Captain Exposition

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NeutralCaptain Exposition
Image of Captain Exposition
Gender Male
Race Human (Uncategorized)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Captain

Captain Exposition is a human who appears in various locations during alpha and beta testing. As his name suggests, his purpose is to inform players what happens in story cutscenes that have not yet been implemented in order to prevent them from feeling lost.




Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

N [58-60] The Fearstalker

Hey there! A cutscene is planned for this quest. Here's what you missed:

The Fearstalker and her forces set off the anima traps as they begin their assault. This lures the devourers to the town, eliminating her forces. A large worldeater attacks the Fearstalker. In the aftermath of this battle, she is weakened.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.


Exposition time!

The Ebon Scales (quest)

You, Azurathel, and Dervishian all cast [Disintegrate] at the massive proto-dragon, hitting it from behind.

From within the Siege Creche, dracthyr of the Ebon Scales watch. Their leader, Scalecommander Sarkareth, shouts the charge!

The Ebon Scales pour forth, unleashing breath attacks. The dragon falls to magic from all sides.

Meanwhile, Kurog Grimtotem turns from his ritual to witness the incoming forces. Ignoring the calls for vengeance by the other proto-dragons, Kurog states he has what he needs and they must not keep 'her' waiting.

N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Prize Inside

As Wrathion flies towards the vault, he is too late as Kurog and his Primalists break the seal using power harnessed from Stormsunder Crater earlier.

The doors fling open with wind and force as a form emerges:

Raszageth, the Storm-Eater.

Raszageth taunts Wrathion with the death his father, Neltharion, before she drives him away... violently. The Storm-Eater comes forth bringing the tempest!


N [68-70] A Message Most Dire

You hear as Kalecgos describes to the other aspects Razageth's attack and how her storm remains enveloped around Vakthros Tower.

The aspects are concerned that the Primalists may be already prowling within the city and need to be found and driven out.

Gossip <Continue>

N [68-70] Back to the Future

Chromie is able to return everyone to the future!

When you arrive, Nozdormu allows Eternus to go, since she helped.

Eternus states that the time of Murozond is nigh and leaves.

The timeline restored, the Bronze Oathstone is once more empowered!

Gossip <Continue>


Ahoy. Which cutscene would you like to know more about?

Gossip Kalecgos trying to reclaim the oathstone.

Kalecgos attempts to reclaim the oathstone, but it fails. The simulacrum of Sindragosa is reconstituted thanks the players. She tells Kal and the player that the oathstone cannot be reclaimed because the leylines throughout the zone have been thrown off balance.

Gossip Tuskarr funeral scene.

The tuskarr elder's funeral boat is pushed out to sea. After a pause, the shark loa engulfst the boat.
The tuskarr cheer and wave. Kal is surprised. Then he looks around to see the tuskarr celebrating the life of their passed elder as a family and community.
Kal realizes that he needs to help reunite the blue dragons so that they too can become a family again.

Gossip Kalecgos calling back the blue dragons.

Kalecgos uses the energy built up in the oathstone to send a call for the blue dragons to return to the Azure Archives.
Afterwards, Khadgar portals in to the archives. Raszageth, leader of the primalists, showed up to disrupt the Kirin Tor and is now attacking the tower to the north.

Gossip Vakthros finale.

Raszageth knocks the player and Kalecgos down. Vakthros gets depowered, but not destroyed.
She decides to finish off the weakened group, when suddenly an arcane barrier protects the crew.
Senego[sic] arrive with a group of blue dragons to help save the day. Raszageth departs.

Gossip Azure span finale.

Kalecgos properly reclaims the Azure Oathstone, and thus his true role as the dragon aspect. The remaining blue dragons look on.
Obsidian Throne

Thank you for playtesting the Waking Shores!

We hope you had fun, and look forward to hearing your feedback as we continue to improve this zone before release!

For the ducks,
The Waking Shore dev team

Gossip Ruby Oathstone empowered

With the return of Black Dragon eggs to the Life Pools, the Ruby Oathstone has been renewed.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Alexstrasza and Raszageth

Alexstrasza confronts Raszageth and is wounded.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Raszageth's arrival

Raszageth arrives to assault the Life Pools.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Alexstrasza talking about oathstones

Alexstrasza accepts the rescued egg and talks about the Oathstone.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Alexstrasza and Wrahtion

Wrahtion and Alexstrasza argue, and Wrahtion leaves.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Obsidian Oathstone empowered

Wrahtion and Sabellian restore the Obsidian Oathstone.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Sabellian's return

Sabellian's brood of black dragons return from Outland.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Obsidian Throne

Wrahtion and Sabellian argue over who should get to sit on the Obsidian Throne.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Sendrax spying on the primalists

A massive primalist proto-dragon drops off stolen red dragonflight eggs and orders the primalists to infuse them with elemental power.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.


We enter Loamm with Honeypelt and her wagon.

Her assistant Brynnsache runs through the town telling everyone Honeypelt is back.

We pass by the Ruler of the Niffin, who is speaking with Ebyssian & Emberthal

Deepflayer Nest


Sabellian & Wrathion, congratulate each other.

Fryrakk rises in the background.

Sabellian & Wrathion charge him recklessly.

Fyrakk blasts them back into the player, knocking every out.

Player is taken back to a series of caves by the Deepflayers.

Stuck in a crystal cage, a deepflayer approaches the immobilized player.

A Niffin takes out the deepflayer just in time.


Patch changes

See also

External links
