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Nightfall Sanctum

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Nightfall Sanctum
Location Veneration Grounds, Hallowfall [34, 47]
Instance info
Type Delve
Level 70-80
Player limit 1-5

Nightfall Sanctum is a delve located at the Veneration Grounds in Hallowfall.


Nightfall Sanctum has three story variants: Dark Ritual, Kyron's Assault and Signal Noise. The quest N [70-80] Delver's Call: Nightfall Sanctum and N [70-80] Delves: Nightfall Sanctum leads to this delve.

Dark Ritual


Kyron's Assault


Signal Noise

Finish the job of slain lamplighters to rescue hostages from the Order of Night.

Stage 1


  • Signal Flare acquired

Use the signal flare to divert the airship artillery strikes that can happen around the delve.

Stage 2


  • Captives rescued (5)

When rescued the captives say:

  • Shadowed Captive says: They stole me away and tried to convince me that Renilash was inevitable!
  • Shadowed Captive says: I would've been safe from their magic if they hadn't taken my protective relics.
  • Shadowed Captive says: Where are my relics? They're the only thing I have left from my grandparents.
  • Shadowed Captive says: They snatched me and the relics I kept at home!
  • Shadowed Captive says: They're keeping all of our stolen relics up ahead. Get them back before they're corrupted!

Stage 3


  • Stolen Relics recovered (7)

Stage 4


Brann Bronzebeard says: There must be someone leading all of this. Let's put 'em down before getting the treasure!

Go to Speaker Davenruth who can be found at the airship on the top of the cave. Upon start of combat:

Speaker Davenruth says: Those relics are ours! The Arathi are OURS! You cannot stop Ranilash!

Upon slaying Speaker Davenruth, he summons a Reformed Fury:

Speaker Davenruth says: You cannot... stop... Ranilash... I won't let you!
Brann Bronzebeard says: Get ready! He's using the last of his life tae summon something!

Stage 5


  • Treasure found
  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after collecting rewards. (optional)
Brann Bronzebeard says: I've got some spare parachutes. Let's get out of here and get some treasure!

Patch changes

External links