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Rune magic

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For the death knight resource system, see rune (game resource).
Runes used by the Shadowmoon clan on Draenor.

Runic magic is a form of magic that employs runes, sigils, and symbols[1] that hold magical power. Runemasters are masters of the runes which they can use for a myriad of devastating effects.[2]

Warcraft I

WCOnH logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

The Warlock sect demands payment in precious metals for any services they may offer, as it is then converted into the mystic symbols used in their castings. Metal cages in which to place the subjects of the Warlocks' experiments must be constructed, as well as the ornate metal runes that need to be built into the stone floors for the Warlocks' spells of summoning.[3]

Warcraft II

WC2-BnetE-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness or its expansion Beyond the Dark Portal.

Main article: Ogre-Mage (Warcraft II)#Spells

The casting of ancient and powerful Runes enables the Ogre-Mage to lay an abstruse trap for those hapless enough to enter into it. When these Runes explode, they cause massive damage to anyone standing over them as well as all those in adjacent areas. Those who are diligent and watchful will catch a glimpse of the Rune as they approach it. The chaotic forces that make up this enchantment can not discern between ally or enemy and will kill a friend as surely as a foe. Heed these warnings well, as even staying near these Runes can be hazardous - for when the dwoemer dissolves, they explode as if their magiks had been triggered.[4]

Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

During the Third War, various runes were used to power up heroes of Azeroth.[5] They could be used to dispel magic, heal and restore mana, as a magical protection, but also to increase movement speed, ressurect dead allies, and summon watcher wards.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Dwarves paladin of the Silver Hand received a  [Consecrated Rune] from the paladin trainer Bromos Grummner during their formation.[6]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Runes are featured in the death knights' rune system and in the profession Inscription.

In Northrend, the iron dwarves are etched with runes of power, with lightning pulsing beneath their thick, metallic skin.[7] There are rumors that the vrykul practice rune magic of some kind.[8] The blue dragonflight covered their drakes in mysterious runes.[9] The necrolytes in the Maw of Neltharion would use necromantic runes to deposit the power they've drained from dead dragons.[10]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The ancient worshippers of Elune would use a runestone to summon a vortex of fire to destroy their enemies.[11] The Twilight's Hammer used runes to subjugate elementals in the Twilight Highlands.[12][13] The Scourge used runes to control Plague Disseminators in the Fungal Vale.[14]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

The mogu dropped Titan Runestones for N [90] Echoes of the Titans. Warlocks use runic symbols in their summoning circles, and the key to binding a wrathguard is to reduce the number of runic symbols used in the summoning circle.[15]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

In alternate Draenor, the Shadowmoon clan used runes for protecting the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds.[16] Shadowmoon runecarvers were responsible for the runes used by the clan,[17] which were inscribed on the flesh of the Shadowmoon clan in order to more clearly speak to their ancestors and the elements.[18] The Kirin Tor also seemed to use runes, as an incarceration rune was used on Garona.[19]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Igannok, one of the many runes of the Void Gods.

The Highborne used spell runes, and the scholars of Nar'thalas Academy in Azsuna were renowned for their knowledge on them.[20] The Bonespeakers use runes to subjugate living spirits and to control the dead.[21][22][23][24] The Legion used runes to corrupt the land with fel energy.[25] The Army of the Light use  [Lightbound Runestone] to transport their troops to distant worlds.

Several runes are elaborated on from books in Dalaran during the quest N [45] Dabbling in the Demonic:

  • Igannok is one of the many marks of the Void Gods, and using it is said to beckon their attention to you. While most practitioners would prefer to avoid the gaze of these beings, their attention can be beneficial when a great amount of void magic needs to be called on. Therefore, it is wise to use such marks only when the benefits outweigh the potential pitfalls.
  • Little is known about the rune called "Cyiq" other than the vast potential for corruption it holds. There is no known constructive use for this rune, and it should be avoided in all rituals.
  • There are various runes used by the Scourge to empower their death magic rituals. Of these, the most powerful is Taam - the mark of the lich. It is often used in the creation of aberrations and bone golems, but can be employed in many rituals requiring powerful death magics.
  • The rune Xiur can be used to augment many shadow rituals. It is a very powerful rune, and when utilized properly can assist in summoning powerful shadow entities. For reasons unknown, this rune has adverse reactions to arcane magic, and should not be used in rituals combining the two magic types.
  • The Dregla rune is often used in rituals that draw upon large amounts of fel energy, and is required for some kinds of demonic portals. By itself, however, it is incredibly unstable for non-demons, and needs to be balanced by arcane and death magics. When handling a ritual involving Dregla, it is wise to ensure that runes of these two types are present, to prevent catastrophic feedback.[26]
  • A very common rune used to empower arcane rituals is Talar. This versatile rune can be used in most incantations; however, it is rendered inert by void and corruption magics.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

The Drust and their offshoot the Thornspeakers use runes for empowerment, protection, and as tools.[27][28][29][30][31] The Tidesages use runes for controlling machines, and for protecting their ships into dangerous territory like Fate's End.[32][33] Additionally, a rune on the Abyssal Melody where Void-aligned Tidesages are corrupting the ship can be seen where Samuel Williams was turned into a k'thir by Brother Halsey.[34]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

The runic language employed throughout the Shadowlands can be traced back to the hands of the Primus. He devised a unique language of intricate symbols, each individually representing a specific word tied to the very foundations of Maldraxxus and the might of the five houses, from simple commands, to necromantic energy manipulation. One example are the runes found on the runeforged weaponry of Azerothian death knights. Their massive two-handed runeblades are emblazoned with words of power set in runes, each with translations such as "Razorice" and "Fallen Crusader".[35]

In order to imprison his brother, Zovaal, the Primus invented an even more potent runic language: Domination. Its sole purpose was to be the utter suppression of another.[36]

In the Shadowlands, Domination magic has been seen used for many things, such as creating a vessel, subjugating a spirit,[37][38] creating an item of great power,[39] warding.[40] Maldraxxus also uses runes for various purposes such as sealing entrances to important locations[41][42][43] or to perform necromantic rituals within the House of Rituals.[44] The Drust in Ardenweald continue using runes to control spirits[45] and protecting themselves.[46]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Shielding Pattern can be found in the Great Bulwarks.

A rune is an arcane symbol inscribed on a creature, surface, or object. Runes exist in groups called families, which are composed of ten runes. No runes ever require a verbal component. Inscribing a rune requires physical contact with the target.[47]

The Runic Art

Those who seek to understand and master runic power understand that the convergences of the ley lines are not the only important part of this power — the patterns formed by the lines themselves are important as well. These patterns, which resemble letters in a strange alphabet, are called runes. Each rune is a reflection of a pattern of energy lines somewhere in the world. Each such pattern creates a certain magical effect when energy flows in that specific formation, though in its natural occurrence, this effect is much too broad and scattered to have a meaningful impact.

Those who master runes, then, seek to duplicate those patterns in smaller forms; their runes manifest magical power that is arcane in nature, but purely benign and non-corrupting. They are manifestations of Azeroth's own unique flows of power, nothing more.

These secrets represent recent understandings of rune magic — until recently, it was believed that runes were simply symbols of power from ancient days. With the discovery of the ties between the form of runes and the patterns of natural power in the world, it is only a matter of time before more rune families are uncovered, extrapolated from other natural power sites.

Runes are organized into rune patterns, which are not actually separate runes. Instead, each rune pattern is a grand, complex rune that encompasses the individual designs of each rune within that pattern. Thus, the rune for a more complex spell actually includes the pattern of the less complex spell that precedes it in the rune pattern, which itself includes the pattern of the cantrip that begins that pattern. Essentially, each rune pattern is a larger and larger pattern, the center of which is the rune for the simplest rune, which is added to in greater degrees of complexity the higher up the tree one goes. [48]

Empowering a Rune

Empowering a rune means flooding it with arcane power, and the process is nearly identical to casting a spell. Runes are inert before their creator empowers them. Thus, rune magic is a two-part process: first the caster creates the rune, and then, immediately or some time later, he empowers it. All characters with this ability are called rune-casters (just as all characters able to cast spells are spellcasters). Note that the character empowering a rune does not have to be the same character who created the rune, but he does have to be aware of the rune’s existence and know the rune pattern.

While empowering a rune is akin to casting a spell, the two actions are very different. Where the normal arcane caster channels arcane power and shapes it through the use of gesture, word and material components, the runecaster simply shunts the energy into the pattern formed by the rune, serving as the channel between the energy and the rune.

This process defines the difference between runecasting and arcane spellcasting, and is the reason that the use of runes does not cause arcane corruption. The patterns of traditional arcane spellcasting are not natural — the energy of the world, which emanates from the Well of Eternity, does not flow into those patterns without the dominating will of the arcane caster to bend and spindle it into those shapes. This is an act of supreme hubris; the forcing of the world’s essential power to submit to the desires of the caster is the reason that other kinds of arcane casting cause corruption.

Rune-casting uses patterns that already exist in the world. Since these are naturally occurring patterns created by manifestations of the Well of Eternity’s power in the world, the rune-caster need not force the energy to obey him. It flows willingly into the patterns — these are the patterns that the energy itself created, duplicated on a smaller scale.[48]

Rune Patterns

Ancient lore groups runes into rune patterns. In reality, each pattern is the two-dimensional depiction of an intricate network of ley lines located somewhere in the world. These patterns are incredibly complex, made up as they are of many lines and curves. Runes are the written representation of the paths that the ley lines follow around and through geographical features in magically powerful sites.

A character learns new runes the same way other characters learn new spells, by paying another runecaster. However, rune-casters who seek out runic sites may meditate on the flows of power to gain new understanding.[49]

Runic Sites

The patterns that make up rune patterns are not simply arcane scribblings, each is the two-dimensional representation of a place in the world that some runecaster has had the opportunity to study. By discovering the precise layout of the ley lines in a place of power, the nature of that place can be recreated: The ley lines of a scorching desert rendered into a rune might create effects of burning destruction, while those of a deep swampland might perhaps create runes of rot or decay.

When a rune-caster is present at the site upon which a rune pattern is based, he is considered to be more skilled for the purpose of determining the effects of runes from the native pattern.[49]

Types of Runes

There are three kinds of runes: marks, glyphs and sigils. A mark is inscribed upon a creature, and each mark targets a single creature. A glyph is cast upon an object, and each glyph targets a single object. A sigil is placed upon an object or creature in order to create an effect in an area, with that object or creature at the center. Each sigil has an area that it affects.[48]


Marks are runes inscribed on a creature. The subject must be still, so marks cannot be inscribed on unwilling creatures, however a mark can be inscribed on any helpless creature. Marks generate their effects immediately upon completion. Some inscribes have the ability to delay mark activation or even to make a mark permanent.[50]


Glyphs are runes inscribed on an object. As with marks, a glyph can not be inscribed on an object in the possession of an unwilling creature. Glyphs activate immediately upon completion. Again, some inscribes are able to extend the life of a glyph or even to make one permanent.[50]


Sigils are runes inscribed on a surface that subsequently acts as the rune's trigger. The affected surface is always five-foot by five-foot area, and the first creature to enter the space with a sigil activates it, even if the creature is unaware of the sigil. Sigils last until triggered, dispelled or erased. The inscriber can choose to activate a sigil upon its completion as part of the final inscription process. An activated sigil always generates a thirty-foot-radius burst centered on the rune, affecting all creatures in its area.[50]

Crafting Runes

Because the power of rune magic is dependent upon the pattern of the rune itself, the one thing that all rune effects have in common is the necessity for the rune to physically exist in order for the magic to take effect. Every rune can be used in one of three ways: as a spontaneous rune, as a scribed rune, and as a permanent rune.[48]

Spontaneous Runes

Spontaneous runes are created when the rune-caster doesn’t have the time to properly scribe a rune on a surface (in combat, for instance). All rune-casters keep small pieces of wood or stone upon which they scribe the runes they know. These small plaques cost almost nothing to create, and most rune-casters create them in their spare time, storing them with their material components. When casting a rune, the rune-caster touches one of these runestones or runesticks to the target and channels the power through the rune. The rune fades from the runestone and appears on the target, appearing to be burned onto non-living objects or etched in glowing lines onto the flesh of creatures. While the quickest form of rune-making possible, spontaneous runes are also the most fragile. Casting a spontaneous rune, unlike other runes, is only a one-step process: Placing the rune on the target and empowering it occur at the same time.[51]

Scribed Runes

Scribed runes represent the preferred method of creating runes. Using a set of special paints, the runecaster can create a lasting rune. Because the rune exists upon the subject, none of the spell’s energy need be wasted in creating the rune, as is done with spontaneous runes. The benefit of a scribed rune is that it is more difficult to destroy and dispel than a spontaneous rune, and the range is usually longer. Placing a scribed rune upon the body of a creature requires that the creature be willing or helpless, while placing such a rune upon an object requires that the rune-caster handles the object. Scribed runes last for number of days depending on the skill of the caster, or until empowered. After the rune’s empowerment ends, the rune fades away.[52]

Permanent Runes

Permanent runes are runes that, once created, are nearly impossible to destroy, for their magic is such that even with the passage of time, the rune remains. Living flesh must be tattooed with the marks (though some orc runemasters are said to practice a form of ritual branding). Most nonliving material is etched with a ritual stylus or set of special chisels. The rune-caster must also place a small part of his own spirit into the rune. The benefit of a permanent rune is that it is more difficult to destroy than a spontaneous rune. Thus, when the magic empowering the rune fades (i.e., its duration expires), the rune still exists on the target, and the runecaster can empower it again. Placing a permanent rune upon the body of a creature requires that the creature be willing or helpless, while placing such a rune upon an object requires that the rune-caster handles the object.[52]

Detecting Runes

Perhaps the primary downfall of rune-casting lies in the fact that it is unsubtle. Objects, places and people marked with runes are obvious, for the runes are sprawling, complex patterns that appear to be inked, etched, tattooed or seared into the surface of the thing they affect. A rune may be concealed beneath something (such as clothing for runes upon creatures, or behind a tapestry for a rune etched into a wall), but if the rune is currently generating a magical effect, it gives itself away, for it glows with arcane energy.

When runes generate magical effects, they glow. The color depends upon the caster and the rune, but is often gold or silver. These runes are obviously magic and active. If the rune is concealed, a better look allows a creature to notice the glow or see the effects of the rune in the air around the target. An empowered rune sometimes creates a strange rippling effect, like heat off of stone in the middle of a desert. A detect magic spell reveals the presence of an empowered rune, though it does not reveal what specific effect is in place. It does grant a glimpse at the pattern of energy it forms, however, so that those who use detect magic may gain an idea of a rune’s pattern is.[52]

Destroying Runes

Because the scribed pattern of the rune provides the pattern for the power to flow, destroying a rune can destroy the magic it creates. However, it is the nature of such patterns to be self-preserving. so they are hard to destroy because the patterns are natural, and energy is easily pulled into them. As a result, the runes themselves are difficult to destroy.

A rune has a hardness, and a toughness equal to the runes power. A rune catches attacks in arcane streams of power, so attacking a rune deals no damage to the object or person upon which it is placed, unless the attack deals enough damage to destroy the rune (in which case the rune’s bearer takes the excess damage).

Spontaneous runes are easily destroyed in the fashion of other magic, through the use of dispel magic and similar spells. Additionally, destroying the rune itself dispels the effect.

Scribed and permanent runes are more difficult to destroy. The inks used to create them provide no great resistance until they are empowered, but once the rune is empowered, the inks regenerate for as long as the empowerment lasts. Additionally, in order to use a dispel magic or a similar ability on a scribed or permanent rune, the rune must be greatly damaged. A dispelling effect that is more powerful than the rune can dispel it without this restriction. If the rune’s magic is dispelled in such a fashion, the rune is destroyed.[53]


Note: In an interview about Dark Factions, Luke Johnson said that dark inscribers use runes to channel necromantic and/or demonic magic.[54]

Notes and trivia


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Symbol's effect

The effect of a rune might be determined by the symbol drawn. For example, the rune/symbol drawn on hearthstones (which teleports their users home) means home.[57] Prospector Belvar omitted the runes for "north" and "west" because he wasn't sure how they'd impact the stone giant he sought to control.[1]

Rune sets

Within the game, three sets of runes are used repeatedly:


Death runes
Warcraft III
Trading Card Game

See also


  1. ^ a b A [10-30] Mastering the Runes
  2. ^  [Runemaster's Pauldrons]
  3. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual
  4. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Ogre-Mage Spells
  5. ^
  6. ^ A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [3] Consecrated Rune
  7. ^ Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Features/Bestiary#Iron Dwarf
  8. ^ The Old Wizard's Almanac
  9. ^ N [10-30] Drake Hunt
  10. ^ N [15-30] The Best of Intentions
  11. ^ H [10-30] Rider on the Storm
  12. ^ N [30-35] Rune Ruination
  13. ^ N [30-35] Twilight Extermination
  14. ^ N [15-30] Postponing the Inevitable
  15. ^  [Jubeka's Journal]
  16. ^ A [10-40] Into Anguish
  17. ^ N [40 Daily] Dream of Argus: The Second Fragment
  18. ^  [Ceremonial Tattoo Needles]
  19. ^ N [100] Hunter: Hunted
  20. ^ N [45WQ] Midterm: Rune Aptitude
  21. ^ N [10-45] The Runes that Bind
  22. ^ N [10-45] Turn the Keys
  23. ^ N [10-45] Waking the Shieldmaiden
  24. ^ N [10-45] Breaking the Bonespeakers
  25. ^ N Inscription [10-45] Runes of Power
  26. ^ Legion Runes and How to Handle Them
  27. ^ A [50] Runic Resistance
  28. ^ A [50] Buried Power
  29. ^  [Ancient Runebound Tome]
  30. ^ A [20-60] Spell Bound
  31. ^ A [20-60] Those Who Remain
  32. ^ A [50] Opening the Way
  33. ^ A [30-60] The Rising Tide
  34. ^ A [30-60] From the Maw of Madness
  35. ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 118 - To do this, he devised a unique language of intricate symbols, each individually representing a specific word tied to the very foundations of Maldraxxus and the might of the five houses, from simple commands to necromantic energy manipulation. One example keenly relevant to our interests on Azeroth are the runes found on the weaponry of its champions, known as death knights. Their massive two-handed runeblades are emblazoned with words of power set in runes - each with quaint translations such as "Razorice" and "Fallen Crusader".
  36. ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 116, "[...] the Primus [...] was recently confirmed to be the devisor of the language of Domination - the very force used to bind the Jailer within the Maw"
  37. ^  [Bound Shadehound]
  38. ^ N [60W] Soulless Husks
  39. ^ N [60] The Final Pieces
  40. ^ N [60WG] Words of Warding
  41. ^ N [53-60] Repeat After Me
  42. ^ N [53-60] The Seat of the Primus
  43. ^ N [53-60] The Door to the Unknown
  44. ^ N [53-60] Entangling Web
  45. ^ N [60 Daily] Runestone Roundup
  46. ^ N [60] Their Last Line of Defense
  47. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 24-25
  48. ^ a b c d More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 41
  49. ^ a b More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 43
  50. ^ a b c Magic & Mayhem, pg. 25
  51. ^ More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 41-42
  52. ^ a b c More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 42
  53. ^ More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 42-43
  54. ^
  55. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 10
  56. ^ Of Blood and Honor, chapter 3 - "The expertly weighted hammer felt good in his hands. The holy runes etched in its head shone as brightly as they ever had."
  57. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, pg. 150 - 151 - He scowled at her, brushing a lock of blond hair off his face. "You're not old," he said. "And you've been keeping up with your diplomacy, too," she said, grinning. "But yes. It's called a hearthstone.""But the rune means 'home.'""Yes it does, but 'homestone' sounds so ugly. 'Hearthstone' is more musical."