Halgar's Summons

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HordeHalgar's Summons
Start Ageron Kargal
End Carendin Halgar
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Warlock
Race IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Undead
Experience 210 EXP (or 1s 20c at max level)
Next H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Warlock [10] Creature of the Void


Speak with Carendin Halgar in the Undercity.


Ah, <name>! I just received word from Carendin Halgar that he would like to see you for further training.

You should be proud of yourself, <name>. It's not every day that Master Halgar personally sees fit to instruct a young warlock.

You'll be able to find him in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity, near the Temple of the Damned.


You will receive:

  • 210 XP (or 1s 20c at max level)


Good, I see Ageron managed to find you, <name>. Let us waste little time with small talk and pleasantries and focus on your training. There is still much you have to learn.


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