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Utgarde Keep (instance)

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Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Keep loading screen.jpg
The Utgarde Keep loading graphic
Location Utgarde Keep, Howling Fjord
Race(s) VrykulVrykul Vrykul
End boss IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Ingvar the Plunderer
Level 10-30
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed
Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Keep (5)

Prince Keleseth
Skarvald and Dalronn
Ingvar the Plunderer

Utgarde Pinnacle (5)

Svala Sorrowgrave
Gortok Palehoof
Skadi the Ruthless
King Ymiron

The Utgarde Keep bosses

Utgarde Keep is the first of two wings in Utgarde Keep. It is designed as a 5-man instance for players level 70 to 72. It was the first instance available for play of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, being the only instance available for play at BlizzCon 2007 and the Leipzig Games Convention.

On heroic, it awards a total of approximately 2000 reputation with the Horde or Alliance Expedition, assuming you are not wearing a tabard to champion for another faction.

Adventure Guide

Utgarde Keep was long thought to be abandoned, a relic of a lost civilization among the central cliffs of the Howling Fjord. Yet in recent days someting has roused the fortress' slumbering residents, the vrykul.


Dragonflayer Pens · Furnace of Hate · Njorn Stair · Nidvar Stair · Reaver's Hall · Tyr's Terrace

Dungeon Denizens


Boss support

Friendly NPCs


Bosses Mobs NPCs
  • Furnace of Hate

Horde  Dark Ranger Marrah

  • Dragonflayer Pens
  • Utgarde Keep (first tunnel)
  • Njorn Stair
  • Nidvar Stair


Main article: Utgarde Keep loot



Neutral Utgarde Keep quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
This quest takes place in this zone A [10-30D] Fresh Legs Alliance  Scout Valory Wyrmskull Village, Howling Fjord
This quest takes place in this zone A [10-30D] Ears of the Lich King Alliance  Defender Mordun Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zoneThis quest is part of a chain H [10-30D] A Score to Settle Horde  High Executor Anselm Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord
This quest takes place in this zone A [10-30D] Disarmament Alliance  Defender Mordun Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zone H [10-30D] Disarmament Horde  Dark Ranger Marrah Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zone A [10-30D] Stealing Their Thunder Alliance  Defender Mordun Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zone H [10-30D] Ingvar Must Die! Horde  Dark Ranger Marrah Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zone A [71D] Into Utgarde! Alliance  Defender Mordun Utgarde Keep
This quest takes place in this zone N [80H] Proof of Demise: Ingvar the Plunderer Neutral  Archmage Lan'dalock Dalaran



Patch changes

External links