User:Ylc0304/Lìlìan/002/Troll Tribes & Alliances

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Troll Tribes & Alliances

Amani Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Tregla Tor'Watha, Eversong Woods Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Spearcrafter Otembe Tor'Watha, Eversong Woods Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Chieftain Zul'Marosh Zeb'Watha, Eversong Woods Hostile
IconSmall Akil'zon.gif Akil'zon Northwestern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Nalorakk.gif Nalorakk Southwestern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Jan'alai.gif Jan'alai Southern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Halazzi.gifIconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Halazzi Northern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Lynx.gif Spirit of the Lynx Northern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Alyson Antille Malacrass' Chamber, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Wraith.gif Darkheart Malacrass' Chamber, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Hex Lord Malacrass Malacrass' Chamber, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Daakara Eastern Altar, Zul'Aman Hostile
IconSmall Kazra'jin.gif Kazra'jin Lightning Promenade, Throne of Thunder Hostile

Mossflayer Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall DireTroll.gif Zaeldarr the Outcast The Undercroft, Eastern Plaguelands Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Warlord Thresh'jin Zul'Mashar, Eastern Plaguelands Hostile

Vilebranch Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Mith'rethis the Enchanter Jintha'Alor, The Hinterlands Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Morta'gya the Keeper Jintha'Alor, The Hinterlands Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Retherokk the Berserker The Altar of Zul, The Hinterlands Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Qiaga the Keeper The Altar of Zul, The Hinterlands Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Zul'arek Hatefowler Bogen's Ledge, The Hinterlands Hostile

Drakkari Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Warlord Zim'bo Zim'bo's Hideout, Grizzly Hills Hostile
IconSmall Serpent.gif Tecahuna Drakil'jin Ruins, Grizzly Hills Hostile
IconSmall Devilsaur.gif King Dred Raptor Pens, Drak'Tharon Keep Hostile
IconSmall Slith.gif Prophet of Sseratus Altar of Sseratus, Zul'Drak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Prophet of Rhunok Drak'Mabwa, Zul'Drak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Rhunok's Tormentor Altar of Rhunok, Zul'Drak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Yara Zol'Maz Stronghold, Zul'Drak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Tiri Zol'Maz Stronghold, Zul'Drak Hostile
IconSmall Slith.gif Slad'ran Den of Sseratus, Gundrak Hostile
IconSmall DrakkariGolem.gif Drakkari Colossus Tomb of the Ancients, Gundrak Hostile
IconSmall Water.gif Drakkari Elemental Tomb of the Ancients, Gundrak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gifIconSmall Mammoth.gif Moorabi Cave of Mam'toth, Gundrak Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Gal'darah Ritual Chamber of Akali, Gundrak Hostile
IconSmall DireTroll.gif God-Hulk Ramuk Conqueror's Terrace, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Malakk.gif Frost King Malakk Lightning Promenade, Throne of Thunder Hostile

Frostmane Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Grik'nir the Cold Coldridge Valley, Dun Morogh Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Vejrek Frostmane Hold, Dun Morogh Hostile
IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Bonechiller Barafu Shimmer Ridge, Dun Morogh Hostile
IconSmall UnboundWater.gif Farastu Shimmer Ridge, Dun Morogh Hostile

Winterax Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall DireTroll.gif Korrak the Bloodrager Amphitheater of Anguish, Zul'Drak Hostile

Farraki Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Sul.gif Sul the Sandcrawler Lightning Promenade, Throne of Thunder Hostile

Sandfury Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Zerillis The Junction, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Theka the Martyr Scarab Site, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Antu'sul Sul'lithuz Site, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Witch Doctor Zum'rah Mummy Site, Zul'Farrak Friendly
IconSmall SandTroll Female.gif Hydromancer Velratha Gahz'rilla's Pool, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall Hydra.gif Gahz'rilla Gahz'rilla's Pool, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Sandfury Executioner Pyramid's Top, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall UndeadTroll Male.gif Nekrum Gutchewer Pyramid's Front, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz Pyramid's Front, Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Chief Ukorz Sandscalp Chief's 'Room', Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Ruuzlu Chief's 'Room', Zul'Farrak Hostile
IconSmall DireTroll.gif Zumonga Gadgetzan, Tanaris Hostile
IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Jin'Zallah the Sandbringer Sandsorrow Watch, Tanaris Hostile

Gurubashi Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Panther.gif Mauti Mauti's Lair, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Venomancer T'Kulu Between first Bridge and the Coil, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Slith.gif High Priest Venoxis The Coil, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall UndeadTroll Male.gif Bloodlord Mandokir Mandokir's Domain, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall SkeletalRaptor.gif Ohgan Mandokir's Domain, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall DireTroll.gif Mor'Lek the Dismantler Above The Coil, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Tiki.gif Tiki Lord Zim'wae Temple of Bethekk, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Troll Female.gif High Priestess Kilnara Temple of Bethekk, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Tigon Female.gif Avatar of Bethekk Temple of Bethekk, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Jin'do the Godbreaker Altar of the Blood God, Zul'Gurub Hostile
IconSmall Mar'li.gif High Priestess Mar'li Lightning Promenade, Throne of Thunder Hostile

Atal'ai Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Priestess Udum'bra Chamber of Blood, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Gomora the Bloodletter The Butchery, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Jammal'an the Prophet Hall of Bones, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
IconSmall UndeadTroll Male.gif Ogom the Wretched Lair of the Chosen, The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Hostile

Bloodscalp Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Gan'zulah Ruins of Zul'Kunda, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile

Hakkari Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall SkeletalWindSerpent.gif Avatar of Hakkar Sanctum of the Fallen God, The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Hostile

Skullsplitter Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Ana'thek the Cruel Ruins of Zul'Mamwe, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile

Zanzil's Forces

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Yenniku Ruins of Zul'Mamwe, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Zanzil The Devil's Terrace, Zul'Gurub Hostile

Mogu Empire

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif General Sho Lien South of Neverest Basecamp, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Yao Seeker's Point, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Yachi Seeker's Point, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Reclaimer Zuan Seeker's Point, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Imperial Antiquator Valley of Emperors, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Mogu Male.gif Spirit of Lao-Fe Tu Shen Burial Ground, Vale of Eternal Blossoms Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Xin the Weaponmaster Throne of Ancient Conquerors, Mogu'shan Palace Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Jade Guardian The Golden Hall, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Jasper Guardian The Golden Hall, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Amethyst Guardian The Golden Hall, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Mogu Male.gif Feng the Accursed Dais of Conquerors, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Qiang the Merciless The Repository, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Subetai the Swift The Repository, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Meng the Demented The Repository, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Zian of the Endless Shadow The Repository, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Mogu Male.gif Mogu'shan Engine Keeper Engine of Nalak'sha, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Terracotta.gif Qin-xi Forge of the Endless, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Terracotta.gif Jan-xi Forge of the Endless, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Cobalt Guardian The Golden Hall, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall DragonTurtle.gif Tortos Lair of Tortos, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Megaera.gif Venomous Head Forgotten Depths, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Megaera.gif Frozen Head Forgotten Depths, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Megaera.gif Flaming Head Forgotten Depths, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Ji-Kun.gif Ji-Kun Roost of Ji-Kun, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Durumu.gif Durumu the Forgotten Watcher's Sanctum, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Saurok.gif Primordius Saurok Creation Pit, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Ogron Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Jagaroth Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Auton Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Kroll Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Tetrap Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Xeron Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Unknown.gif Anima Orb Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall BloodGolem.gif Dark Animus Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Manchu Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Weisheng Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Ro'shak Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Iron Qon Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Quet'zal Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Dam'ren Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall LeiShen.gif Lei Shen Pinnacle of Storms, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Vian the Volatile Bizmo's Brawlpub, Deeprun Tram Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Drashig Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Megara Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Wirrn Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Malus Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Bandril Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ritualist Sirian Halls of Flesh-Shaping, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Jun-Wei Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Xiang-Lin Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Zu Yin Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile

Dojani Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Dojani Dominator Ruins of Dojan, Krasarang Wilds Hostile

Gormali Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Subjugator Gormal Camp Gormal, The Jade Forest Hostile

Gurthan Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Kuai the Brute The Crimson Assembly Hall, Mogu'shan Palace Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Mu'Shiba The Crimson Assembly Hall, Mogu'shan Palace Hostile

Harthak Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Ming the Cunning The Crimson Assembly Hall, Mogu'shan Palace Hostile

Kargesh Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Haiyan the Unstoppable The Crimson Assembly Hall, Mogu'shan Palace Hostile

Korjan Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Groundbreaker Brojai Ruins of Korja, Krasarang Wilds Hostile

Korune Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Mogujia Soul-Caller Mogujia, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile

Shan'ze Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Terracotta.gif Stonebound Colossus Seat of the Spirit-Waker, The Jade Forest Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Shan Jitong Seat of the Spirit-Waker, The Jade Forest Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Shan'ze Spymaster The Underbough, Townlong Steppes Hostile
IconSmall Terracotta.gif Hu'seng the Gatekeeper Stormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Shan Bu The Foot of Lei Shen, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall CloudSerpent.gif Nalak The Foot of Lei Shen, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Metal Lord Mono-Han The Thunder Forges, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Itoka The Thunder Forges, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Fleshcrafter Hoku The Thunder Forges, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Lu-Shero The Swollen Vault, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Female.gif Lu'lin Celestial Enclave, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Female.gif Suen Celestial Enclave, Throne of Thunder Hostile

Shao-Tien Mogu

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Zhao-Jin the Bloodletter Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms Hostile
IconSmall Quilen.gif Dagou Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms Hostile
IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Urgolax The Golden Stair, Vale of Eternal Blossoms Hostile
IconSmall Terracotta.gif Jade Colossus Guo-Lai Vault, Vale of Eternal Blossoms Hostile

Zandalari Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall ZandalarTroll Male.gif Nakk'rakas Tomb of Secrets, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall ZandalarTroll Male.gif Prophet Khar'zul Thunder's Call, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile
IconSmall ZandalarTroll Male.gif Gara'jal the Spiritbinder Emperor's Reach, Mogu'shan Vaults Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif War-God Al'chukla Up the Stairs at the Gate, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Captain Halu'kal Zandalari Ship, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Nurkala Shadewood Thicket, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Molthor Stormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Jin'rokh.gif Jin'rokh the Breaker Overgrown Statuary, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Stormbringer Draz'kil Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Direhorn.gif Horridon Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif War-God Jalak Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Hekima the Wise Shimmer Ridge, Dun Morogh Hostile

Blackmane Gnolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Gnoll.gif Captain Ripflesh Zouchin Strand, Kun-Lai Summit Hostile

Shaol'mara Trolls

Name Location Reaction
IconSmall Direhorn.gif Anki Shaol'mara, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Beastcaller Pakutesh Shaol'mara, Isle of Thunder Hostile
IconSmall Zandalari.gif Arcanital Mara'kah Shaol'mara, Isle of Thunder Hostile