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Fungal Folly

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Fungal Folly
Location Boskroot Basin, Isle of Dorn [52.32, 66.06]
End boss Spinshroom
Instance info
Type Delve
Level 70-80
Min ilvl 400 (Tier 1-2)
525 (Tier 3+)
Player limit 1-5

Fungal Folly is a delve located in Boskroot Basin on the Isle of Dorn.


Fungal Folly has three story variants: Lost Miners, Explorer's Competition and Spreading Decay.

Lost Miners

Stage 1

  • Speak to Benston

Upon entering:

Brann Bronzebeard says: You're saying all your colleagues got captured by fungarians?
Stoneguard Benston says: Every last one. And I'm unable to execute a rescue mission myself.

Talk to Stoneguard Benston:

My unit and I have been trying to scout for new sources of ore ever since this quarry was overrun by fungarians.

However, today we were overwhelmed. I alone escaped.

Can you locate my subordinates and recover them? The treasure located below is yours if you can get through those creatures.

Gossip (Quest) I'll dive into this cavern and get your friends back.

Stoneguard Benston says: Jump down this pit to find my subordinates. There's plenty of water at the bottom to cushion the fall.
Stoneguard Benston says: I will remain here to assist any who escape.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Looks like we're jumping!

Stage 2

  • Scouts rescued (10)

When rescued they say:

  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: Thanks for the aid. Knew we couldn't rely on those Stormriders...
  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: These fungarians are everywhere! Someone has to stop them.
  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: We've been too lax if the fungarians have spread this far.
  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: They were starting to grow mushrooms on me. Ugh!
  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: I wonder if we'll ever retake this place.
  • Slightly Moldy Scout says: There's a pile of treasure deeper within if you can take down the large fungarian guarding it!

At the center of the cave there is a bunch of workers together, when you approach one of them says:

Lavpelm yells: Stay back, it's a trap!

When you defeat the first wave of fungarians:

Lavpelm yells: There's a lot more on the way. Be careful!

When at the last wave:

Lavpelm yells: You're almost through them!

When done:

Lavpelm says: I thought we'd never get out of here!

Stage 3

  • Spinshroom defeated

Start of combat:

Spinshroom says: MY cave! MY mold! You won't disturb!
We take this place. Earthen won't take back!
We use your corpse to get decay back!

After defeat:

The colony... will... spread...

Stage 4

  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after completing rewards. (optional)
Brann Bronzebeard says: Make sure to check the treasure for mold first. Better safe than sorry.

Back at the exit:

Stoneguard Benston says: Thank you for the aid. My subordinates and I are all returning home due to your efforts.

Explorer's Competition

Stage 1

  • Explorer's League challenges completed. (5)

Brann Bronzebeard says: You're here! Some members of the League are below. Up for a bit of a challenge?

Brann Bronzebeard says: We can get around by jumping on those big mushrooms.

Go around the cave and talk to the Algari Expedition members.


Greetings. Up for a bit of a challenge?

Normally I would set up some elaborate trap or puzzle, but today I'm looking to hone my combat skills. The last time I really got into a good scrap was back in Suramar.

Shall we?

Gossip (Quest) I accept your challenge!

Start of combat:

Patreux says: Have at it!

When defeated:

Patreux says: Fair play! Seems straight combat doesn't play to my strengths.
One Tusk

Good to see you! I must say, it's been quite the adventure ever since I joined the League.

Are you here to take part in our challenges? I've got one that will test your skills outside of combat.

Gossip (Quest) I'm ready to face whatever challenge you have. Gossip Please teach me how to fish.

One Tusk says: Behold the beauty of my portable ocean! I dare you to fish something out of it.
One Tusk says: Of course, if you don't know how to fish I'd be more than happy to teach you... for an honest price.

After fishing one fish:

One Tusk says: Ah, you've caught one. But can you catch two more? It takes courage to fish this rapid sea!

After fishing a second fish:

One Tusk says: You were lucky with that second one, but I doubt you can best the third!

After fishing a third fish:

One Tusk says: Hmph... You're good after all. Consider this my seal of approval until we next meet.

A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Kasthrik.

I have been aiding the League in expanding their minds. To see past illusions.

Will you be able to see through the walls of this world?

Gossip How did you join the Explorers' League?

I wished to see the rest of Azeroth after the Horde aided the sethrak in Vol'dun. Once the war settled, I boarded a ship to Orgrimmar. From there I wandered the Dragon Isles.

I encountered the Dragonscale Expedition. Their goals matched my own, and so I requested to join them. It has been quite the adventure so far. One day I'll return to Vol'dun with stories of everything I've seen.

Now then... are you prepared for my challenge?

Gossip (Quest) I'm up for your challenge!

Kasthrik says: I'll summon several mirror images that will perform some actions.
Kasthrik says: Defeat the image that perfectly matches the actions that I do!

If you fail:

Kasthrik says: Good try, but that wasn't it. Speak with me so you may try again.

If you take too long to pick:

Kasthrik says: I'll do the pattern again. Watch for the mirror image that copies all my moves, then attack it!

If you make the correct choice:

Kasthrik says: Fine work! I'll make my way out of here. I believe I've seen enough.
Twizzle Runabout

Hiya! I'm looking for someone to run a very specific experiment. I want to see how well you can run in circles!

Strange? Yes. Educational? Maybe. Enjoyable? It will be for me!

You'll have only a small amount of time to run in the EXACT pattern my circlectron will create.


Gossip (Quest) Run in a specific circle on a time limit? Sure. This isn't the weirdest thing I've done today.

Circle patterns appear on the ground, walk on them.

Twizzle Runabout says: Wow! You actually ran in a circle just for me. Thanks, bye bye!

Good to see you! These caverns are something else, aren't they?

I suppose you're here about the challenge. Well, I'm the last thing standing in the way of the ugly shroom up ahead.

See if you can defeat me to prove yourself worthy to face what's next!

Gossip (Quest) I accept your challenge!

Start of combat:

Bill says: Put up your dukes! Or your weapon of choice, I suppose.

When defeated:

Bill says: Good work! Think I'll have to work on my technique for next time.

Stage 2

  • Spinshroom defeated

Start of combat:

Spinshroom says: MY cave! MY mold! You won't disturb!
We take this place. Earthen won't take back!
We use your corpse to get decay back!

After defeat:

The colony... will... spread...

Stage 3

  • Treasure found
  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after collecting rewards. (optional)
Brann Bronzebeard says: Time for some dynamite! Stand back.

Brann destroys some cave rubble revealing treasure.

Spreading Decay

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Patch changes

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