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The Cinderwold

The Cinderwold[73, 38] (once known as the Cindercreg) is an elite area in the eastern part of the Isle of Dorn. This ironwood forest is primarily inhabited by cinderbees, though storm wolves can be found here as well. The Ironwold lies to the west and the Cinderbrew Meadery lies to the east.

The world quest N [80WQ] Special Assignment: Cinderbee Surge takes place here.


When the earthen first surveyed the Isle of Dorn's eastern quadrant, it was largely barren. Subterranean magma lakes elevated the ground's temperature too much for plantlife, and the cinderbees rarely surfaced from their miles-long complexes of tunnels. The earthen dubbed it the Cindercreg. They considered ways to use the heat for their directives. The first major plan, drafted by Thermalseer Wenbrandt and Overseer Kriegval, involved tapping into the local magma vents by building thermal towers, which would power an ore refinery. This would necessitate cooling the surface and dealing with the violently territorial cinderbees. Some suggested flooding the cinderbees' underground hives, while others expressed that they'd rather coexist with the bees and find ways to use them for energy.[1]

Other cooling solutions were tested, and an experiment with the thermal-conductive properties of ironwood trees held promising results. Substrate temperatures dropped quickly after nearby streams were restructured and several ironwood trees were transplanted into the area. The thermal tower project was halted in favor of observing the trees' effects on the Cindercreg. The earthen hoped that the cooled surface would also cool the cinderbees' fiery nature. In time, the trees became a mighty forest, leading the earthen to give the Cindercreg a new name: The Cinderwold.[1]

Sometime between then and the modern day, the cinderbees began living above-ground. The Unbound have something of a working relationship with them; though the bees are still volatile, the earthen are able to harvest their fire honey without provocation.[1]

After the destruction of Dalaran by Xal'atath, the earthen received help from adventurers in harvesting fire honey from the Cinderwold, and they found living honey running amok.[2][3] After the Quickwick kobolds joined with the earthen of the Ringing Deeps, Janky came to the Cinderwold to find fire beeswax[4] to make candles.[5] Janky and adventurers also worked on cleansing the fire bees of their infestation from mites with smoke[6] as well as killing the biggest mite that was devouring the bees.[7] They also made sure to deliver fire pollen to the hives to keep them healthy so that Janky could come back for more wax later.[8]



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