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Mycomancer Cavern

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Mycomancer Cavern
Location Growling Hollow, Hallowfall [70, 30]
Instance info
Type Delve
Level 70-80
Player limit 1-5

Mycomancer Cavern is a delve located in the Growling Hollow in Hallowfall.


The quest N [70-80] Delver's Call: Mycomancer Cavern leads to this delve. Mycomancer Cavern has three story variants: Missing Pigs, The Great Scavenger Hunt and Mushroom Morsel.

Missing Pigs


The Great Scavenger Hunt


Mushroom Morsel

Aliya Hillhelm needs help recovering a mushroom from a particularly nasty monster.

Stage 1


Aliya Hillhelm says: The beast is over there! Kill it and get the mushroom on its head. We need it for the harvest.

Aliya's gossip:

Ah, good to see you. And here I thought that I would have to do this all by myself!

Upon slaying Bogpiper:

Brann Bronzebeard says: There's the mushroom! Let's carve it up and find the treasure deeper within.

<This strange fungi undulates back and forth. It'll be best to grab it before it spreads any more spores in the area.>

Gossip (Delve) Delve

Brann Bronzebeard says: Eurgh! That... smells... awful...

Stage 2


  • Talk to Alekk
  • You black out for a moment, when you wake up things are different:
Alekk says: You're all awake now! Let's have a quick catch up. There's lots to do.
Magni? says: Champion! Good tae see ye.

Speak to Magni?:

Champion! Why are ye looking at me like I should be my brother, Brann?

Have ye hit yer head? It's me, Magni Bronzebeard. Speaker of Azeroth! You and I have got work to do to fix the wounds of Azeroth.

We'll get to it once we fix whatever problems are here, of course!

Gossip This can't be real. Where's Brann?

Brann? Why, he must be with the other explorers somewhere.

We should get moving, champion. I can hear the wounds of Azeroth crying out for aid.

Gossip Peer into the Heart of Azeroth you still hold on to. Surely it has an answer to what's going on.

<You peer into the Heart of Azeroth and feel as if you're being pulled into the very depths of existence itself. Everything seems to stop. The lights of the world as you know it seem to cease to be as you gaze deeper into the amulet.

In the darkness of the world one thing becomes clear...

It's time to go do another task that a dwarf encased in diamond claiming to be Magni is asking you to do.>

Gossip (Delve) Right. Magni. Let's go save Azeroth after we handle some mushrooms.

Go talk to Alekk:

The name is Alekk! Alekk the elekk. I've been stuck in this cave forever, and I need your help to get out.

First, I need to restore my power to help you get around. Let's get some elekk glyphs that are all around the water. We can work together to do it!

Gossip You can talk?

Of course I can talk. You talk, why can't I talk? Got more silly questions?

Gossip What do you plan to do when you get out of this cave?

Help save Azeroth, of course! Why, I'm one of its greatest champions. I've traveled the world and different planes of existence, but now I'm stuck in this cave. Can we get moving?

Gossip (Delve) This is definitely real, and I will of course help a talking pink elekk named Alekk.

Stage 3


  • Collected Fuel Glyphs (5)
Alekk says: Summon me to go water walking. Let's get all those glyphs so I can power up!

Stage 4


  • Justice dispensed upon Alekk's enemies
  • Particularly Bad Guy slain (4)
Alekk says: My power is overwhelming! Use my simulacrums to reach the higher parts of the cave and bring swift justice to my enemies.

Stage 5


  • Discuss the end with Alekk's final form
Alekk says: Excellent! Your reward awaits further in. I shall meet you there where you shall see my true form.

Surprised? My true form is that of an elekk.

Now that my enemies are slain and my power is returned, I shall depart this cave. I do not know what is out there, but I know I shall go with your name in my heart.

Goodbye, adventurer five.

Gossip (Delve) Goodbye, elekk ten. I'll always remember this.

Stage 6


  • Treasure found
  • Exit Delve with Leave-O-Bot after collecting rewards. (optional)
Alekk says: Hello? Adventurer?
Aliya Hillhelm says: You were saying a lot of weird things after you got hit with that mushroom gas.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Let's just get this treasure and never speak of what happened here again.

Patch changes

External links