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Skittering Breach

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Skittering Breach
Location Sanguine Grasps, Hallowfall [65, 61]
Instance info
Type Delve
Level 70-80
Player limit 1-5

The Skittering Breach is a delve located in the Sanguine Grasps in Hallowfall.


Skittering breach has three story variants: Old Rituals, Renilash Beckons and Shadow Realm. N [70-80] Delver's Call: The Skittering Breach leads to this delve.

Old Rituals

The lamplighters need help thwarting a nerubian ritual happening deep in a forbidden temple.

Stage 1


Brann Bronzebeard says: There you are! I was just talking with these "Lamplight lads" about the trouble brewing here.

Talk to Havrik:

The nerubians befouled the land with this temple long ago. It had seemed long abandoned when first it was discovered by the Lamplighters, but now the nerubians have retaken it to perform a dark ritual.

Given all the evils the nerubians have already wrought, we cannot allow this ritual to succeed. I beseech your aid.

Gossip (Delve) I'll go deeper in and stop the nerubian ritual.

Lamplighter Havrik Chayvn says: We'll hold the entrance here to make sure nothing gets through.
Lamplighter Davrak Chavyn says: Just watch yourselves out there.
Lamplighter Davrak Chavyn says: Dark things lurk below.
Lamplighter Havrik Chayvn says: Dark things lurk below.

Stage 2


  • Nerubian Ritualists defeated (3)
  • Nerubians defeated

Stage 3


  • Faceless Devotees slain
Brann Bronzebeard says: Let's push ahead! Looks like the nerubians are trying tae summon something gruesome into the temple.

Stage 4


Brann Bronzebeard says: Stay on your toes! That faceless one is still going.

Stage 5


  • Treasure found
  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after collecting rewards. (optional)
Lamplighter Davrak Chavyn says: Good work down here. We'll investigate the temple for any forbidden relics.
Lamplighter Havrik Chayvn says: And any clues about how the nerubians were able to take this temple so swiftly.
Lamplighter Davrak Chavyn says: Foretells something darker...
Lamplighter Havrik Chayvn says: Foretells something darker...

Renilash Beckons


Shadow Realm


Patch changes

External links