black Rook Hold: An Unclaimed Soul
- [45] Soul Beacon
- [45] Mad Ernie the Alchemist
- [45] Herding Goats
- [45] Doom and Gloom
- [45] Borrowed Time
- Complete both:
- Complete all of:
- [45] One Who's Worthy
- [45D] Vault of the Wardens: Matters of the Heart
- [45] Let it Feed
- [45] Unparalleled Power
- [45] Finding Fizzlebang
- Complete both:
- [45] Coercing a Confession
- [45] Someone Else's Mess
- [45] Lulubelle on Loan
- [45] Champion: Lulubelle Fizzlebang
- [45] Summoning the Sisters
- [45] Selecting a Sixth & [45] Champion: Eredar Twins
- [45] A Hero's Weapon
Champions of Legionfall
- [45] Answers Unknown
- [45] Cult Culling & [45] Stealing the Source of Power
- [45] Expending Fel Energy
- [45] Informing the Council
- [45] To the Broken Shore
- [45] The Fate of Kanrethad
- [45] Crystal Containment
- [45] Champion: Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Class mount
- [45] Bloodbringer's Missive
- Complete all of:
- [45] If You Build It
- [45] Fel to the Core
- [45] Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire
- [45] The Minions of Hel'nurath
- [45] The Dreadlord's Calling
- [45] The Wrathsteed of Xoroth
The War Within
- [73-75] A Shadow Over Gundargaz
- [75-78] Prove One's Mettle
Classic quests
These quests were available to warlocks until their removal in various patches.
Level 1: Trainer introduction
- [3] Tainted Letter (Human)
- [3] Corruption
- [1] Tainted Memorandum (Gnome)
- [1-30] The Future of Gnomeregan (Cataclysm)
- [3] The Power of a Warlock
- [3] Tainted Parchment (Orc)
- [3] Corruption
- [3] Tainted Scroll (Undead)
- [3] Dark Deeds
- [1] Warlock Training (Blood Elf)
- [3] Corruption
- [3] Tainted Rune (Dwarf, Cataclysm)
- [1-10] The Basics: Hitting Things (Troll, Cataclysm)
- [1-30] Shady Associates (Worgen, Cataclysm)
- [3] Corruption
- [3] Corruption (Goblin, Cataclysm)
Level 4: Summon Imp
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Summon Imp] until their removal in patch 3.3.3.
- [4] The Stolen Tome
- [4] Beginnings
- [4] Vile Familiars
- [4] Vile Familiars
- [4] Piercing the Veil
- [4] Windows to the Source
Level 10: Summon Voidwalker
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Summon Voidwalker] at level 10 until their removal in patch 4.0.3a:
- [10] Gakin's Summons or [10] The Slaughtered Lamb
- [10] Surena Caledon
- [10] The Binding
- [10] Gan'rul's Summons or [10] Return to Gan'rul Bloodeye
- [11] Creature of the Void
- [11] The Binding
- [10] Halgar's Summons or [10] Return to Carendin Halgar
- [10] Creature of the Void
- [10] The Binding
- [10] Return to Talionia (breadcrumb from Undercity to Silvermoon City)
- [10] The Stone
- [10] The Rune of Summoning
Level 20: Summon Succubus
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Summon Succubus] at level 20 until their removal in patch 4.0.3a:
- [20] Gakin's Summons (optional)
- [20] Devourer of Souls
- [20] Heartswood
- [20] The Binding
- [20] Devourer of Souls
- [20] Blind Cazul
- [20] News of Dogran
- [20] News of Dogran
- [20] Ken'zigla's Draught
- [20] Dogran's Captivity
- [20] Love's Gift
- [20] The Binding
- [20] Carendin Summons
- [20] Devourer of Souls
- [20] Hearts of the Pure
- [20] The Binding
Level 20: Summon Incubus
Added in later Classic releases, thess quests teach the spell [Summon Incubus].
- [20] What Is Love?
- [20] The Binding
- [20] Hearts of the Lovers
- [20] The Binding
- [20] Love Hurts
- [20] Wish You Were Here
- [20] The Binding
Level 25: The Orb of Soran'ruk
The following quest rewarded an Uncommon-quality off-hand item or staff and required the warlock to enter Blackfathom Deeps and Shadowfang Keep until its removal in patch 4.0.3a.
- [25D] The Orb of Soran'ruk
Level 30: Summon Felhunter
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Summon Felhunter] at level 30 until their removal in patch 4.0.3a.
- [30] Seeking Strahad (Stormwind)
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] The Binding
- [30] Seeking Strahad (Orgrimmar) / [30] Seeking Strahad (Undercity)
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] Tome of the Cabal
- [30] The Binding
Level 30: A Noble Brew
The first two quests of this level 30 Alliance-only questline are not warlock-exclusive but the final quest is. These quests were removed in patch 4.0.3a.
- [30] A Noble Brew
- [30] A Noble Brew
- [30] You Have Served Us Well
Levels 31-38: Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
The following quest chain rewarded a Rare-quality chest item exclusive to warlocks and was removed in patch 4.0.3a.
- In Search of Menara Voidrender
- [31] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- [38] The Completed Robe
Levels 35-40: Orb of Orahil
The following quest chain rewarded either an Uncommon-quality staff or a Rare-quality off-hand item. The chain was removed in patch 4.0.3a.
- [35] Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil / [35] Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil or [35] Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil / [35] Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil
- [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil
- [40] Shard of an Infernal or [40] Shard of a Felhound
- [40G] Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil
- [40] Returning the Cleansed Orb
- [40] The Completed Orb of Noh'Orahil or [40] The Completed Orb of Dar'Orahil
Level 40: Summon Felsteed
The following quests were necessary to learn the mount spell [Summon Felsteed] at level 40 until the spell's level requirements were lowered in patch 2.4.3. Since then it was only possible to do the quest by not learning the spell from the trainer. The quests were removed in patch 4.0.3a.
Level 52: Impsy's Minion
The following quest rewarded a Rare quality staff, trinket, or chest item and was removed in patch 4.0.3a.
- [52] An Imp's Request or [52] Hot and Itchy
- [52] The Wrong Stuff
- [52D] Trolls of a Feather
Level 55: Summon Infernal
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Inferno] (Summons an Infernal at level 55 until their removal in patch 4.0.3a.
- [50] What Niby Commands
- [55] Flawless Fel Essence
- [55] Kroshius' Infernal Core
Level 60: Summon Doomguard
The following quests were necessary to learn the spell [Ritual of Doom] (summons a Doomguard at level 60 until their removal in patch 4.0.3a.
- [60] The Prison's Bindings
- [60] The Prison's Casing
- [60G] Suppression
Level 60: Summon Dreadsteed
The following quests were necessary to learn the epic mount spell [Dreadsteed] at level 60 until the mount became available from the trainer in patch 3.0.3. It was still possible to do the chain for the achievement [Dreadsteed of Xoroth].
There are two introductory questlines that must be completed to progress, one deals with gaining Xorothian Stardust:
- [58] Lord Banehollow
- [58] Ulathek the Traitor
- [60] Xorothian Stardust
The other introductory questline deals with gathering ink for the scroll:
- [58] Mor'zul Bloodbringer
- [58] Rage of Blood
- [58] Wildeyes
Once [58] Wildeyes has been completed, materials must be gathered:
- [60] Bell of Dethmoora, [60] Wheel of the Black March, and [60] Doomsday Candle
- [60] Arcanite
Once both [60] Xorothian Stardust and [58] Wildeyes are completed, the following quest becomes available:
- [60D] Imp Delivery
When all of the above quests are complete, the final quest becomes available:
- [60D] Dreadsteed of Xoroth
Level 60: Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
The quest started from the item [Harnessing Shadows] and rewarded the Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas (Warlock):
- [60D] Harnessing Shadows
Patch changes
- Patch 10.1.5 (2023-07-11): Madam Shadow's questline added. Quest for Summon Sayaad removed from retail.
- Patch 9.2.0 (2022-02-22): [Summon Sayaad] quests added to retail.
- Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Levels for most quests adjusted due to Level squish (Shadowfang Keep quests from 20 to 8, Blackrock Depths quests from 50 to 20, Pandaria quests from 90 to 35, Legion campaign from 98-110 to 10-45). New class quests added on Exile's Reach.
- Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Legion campaign extended.
- Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Legion campaign added. Trainer introduction quests removed.
- Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Warlock legendary questline added.
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Warlocks no longer require quests to learn to summon demons. All previous class quests have been removed. New class quests added for levels 20 and 50.
- Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Warlocks no longer require a quest to learn [Summon Imp]. The quests have been removed.
- Patch 3.0.3 (2008-11-04): [Dreadsteed] is purchasable from trainer and no longer requires questing. The questline is still there for those who want it.
- Patch 2.5.3 (2022-01-18): [Summon Incubus] quests added to Burning Crusade Classic
- Patch 2.4.3 (2008-07-15): Warlocks no longer require a quest to learn [Summon Felsteed]. The Felsteed is now obtainable at level 30 rather than 40. The quests are still obtainable if Summon Felsteed is still not learned by that point.
- Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Number of Arcanite Bars required for [60] Arcanite reduced to 1 from 3. Number of [Elixir of Shadow Power] required for [60] Bell of Dethmoora reduced from 10 to 2.
- Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): Number of Black Dragonscales required for [60] Doomsday Candle reduced from 35 to 3.1
- Patch 1.14.2 (2022-02-08): [Summon Incubus] quests added to Classic
- Patch 1.4.0 (2005-04-19): Questlines to learn the spells [Summon Infernal], [Summon Doomguard], and [Dreadsteed] added.