Crystal Containment

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NeutralCrystal Containment
Start Jubeka Shadowbreaker
End Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Warlock Campaign
Class Warlock Warlock
Experience 1,650
Rewards  [Council-Empowered Riftcrystal]
1g 94s
Previous N Warlock [45] The Fate of Kanrethad
Next N Warlock [45] Champion: Kanrethad Ebonlocke


Meet Jubeka Shadowbreaker in Dreadscar Rift.


Kanrethad will be safe in my care, but something must be done about these crystals that hold his fel magic.

If any should break, the energy inside would find its way back to our friend. I shouldn't need to tell you how devastating it would be if that were to happen.

I will gather the crystals and meet you back at Dreadscar Rift.


You will receive: 1g 94s
Inv jewelry talisman 15.png [Council-Empowered Riftcrystal]


The crystals will be safe here, with each of the council members watching over them.

Kanrethad is still recovering, but is well enough to speak.


  1. N Warlock [45] Answers Unknown
  2. N Warlock [45] Cult Culling & N Warlock [45] Stealing the Source of Power
  3. N Warlock [45] Expending Fel Energy
  4. N Warlock [45] Informing the Council
  5. N Warlock [45] To the Broken Shore
  6. N Warlock [45] The Fate of Kanrethad
  7. N Warlock [45] Crystal Containment
  8. N Warlock [45] Champion: Kanrethad Ebonlocke

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