Rider on the Storm

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HordeRider on the Storm
Start Ancient Vortex Runestone
End Cerelia
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 3150
Rewards  [Tranquility of Furien] or  [Nimblefinger Cloak] or  [Flashfire Collar]
Previous [Firestarter]


Use the Raging Vortex Gem at Nijel's Point Ruin. While commanding your firestorm, kill 40 Nijel's Point Defenders and burn 15 Nijel's Point Merchants. The location of Nijel's Point Ruins is the archway in front of Nijel's point, if you place mouse pointer on the arch it will say the name. There are no indicators that show up on your map.

Should you lose your Raging Vortex Gem, you may acquire another from the Ancient Vortex Runestone.


You cannot help but to feel a twinge of pride, having unlocked this long lost secret of the ancient worshippers of Elune.

You now possess the power to inflict great damage upon your enemy.

As it was Furien's tireless work that made this possible, it only seems right that the weapon should be unleashed upon those who took his life.

The Alliance scum at Nijel's Point shall pay for their offenses against the Horde!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc orb 01.png [Tranquility of Furien] Inv misc cape 14.png [Nimblefinger Cloak]
Inv jewelry amulet 05.png [Flashfire Collar]

You will also receive:


Very impressive, <class>.

You completed Furien's work and rained vengeance down upon his killers.

You have brought peace to my brother's soul, and to my mind. Please accept this gift for your diligence.


  1. H [10-30] Warchief's Command: Desolace! or H [10-30] Nothing Left for You Here (optional breadcrumbs)
  2. H [10-30] My Time Has Passed
  3. H [10-30] Avenge Furien!
  4. H [10-30] Translation
  5. H [10-30] Furien's Footsteps
  6. H [10-30] Nothing a Couple of Melons Won't Fix
  7. H [10-30] All Becoming Clearer
  8. H [10-30] Firestarter
  9. H [10-30] Rider on the Storm


The Nijel's Point Ruin is located just before the ramp leading up to Nijel's Point.

Patch changes

External links