Mimiron (tactics)

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For his character biography, see Mimiron.
Image of Mimiron
Gender Male
Race Mechagnome (Mechanical)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Spark of Imagination, Ulduar
Status Defeatable

Mimiron is an encounter in the Ulduar dungeon. The LMS Mark II leads near his room. The fight consists of four phases, and is a rather healing intensive battle for survival. In each phase, Mimiron uses some vehicle or device. In Phase 1, he enters the Leviathan Mk II, in Phase 2 it's the VX-001, Phase 3 sports the Aerial Command Unit, and in Phase 4 he enters V-07-TR-0N, a composite vehicle consisting of all three previous types together. In each phase, the respective vehicle has to be destroyed, after a short interphase Mimiron enters the next one.

On normal mode, Mimiron has a 15 minute berserk timer.



A brilliant inventor, Mimiron has been responsible for several of the most advanced mechanisms on Azeroth. But ever since he was subjected to Loken's disturbed influence, this watcher of Ulduar has only constructed war machines.[1]

Adventure Guide

A brilliant innovator, Mimiron has crafted countless mechanisms throughout the history of Azeroth that have inspired awe and wonder. But since falling under Loken's disturbed influence, this watcher of Ulduar has only constructed machines of war and destruction.


Mimiron engages his enemies with inventions rather than directly in combat. The Leviathan MK II is a deadly vehicle that assaults the Tank with powerful attacks, the VX-001 which strikes enemies with rocket blasts and laser barrages, the Aerial Command Unit which engages enemies from the skies, and finally the V0-L7R-0N unit, which combines the might of all of his inventions.

Dps icon.png Damage Dealers

  • Avoid the Leviathan Mk II's Proximity Mines when fleeing from Shock Blast.
  • Be spread apart to avoid the Leviathan Mk II's Napalm Shell.
  • Rotate away from VX-001's P3Wx2 Laser Barrage ability.
  • Use the Magnetic Core dropped by the Assault Bot to ground the Aerial Command Unit.

Healer icon.png Healers

  • Be spread apart to avoid the Leviathan Mk II's Napalm Shell.
  • Prepare for heavy damage on the Tank when the Leviathan Mk II casts Plasma Blast.
  • Rotate away from VX-001's P3Wx2 Laser Barrage ability.

Tank icon.png Tanks

  • Prepare for heavy damage when the Leviathan Mk II casts Plasma Blast.
  • Rotate away from VX-001's P3Wx2 Laser Barrage ability.
  • Use the Magnetic Core dropped by the Assault Bot to ground the Aerial Command Unit.


Stage One: Leviathan Mk II

Leviathan MKII
  • Ability rogue distract.png Proximity Mines — Deals 12000 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Shock Blast Deadly — Deals 50000 Nature damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
  • Inv summerfest firespirit.png Napalm Shell Important — Fires a shell filled with napalm at a random enemy target. The shell explodes upon impact, dealing 7540 to 8460 Fire damage instantly and an additional 32000 over 8 sec. This effect attempts to target enemies over 15 yards away if possible.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Plasma Blast Tank Alert — A stream of plasma erupts from the cannon, dealing 17000 Spellfire damage per second for 6 sec. This effect cannot be resisted.

Stage Two: VX-001


When the Leviathan Mk II is defeated Mimiron will summon his VX-001 module.

  • Spell arcane starfire.png Rapid Burst — Unleashes a series of short plasma bursts towards a random enemy, dealing 1414 to 1586 Spellfire damage per burst for a total of 6 bursts over 3 sec.
  • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png P3Wx2 Laser Barrage Deadly — Spins up the dual cannons for 4 sec before unleashing a spray of lasers in a random direction, dealing 20000 Spellfire damage every 0.3 sec to all enemies caught inside. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Inv misc missilesmall red.png Rocket Strike — Launches a rocket towards a random enemy. Once the rocket reaches the destination, it deals 50000 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Spell fire sealoffire.png Heat Wave — Fires out a blast of heat, dealing 1885 to 2115 Fire damage instantly and an additional 10000 Fire damage over 5 sec to all enemies.

Stage Three: Aerial Command Unit

Aerial Command Unit

When VX-001 is defeated Mimiron will summon his Aerial Command Unit.

  • Aerial Command Unit
    • Spell arcane arcane04.png Plasma Ball — Builds up a ball of plasma and fires it at a target, dealing 9425 to 10575 Spellfire damage.
  • Assault Bot Important
    • Inv boots plate 05.png Magnetic Field Magic Effect — Projects a magnetic field towards the target, locking them in place. In addition, the target will take an extra 30% damage from all sources. Lasts 6 sec.
    • Magnetic Core — A Magnetic Core can be looted off of a defeated Assault Bot.
      • Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore.png Magnetic Core — Deploying this magnet under the Aerial Command Unit will temporarily bring it to the ground and disable it. While it remains disabled, it will take an additional 50% damage from all sources.
  • Bomb Bot Deadly — Detonate when they reach their target.
    • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Bomb Bot Deadly — Sacrifices the caster and deals 23563 to 26437 Fire damage to all enemies within 5 yards.
  • Junk Bot — Just junk.

Stage Four: V0-L7R-0N

V-07-TR-0N in Hearthstone.

When the Aerial Command Unit is defeated Mimiron will take his final form.

  • Ability rogue distract.png Proximity Mines — Deals 12000 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Shock Blast Deadly — Deals 50000 Nature damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
  • Spell arcane arcane03.png Hand Pulse — Fires a pulse of energy towards a random enemy, causing 4242 to 4758 Spellfire damage to all enemies in a cone facing the target enemy.
  • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png P3Wx2 Laser Barrage Deadly — Spins up the dual cannons for 4 sec before unleashing a spray of lasers in a random direction, dealing 20000 Spellfire damage every 0.3 sec to all enemies caught inside. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Inv misc missilesmall red.png Rocket Strike — Launches a rocket towards a random enemy. Once the rocket reaches the destination, it deals 50000 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Spell arcane arcane04.png Plasma Ball — Builds up a ball of plasma and fires it at a target, dealing 9425 to 10575 Spellfire damage.
  • Inv misc gear 01.png Self Repair Important — Heals the caster for 50% of their total health. This is an automatic process that is triggered when the caster reaches low health. If all three parts are destroyed before any can repair themselves, the repair process will be interrupted and the caster will be permanently destroyed.

Hard Mode


  • Inv misc enggizmos 27.png Emergency Mode — Activates a heightened response mode in emergency situations, increasing damage and health by 25%.
  • Spell fire fire.png Flames Important — Flames will periodically break out across the room! Flames inflict 4713 to 5287 Fire damage to enemies within 3 yards.
  • Stage One: Leviathan Mk II
    • Spell nature acid 01.png Flame Suppressant — Sprays Flame Suppressant into the air, coating the room and dousing all flames. In addition, any enemies affected will have their cast speed slowed by 50% for 8 sec.
  • Stage Two: VX-001
    • Spell frost frostshock.png Frost Bomb — After a short delay the Frost Bomb explodes, extinguishing any fire within 30 yards, but also dealing 47125 to 52875 Frost damage and knocking back any enemies caught within the blast.
  • Stage Three: Aerial Command Unit
    • Emergency Fire Bot
      • Inv misc enggizmos 16.png Deafening Siren — Silences all enemies within 10 yards of the caster.
      • Inv elemental primal water.png Water Spray — Shoots a powerful cone of water that douses any flames within 15 yards, and deals 18850 to 21150 Frost damage and knocks back any enemies caught in the spray.
  • Stage Four: V-07-TR-0N
    • Spell frost frostshock.png Frost Bomb — After a short delay the Frost Bomb explodes, extinguishing any fire within 30 yards, but also dealing 47125 to 52875 Frost damage and knocking back any enemies caught within the blast.


Phase 1: Leviathan MKII

Ranged should spread out around him just outside the circle of mines. Melee other than the tank should group up behind the MKII inside the circle of mines. He will cast plasma blast every 45 seconds. All healing should be on the tank unless someone is likely to die otherwise. Shock blast usually follows closely after plasma blast. The tank should run directly away from the front of the MKII and then reengage along the same vector after the blast, and hopefully face him the same direction.

Ranged DPS/Healers who are hit by Napalm Shell do not need to move after being hit. The flame effect is only graphical.

Healing on this phase is priority on the main tank, then people hit by Napalm Shell.

This phase requires a melee tank.

Phase 2: VX-001 Anti-personnel Assault Cannon

Ranged can stay at a distance from the boss and everyone should spread out equally around the mimiron, as soon as the mines have despawned (be careful - sometimes mines appear to despawn but are still active).

Rapid Burst does minimal damage compared to the other attacks, but that deals damage to all targets in front of VX-001. Rocket Strike causes a red target to appear on the ground. People must move out of this target within 3s or they die. Only one rocket is fired each time in Phase 2. As soon as the dps observes that the VX-001 casts Spinning Up, everyone must move behind it. Standing in front of P3Wx2 is instant death.

During the Laser Barrage melee should stand at the edge of the cannon's hit box as meleeing from the center can move you into the laser barrage.

Healing in this phase is mostly AoE.

This phase is untanked.

Phase 3: Aerial Command Unit

Everyone should move into one third of the room, as marked out by the lines on the floor. The Healers and ranged except for the ranged tank should be in the back middle as far away from the bot spawns as possible. A warrior can use [Spell Reflection] on the Plasma Balls throughout the phase and maintain good threat which will endure into phase 4. This avoids most of the damage from the Plasma Balls and allows proper allocation of a DPS class. The ranged tank needs to immediately pick up the boss. The melee tank(s) should start picking up the smaller bots that start spawning around the room, staying away from and killing the Bomb Bots that the Aerial Command Unit drops. He can be seen casting "Bomb Bots' when he drops a single bomb bot to the floor below, it will then chase a random player until killed or meeting with that player and exploding. Bomb bots can be slowed. The following macro can be used by DPS, Healers and even Tanks with instant ranged attacks to ease the burden of bomb bots. With the raid as a whole using it bomb bots can be destroyed easily before they reach the raid.

/cast [target=Bomb] [Instant Ranged Ability]

Alternatively a plate DPS can stand under the Command Unit and taunt the Bomb Bot as it lands. The bot will move to them and explode. This damage is easily sustainable (25 man) with fire resistance and healers aware of when the bot is incoming. The rest of the raid should stand back from this bomb soak with melee moving in when the Command Unit is grounded. Be aware that if you move in while not on full health you may be caught in the blast of the last bomb dropped before grounding so hold on for a heal before moving in to DPS. No bombs will be dropped during the ground phase. This approach will allow more predictable healing of bomb damage and save DPS time trying to kill it (as it will kill itself).

The Deadly Boss Mods addon is very useful during this phase. It will automatically change the loot setting to Free For All during this phase and will return it to its previous setting at the end of the phase. This is so electromagnets can be picked up by melee. They drop off the Assault Bots. Once picked up, this item should be used underneath the Aerial Command.

Melee dps should be focusing on the small bots until he is pulled down by the electromagnet. At that point all dps should be on the Aerial Command Unit. Ranged dps should be on the bombs that spawn under the Aerial Command Unit and on the Aerial Command Unit otherwise.

Healing on this phase is focused on the range tank and melee tank(s).

This phase is range-tanked.

Phase 4: V-07-TR-0N

Each of the previous phase's targets have their own health pool and can be targeted separately. All three targetable sections begin this phase at 50% health, and all sections need to die within 10 seconds. If not, the parts will not die and respawn soon after.

The raid assignments are as follows: the main tank needs to pick up the MKII the same as in Phase 1. The ranged tank needs to pick up the Aerial Command Unit the same as in Phase 3. From what we could tell, there is no threat reset between the phases. The VX-001 remains untanked. Note that compared to the previous VX-001 middle phase, it is essential that during P3W the tank moves away and circles back behind the VX-001, just like all other raiders. This is because of cooldown timers, which make the first and third shock blasts happen soon after the P3Wx2 attack from the middle section (as of the current(When?) live realms). The P3Wx2 seems to start to the side of where the MKII is facing.

Healing should be split up between the Leviathan's damage on the melee tank, the Aerial Command Unit's damage to the ranged tank, and the raid damage done by the VX-001. Some abilities from the previous phases are stopped, as the Leviathan base will no longer Plasma Blast the melee tank nor Napalm the raid; and the VX-001 middle will no longer Heat Wave the raid.

The rest of the raid should stand either directly behind or directly in front of the main tank. Ranged should be outside the land mines, Melee should be inside. 2 Rockets spawn at a time during this phase and must be dodged, as they will still one shot kill anyone they hit. DPS should be split up between the 3 sections to ensure they are destroyed simultaneously and avoid repair – note that melee cannot reach the aerial command unit.



The Firefighter Hard Mode is initiated by pressing the Big Red Button. This will dramatically change the encounter. All of Mimiron's normal abilities will continue.

Note: If your raid members still die with any regularity to Proximity Mines, Shock Blast, Rocket Strike or Laser Barrage DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS HARD MODE.

Firstly all vehicles and bots in the encounter gain 25% damage and health.

Secondly every 30 seconds three patches of flame will spawn near random players (this makes the spawn locations of the fire controllable). These flames hit for 10,000 fire damage per second. They will slowly creep towards the nearest player (this makes the Fire's location controllable). These flames spawn in all phases and continue spawning between phases.

Thirdly the room will self destruct after 10 minutes, putting a new enrage timer on the encounter.

Fourthly Mimiron will gain new abilities and a new type of bot in phase 3:

  • Leviathan MK II: Spell nature acid 01.png Flame Suppressant — Once per phase 1 the Leviathan MK II will extinguish all existing fires and slow the casting speed of the raid by 50% for 8 seconds. 2 sec cast. Removable via Ice Block and Divine Shield.
  • VX-001 Anti Personnel Assault Cannon: Frost Bomb. The VX-001 will drop a very obvious blue bomb on a random area of the room every ~45 seconds or so in both phase 2 and phase 4. This will explode after 10 seconds, dealing 50,000 frost damage to nearby players and extinguishing all fires within 30 yards.
  • Emergency Fire Bot: These spawn from new blue beams in phase 3. They have a Deafening Siren which will silence all nearby players within 15 yards. This acts as an aura. They will run around the room seeking out fire patches and extinguishing them with a 15 yard radius Water Spray that does 20,000 frost damage to any players hit, knocking them back 200 yards. They spawn rapidly, have very little HP and are very dangerous should the healers become silenced so a ranged DPS or two should be assigned to exclusively killing them.

The main difficulty to Firefighter is controlling the fires. You want to stay near existing fires so that fires will overlap and give you more of the room to work with. Most of the room will be covered in flames by the end of phase 3. If you do not control fires well you will run out of room and burn to death. Always try to stay together and keep the fires overlapping and to the outside edges.


Main article: Cache of Innovation
Cache of Innovation

Related achievements

The following achievements are for the encounter's hard mode.


Hard Mode activated
Computer yells: Self-destruct sequence initiated.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in ten minutes.
Mimiron yells: Now why would you go and do something like that? Didn't you see the sign that said 'DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON!'? How will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism active?
Timer countdown
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in nine minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in eight minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in seven minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in six minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in five minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in four minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in three minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in two minutes.
Computer yells: This area will self-destruct in one minute.
Computer yells: Self-destruct sequence finalized. Have a nice day.
Mimiron yells: Oh, my! It would seem that we are out of time, my friends!
Hard mode achieved
Computer yells: Self-destruct sequence terminated. Override code A-9-0-5.

Leviathan MKII

Normal mode activated
We haven't much time, friends! You're going to help me test out my latest and greatest creation. Now, before you change your minds, remember, that you kind of owe it to me after the mess you made with the XT-002.
Killing a player
  • MEDIC!
  • I can fix that... or, maybe not! Sheesh, what a mess...
WONDERFUL! Positively marvelous results! Hull integrity at 98.9 percent! Barely a dent! Moving right along.


Behold the VX-001 Anti-personnel Assault Cannon! You might want to take cover.
Killing a player
  • Fascinating. I think they call that a "clean kill".
  • Note to self: Cannon highly effective against flesh.
Thank you, friends! Your efforts have yielded some fantastic data! Now, where did I put-- oh, there it is.

Aerial Command Unit

Mimiron gleefully laughs.
Isn't it beautiful? I call it the magnificent aerial command unit!
Killing a player
  • Outplayed!
  • You can do better than that!
Preliminary testing phase complete. Now comes the true test!
Mimiron gleefully laughs.


Gaze upon its magnificence! Bask in its glorious, um, glory! I present you with... V-07-TR-0N!
Killing a player
  • Prognosis: Negative!
  • You're not going to get up from that one, friend.
It would appear that I've made a slight miscalculation. I allowed my mind to be corrupted by the fiend in the prison, overriding my primary directive. All systems seem to be functional now. Clear.
Mimiron last
30 seconds later:
The Ancient Gate of the Keepers unlocks!
Buffing for Yogg-Saron's encounter

Mortals, I am indebted to you for freeing me from the terrible corruption that besets this place. Though I have not yet recovered fully, I can help you battle Yogg-Saron.

I can grant you and your friends the Speed of Invention, increasing your damage and movement speed. In addition, I can destabilize the matrices of certain Saronite based life-forms, reducing their attack and casting speeds.

Gossip Lend us your aid, keeper. Together we will defeat Yogg-Saron.

Combat matrix enhanced. Behold wondrous rapidity!
Unused quotes
Oh, my! I wasn't expecting company! The workshop is such a mess! How embarrassing!

Sound Files

See Sound Files of Ulduar: Mimiron


10-man encounter

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10-man Hard mode encounter

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25-man encounter

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25-man Hard mode encounter

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In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

  • In the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion,  [Mimiron's Head] appears as a legendary card, and when the right conditions on the board are fulfilled it destroys itself and other minions to form V-07-TR-0N, an extremely powerful legendary minion.
  • V-07-TR-0N reappears as a legendary rogue minion in the TITANS expansion. In this expansion, V-0L-TR-0N is the rogue Titan (stylized as T1T4N in its text), a creation of Mimiron trying to replicate the Titan's powers. His flavor text reads: "Long after the titans' departure, Mimiron dreamed of creating something with an approximation of their power. He may have actually succeeded!"
  • The first V-07-TR-0N alternate rogue hero was made available in the shop after the release of the TITANS expansion. Its flavor text reads: "Is Mimiron really controlling V-07-TR-0N or are YOU? Obtained by purchasing in the shop.".


  • The name of the fully assembled "V-07-TR-0N" is almost certainly derived from Voltron (leet-speak rendering).
  • His "P3Wx2" ability is almost certainly derived from the gaming term Pew Pew (leet-speak rendering).

Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-06-25): The hard mode of the Mimiron encounter has received the following changes: the damage of the flames has been reduced, the damage/health gained from the Emergency Buff has been slightly reduced, the range of the Emergency Fire Bot’s Deafening Siren ability has been reduced in heroic difficulty and this ability is no longer cast in normal difficulty, the damage of Heat Wave in phase 2 has been reduced, and the damage from Plasma Blast in phase 1 has been reduced.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-06-02): The Leviathan MK II's Self Repair will no longer be canceled when VX-001 casts Spinning Up.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.1.3 (2009-06-02):
  • The flight time of Rocket Strikes has been increased, and Rocket Strikes will try to prefer players at range.
  • The Leviathan Mk II component of the V-07-TR-0N will become stunned during Phase 4 when the VX-001 component begins to cast the P3Wx2 Laser Barrage ability.
  • Proximity mines now deal less damage and have a lower duration. A small arming time has also been added so proximity mines will not immediately detonate on creation.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-05-21): Mimiron Assault Bots no longer despawn during the transition from phase 3 to phase 4. This should allow the achievement  Not-So-Friendly Fire to be completable.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-30): Mimiron should no longer continue to cast Heat Wave after phase 2 is completed.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-29): Fixed an issue where Mimiron could randomly change targets while casting P3Wx2 Laser Barrage in phase 4. It is still possible for it to appear that he is turning quickly for an instant to shoot another direction, but this is just a visual bug that will be resolved in a future patch.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-28): The Assault Bots on the Mimiron encounter will now attack faster, in turn they will do less damage per hit.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-21): The Mimiron hard mode has received the following changes: increased damage from Flames, increased damage from Frost Bomb (in heroic), increased damage from Water Spray, and increased the health and damage bonuses he receives from Emergency Mode.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-21): The Mimiron encounter has received the following changes: the damage of Proximity Mines has been decreased, Proximity Mines should no longer explode and damage players after they explode and disappear, the initial cooldown of Shock Blast in phase 4 has been altered so it shouldn't be cast the same time as Laser Barrage in this phase, the casting time of Self Repair has been increased, and the Assault Bots had their damage decreased in both and normal modes and their health decreased in only heroic mode.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.


External links

Mimiron VX-001 Aerial Command Unit
