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Blackhand (tactics)

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For the alternate timeline's character's biography, see Blackhand (alternate universe) and Blackhand.
Image of Blackhand
Title <Warlord of the Blackrock>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crucible, Blackrock Foundry
Status Killable

Blackhand is the final boss of Blackrock Foundry in Gorgrond.

Adventure Guide

A ruthless tyrant and fierce warrior, Blackhand is a Warlord of the Blackrock clan, second only to Grommash in stature within the Iron Horde. Bathed in sweltering heat that few other mortal could withstand, Blackhand oversees the operations of his Foundry from atop its Crucible, wielding his smoldering slag hammer to forge weapons of peerless quality.


Upon reaching 70% and 30% health, Blackhand causes the floor beneath the players to give out, falling to a lower level of the tower and changing the environmental hazards that he brings to bear to destroy his foes.

Dps icon.png Damage Dealers

  • During the initial phase, stay far from Massive Demolition 's impact point, and take shelter behind Debris Piles if you are Marked for Death .
  • Once falling to the second level, defeat Siegemakers and Iron Soldiers.
  • On the third level, avoid being knocked off by Impaling Throw .

Healer icon.png Healers

  • During the initial phase, stay far from Massive Demolition 's impact point, and take shelter behind Debris Piles if you are Marked for Death .
  • Once falling to the second level, Iron Soldiers will fire at players, inflicting raid damage.
  • On the third level players hit with Impaling Throw and Slag Bombs require significant healing.

Tank icon.png Tanks

  • During the initial phase, Blackhand will knock his primary target into the Molten Slag.
  • On the second level, Iron Soldiers spawn on the balcony above and must be killed.
  • On the third level, Shattering Smash causes large Slag Craters that must be avoided.


Stage One: The Blackrock Forge

Blackhand pours Molten Slag into the moulding of the room, the slag slowly encoaches on players as the phase progresses.

  • Inv summerfest firespirit.png Molten Slag — The Molten Slag will destroy any Slag Bombs or Debris Piles it comes in contact with. Inflicts 9750 to 10250 Fire damage every 0.5 sec while standing in the Molten Slag. Damage from Molten Slag increases by 50% every 0.5 sec. Stacks.
  • Inv summerfest firespirit.png Demolition Important — Blackhand throws his hammer at the ceiling, causing Demolition and Massive Demolition to occur. Demolition inflicts 20000 Physical damage to all enemies within 12 yards. The damage inflicted is decreases the farther away an enemy is from the impact point.
    • Ability blackhand demolition.png Massive Demolition Deadly — Massive Demolition inflicts 300000 Physical damage to all enemies and creates a Debris Pile at the location. The damage is decreases the farther away an enemy is from the impact point.
      • Debris Pile — Debris Pile are created from the Massive Demolition. Debris Piles will be destroyed by Molten Slag or when an Impaling Throw impacts with it.
  • Ability blackhand marked4death.png Marked for Death Important — Blackhand marks a target for death. After 5 sec Blackhand will cast Impaling Throw at the target. Impaling Throw impacts the first object it hits. Marked targets move speed is increased by 30%.
    • Ability searingarrow.png Impaling Throw Deadly — Inflicts 195000 to 205000 Physical damage, ignoring armor and knocking the target back and causing Impaled, inflicting 50000 Physical damage every 3 sec for 45 sec. Impaling Throw impacts the first object it hits.
  • Ability blackhand slagbombs.png Throw Slag Bombs — Blackhand throws Slag Bombs at several nearby locations. Slag Bombs arm after 3 sec, a triggered Slag Bomb inflicts 146250 to 153750 Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of the bomb, applying Slagged. Slag Bombs will detonate on contact with Molten Slag.
    • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Slagged — Increases damage taken by 100% for 15 sec.
  • Ability smash.png Shattering Smash Tank Alert — The Shattering Smash inflicts 243750 to 256250 Physical damage split among all enemies within 5 yards, knocking the targets back clearing all threat and stunning them for 3 sec.

Stage Two: Storage Warehouse

Blackhand has stored deadly siege weaponry and calls in reinforcements on the balcony above.

  • Siegemaker Important — Siegemakers are called in periodically by Blackhand and Fixate on the nearest target and go into an Overdrive after casting Mortar.
    • Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult.png Mortar — Fires a Mortar that creates a Blaze that spreads.
    • Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult.png Overdrive — Increases Energy regeneration.
    • Inv misc armorkit 09.png Blackiron Plating — The Siegemaker's Blackiron Plating decreases damage taken by 90% per stack. Piercing the armor with an Impaling Throw or a Slag Bomb explosion will destroy the armor.
    • Ability vehicle demolisherram.png Battering Ram — Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Physical damage to enemies in a cone in front of the Tank, knocking enemies back.
  • Iron Soldier — Iron Soldiers reinforce the balcony at an increasing rate.
    • Inv ammo bullet 04.png Explosive Rounds Interruptible — Fires an Explosive Round at the target inflicting 24375 to 25625 Fire damage to enemies within 6 yards.
  • Ability blackhand marked4death.png Marked for Death Important — Blackhand marks a target for death. After 5 sec Blackhand will cast Impaling Throw at the target. Impaling Throw impacts the first object it hits. Marked targets move speed is increased by 30%.
    • Ability searingarrow.png Impaling Throw Deadly — Inflicts 195000 to 205000 Physical damage, ignoring armor and knocking the target back and causing Impaled, inflicting 50000 Physical damage every 3 sec for 45 sec. Impaling Throw impacts the first object it hits.
  • Ability blackhand slagbombs.png Throw Slag Bombs — Blackhand throws Slag Bombs at several nearby locations. Slag Bombs arm after 3 sec, a triggered Slag Bomb inflicts 146250 to 153750 Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of the bomb, applying Slagged. Slag Bombs will detonate on contact with a Siegemaker.
  • Ability smash.png Shattering Smash — The Shattering Smash inflicts 243750 to 256250 Physical damage split among all enemies within 6 yards, knocking the targets back clearing all threat and stunning them for 3 sec.

Stage Three: Iron Crucible

The Iron Crucible has hardened over after the Black Furnace was destroyed.

  • Ability rhyolith lavapool.png Overheated — Inflicts increasing Fire damage.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Slag Eruption — Causes all slag craters to erupt!
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Marked for Death Important — Blackhand marks a target for death. After 5 sec Blackhand will cast Impaling Throw at the target. While on the Iron Crucible Blackhand is empowered and Impaling Throw impacts all targets in a line.
    • Ability searingarrow.png Impaling Throw Deadly — Inflicts 97500 to 102500 Physical damage, ignoring armor and knocking the target back and causing Impaled, inflicting 50000 Physical damage every 3 sec for 30 sec. While on the Iron Crucible Blackhand is empowered and Impaling Throw impacts all targets in a line.
  • Ability blackhand attachedslagbombs.png Attach Slag Bombs — Blackhand throws Slag Bombs at several nearby enemies, attaching the bomb to the target. Slag Bombs arm after 3 sec, a triggered Slag Bomb inflicts 146250 to 153750 Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of the bomb, applying Slagged and creating a Slag Hole.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Massive Shattering Smash Deadly — The Massive Shattering Smash inflicts 411328 to 432422 Fire damage instantly and an additional 65812 to 69188 Fire damage every 1 split evenly among all targets within 6 yards, knocking the targets back and creating a Slag Crater.


Raid Finder Normal/Heroic/Mythic
Item Type Item Type
 [Blackhand Forgehammer] Strength two-hand mace Caster staff
 [Dagger of the Shattered Crucible] Caster dagger Strength two-hand mace
 [Spiked Foundry Collar] Agility necklace Agility one-hand mace
 [Deathmark Shoulderguards] Mail shoulders Cloth helmet
 [Forgestoker's Shoulderpads] Cloth shoulders Plate shoulders
 [Spaulders of Erupting Iron] Leather shoulders Mail chest
 [Spaulders of the Iron Crucible] Plate shoulders Leather leggings
 [Flamestoker Wraps] Cloth gloves Spirit trinket
 [Bomb-Carrier's Harness] Leather belt Stamina trinket
 [Ironshatter Legplates] Plate leggings Intellect trinket
 [Ram-Carrier's Treads] Mail boots Strength trinket
 [Storage House Key] Strength trinket Agility trinket
Quest item
Quest item
Quest item
 [Ironhoof Destroyer] Mount (Mythic only)
 [Blackhand's Severed Arm] Quest item



You? You're the dogs who have been wreaking havoc throughout my foundry? Step forward! I will put you in your place.
  • I will hang your broken bodies from the gates of this foundry!
  • You destroyed my furnace... Now, my furnace will destroy YOU.
  • Open the flumes! Flood the room with molten slag.
  • I'll burn you alive, even if I have to flood the whole foundry...
  • I'll bring this whole place down around your heads!
  • I'll tear this place apart if I have to!
Impaling Throw hits target
  • You're slow!
  • You are weak.
  • You should've ducked.
Impaling Throw misses target
  • Coward!
  • You hide like children!
  • Get out here and fight!
Phase 2
  • We will rebuild this place... but no one will be able to put YOU back together.
  • Everyone DOWN.
  • Bring in the Siegemaker.
  • Siege machines! Tear this place apart!
  • Machines, open fire! Destroy them at any cost!
Enhanced Siegemaker
  • This one should go out with a bang!
  • This one's packing a little extra heat.
  • This prototype has double armor plating!
  • The fastest machine in our arsenal!
Iron Soldier
  • Snipers! Gun them down.
  • Soldiers! Open fire!
  • Blackrock warriors - fire!
Phase 3
  • Burn - you will all BURN!
  • This foundry's molten heart will devour you!
Impaling Throw (Phase 3)
There's no place to hide, now.
Slag Eruption
  • Your bodies will fuel the flames!
  • The furnace will consume you!
  • The hotter the flame, the stronger the steel...
Massive Shattering Smash
  • This cauldron is your end.
  • Your time runs out.
  • This crucible is your molten grave.
Killing a player
  • Weak.
  • You have no discipline.
  • Our weapons are superior.
  • Pah! Dead.
  • That's all you can muster?
I will finish this myself!!
We are... the Warchief's weapon... Without us, he...





Patch changes

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