Orcish Rune

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Orcish Rune
In Legion.

The Orcish Runes are runes in the orcish language that were written by Gul'dan as he journeyed into the Tomb of Sargeras during the Second War. Following the Third War, the night elf Maiev Shadowsong found them and was able to read them.[1]

The Tomb of Sargeras raid is peppered with these clickable runes that reset each week with every lockout. Only one player can click each rune. Upon clicking one, the rune transforms you into Gul'dan and lets you try to take down your allies. You can swipe at them with a scythe, you can hurl fireballs, and you can fire out a concentrated blast of heat, all variants of his abilities from the fight in the Nighthold. However, you retain your health pool. You are also neutral to all trash mobs, allowing free movement.


Clicking the rune gives you the debuff Achievement thenighthold guldan.png Curse of Gul'dan — Gul'dan's lingering essence clings to you.

  • Spell fire felpyroblast.png Liquid Helfire — Lobs a glob of flame at a location, inflicting 377 Fire damage to all creatures within 75 yards. Creatures further from the impact take less damage.
  • Spell fel elementaldevastation.png Fel Efflux — Pours out fell energy in a focused channel, inflicting 60 Fire damage every 0.5 sec to targets within the energy.
  • Ability creature felsunder.png Fel Scythe — Inflicts 756 Fire damage split evening among all creatures in a cone in front of the caster.


Patch changes


External links

Orcish Rune Gul'dan