Flawless Fel Essence

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NeutralFlawless Fel Essence
Start Impsy
End Impsy
Level 55 (Requires 50)
Category Warlock
Experience 5650
Previous N Warlock [50] What Niby Commands
Next N Warlock [55] Kroshius' Infernal Core

This is a warlock-only quest.


Impsy in Felwood has asked that you bring him three Flawless Fel Essences originating from three distinct locations.

The Legashi Satyrs of Azshara hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region. The Jaedenar Legionnaires of Jaedenar hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region. The Felguard Sentries of the Blasted Lands hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region.

Recover the Flawless Fel Essences and return to Impsy in Felwood.


If you're going to reanimate Kroshius, you're going to need Fel fire. I can make Fel fire but it's going to require some components.

You need to bring me flawless Fel essences from three distinct regions of the world.

The Legashi Satyrs of Azshara will have the first essence type; the Jaedenar legionnaires of Jaedenar the second type and the felguard sentries of the Blasted Lands the third.

Bring me back one of each essence type and I will create the Fel fire, allowing you to reanimate Kroshius.


You will receive:


Don't tell anyone this but Niby is daft.


Give me a minute and I'll combine the essences into Fel fire.


The fel essence of Jaedenar is closest to Impsy. It is dropped by the Jaedenar Legionnaires deep within the Shadow Hold.

The essence from Azshara can be found on the satyrs in the Legash Encampment on the northern peninsula.

The essence from the Blasted Lands drops from Felguard Sentries, who patrol the crater around the Dark Portal. The sentries are level 54-55, and each has a Felhound pet, so this may be a good one to save for last.


  1. N Warlock [50] What Niby Commands
  2. N Warlock [55] Flawless Fel Essence
  3. N Warlock [55] Kroshius' Infernal Core

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