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Spiral Weave

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Spiral Weave
Location Siegehold, Azj-Kahet [46.5, 25.4]
Instance info
Type Delve
Level 70-80
Player limit 1-5

The Spiral Weave is a delve located at the Siegehold in Azj-Kahet.



The Spiral Weave has three story variants: Tortured Hostages, From the Weaver with Love and Strange Disturbances.

Tortured Hostages

Captives from all over Azeroth have been brought to the Spiral Weave to be tortured.

Stage 1


  • Nerubian Groups slain (6)
Brann Bronzebeard says: Good tae see ye! The nerubians here are holding hostages snatched from Dalaran.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Let's cause some chaos to draw 'em out, then save the folks deeper within.

Stage 2


  • Webbed Hostages rescued (7)
Brann Bronzebeard says: That'll do it! Let's push ahead and save those hostages.

Go around the Spiral Weave and free the webbed hostages.

  • Webbed Hostage says: Thank you! How long have I been down here for?
  • Webbed Hostage says: I was crawling out of the Dalaran wreckage when they kidnapped me!
  • Webbed Hostage says: Please get everyone out of here. They want to torture us!
  • Webbed Hostage says: You're my hero!
  • Webbed Hostage says: I think I'm just going to explore a nice bed for a year or two after this.
  • Webbed Hostage says: What is this place?
  • Webbed Hostage says: Their leader is up ahead. Take them down for us!

Stage 3


Stage 4


  • Treasure found
  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after collecting rewards (optional)

Patch changes

External links