The Binding (Incubus, Stormwind)

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For other quests with the same name, see The Binding (disambiguation).
AllianceThe Binding
Start Gakin the Darkbinder
End Gakin the Darkbinder
Level 20 (Requires 20)
Category Warlock
Experience 1150
Rewards [Summon Incubus]
 [Small Soul Pouch]
Previous A Warlock [20] What Is Love?


Using the Wooden Figurine, summon and subdue an incubus, then return the Wooden Figurine to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Slaughtered Lamb.

  • Summoned Incubus slain
  • Wooden Figurine (provided)


The time has come. Take the figurine and descend into the crypts below. A summoning circle has been prepared, and you must place the figurine at its center.

Then the gateway will open, and the incubus will cross into our world.

A sayaad is not to be underestimated. The demon will not hesitate to attack when it realizes your ruse. You must draw upon all you have been taught to defeat it.

If you succeed, return to me and I shall bind the creature to your will. Fail, and your soul is forfeit.


You will learn:

You will also receive:


The incubus will try to lower your guard through beguilement and deception. The demon is adept at swaying the hearts of mortals.

Remember that anything it may offer you is false. To the demon, you are merely prey.


Not bad, <name>. Your have bested the fiend, and your will remains unbroken.

Many a warlock has believed themselves strong enough to bind a sayaad, only to become the demon's next meal instead. I am pleased to see you are not so foolish.

Watch closely, and I will teach you the invocation to call upon your newly bound incubus.


  1. A Warlock [20] What Is Love?
  2. A Warlock [20] The Binding

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