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Gender Female
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 70- 80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Algari Expedition, Dragonscale Expedition, Devoted
Location Fungal Folly
Status Alive

Kasthrik is a sethrak who appears in Fungal Folly. After the Horde aided the Devoted in Vol'dun she traveled to Orgrimmar. She then ventured to the Dragon Isles and joined the Dragonscale Expedition. She later ventured to Dorn as well with the rest of the expedition. She intends to one day return home to Vol'dun with stories of what she's seen.


Main article: Fungal Folly#Stage 1

A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Kasthrik.

I have been aiding the League in expanding their minds. To see past illusions.

Will you be able to see through the walls of this world?

Gossip How did you join the Explorers' League?

I wished to see the rest of Azeroth after the Horde aided the sethrak in Vol'dun. Once the war settled, I boarded a ship to Orgrimmar. From there I wandered the Dragon Isles.

I encountered the Dragonscale Expedition. Their goals matched my own, and so I requested to join them. It has been quite the adventure so far. One day I'll return to Vol'dun with stories of everything I've seen.

Now then... are you prepared for my challenge?

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