Stealing the Source of Power

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NeutralStealing the Source of Power
Start Jubeka Shadowbreaker
End Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Warlock Campaign
Class Warlock Warlock
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N Warlock [45] Answers Unknown
Next N Warlock [45] Expending Fel Energy


Collect 5 Fel Crystals.


My prisoner is a chatty one, <name>. He tells me that the Cult of the Green Flame is harnessing fel energy to fuel their efforts of bringing Kanrethad back from banishment.

Within their compound they are powering fel crystals that can hold a great amount of fel magic. Without the proper power to perform their ritual, the occultists will have a tough time succeeding in their task.

Steal their fel crystals, but don't destroy them. We can always find a use for something so powerful.


You will receive: 19g 40s


Have you obtained the fel crystals?


Excellent work, as always, Netherlord. This should certainly buy us some time.



  1. N Warlock [45] Answers Unknown
  2. N Warlock [45] Cult Culling & N Warlock [45] Stealing the Source of Power
  3. N Warlock [45] Expending Fel Energy
  4. N Warlock [45] Informing the Council
  5. N Warlock [45] To the Broken Shore
  6. N Warlock [45] The Fate of Kanrethad
  7. N Warlock [45] Crystal Containment
  8. N Warlock [45] Champion: Kanrethad Ebonlocke

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