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Helya (Trial of Valor tactics)

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For character biography, see Helya.
Image of Helya
Gender Female
Race Val'kyr (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Helheim; Trial of Valor
Status Killable

Helya is the final boss in Trial of Valor.

Adventure Guide

Though she once served as Odyn's right hand, the vengeful Helya will stop at nothing to ensure her ancient curse binds the titan keeper to the Halls of Valor. No longer satisfied with ruling her shadowy realm, Helya now commands her vast kvaldir army to plague the lands of the living.


Helya uses her supernatural powers to conjure orbs, taint foes, breathe sludge, and crush her enemies. Upon reaching 65% health, Helya departs beneath the sea, assaulting the raid from afar with her denizens of Helheim or ocean waves from the Maw of Souls. Defeating Helya's tentacles wounds her, causing her to return to the shore. Helya then orders the last stand of Helheim, invoking both the minions of Helheim and her supernatural powers until her defeat.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Maneuver Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion away from raid members if targeted.
  • Avoid Bilewater Breath and Corrupted Breath, then defeat Bilewater Slimes or absorb Corrupted Axions.
  • Help mitigate Tentacle Strikes, as the damage divides amongst all target struck.
  • Defeat Night Watch Mariners before they reach full energy and cast Lantern of Darkness.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Players targeted by Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion may move out of range, so plan accordingly.
  • Dispel Taint of the Sea.
  • Fetid Rot reduces the healing a target receives, declining in potency over time.
  • Tanks afflicted with Bilewater Redox or Dark Hatred may require coordinated use of damage-reduction abilities.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Bilewater Breath and Corrupted Breath follows Helya's current tank target and will apply Bilewater Redox or Dark Hatred, respectively, to all targets within the breath.
  • A Grimelord's Anchor Slam reduces your defenses for a short duration.
  • Fury of the Maw waves can bring Grimelords and Night Watch Mariners into the battle.
  • Decaying Minions leave behind Decay when they die, which can be washed away by Fury of the Maw.


  • Stage One: Low Tide — Helya uses her supernatural powers to conjure orbs, taint foes, breathe sludge, and crush her enemies.
    • Helya
      • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.png Orb of Corruption — Conjure an Orb of Corruption which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 285000 to 315000 Shadow damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players. Taking damage from an Orb of Corruption increases damage taken by Orb of Corruption by 100%. This effect stacks.
        • Spell priest voidsear.png Corrupted Slicer Heroic Difficulty — A beam of corrupted energy surges between the Orbs, inflicting 5000000 Shadow damage to enemies struck by the beam.
    • Ability creature poison 02.png Bilewater Breath — Breathes out foul corruption, inflicting 285000 to 315000 Frost damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Bilewater Redox. Creates several Bilewater Slimes which each impacts the ground, inflicting 731250 to 768750 Frost damage to enemies within 5.
      • Important Bilewater Slime
        • Ability shawaterelemental split.png Bilewater Liquefaction — The slime's skin bursts, inflicting 2890000 to 3040000 Frost damage to all enemies, reducing in damage by up to 80% based on the slime's remaining health. This explosion creates pool of Bilewater Corrosion on the ground, inflicting 315000 Frost damage every second for 45 sec. The size of the corrosive pool is also based on the slime's remaining health.
          • Ability shawaterelemental split.png Bilewater Corrosion — The slime's skin bursts, inflicting 2890000 to 3040000 Frost damage to all enemies, reducing in damage by up to 80% based on the slime's remaining health. This explosion creates pool of Bilewater Corrosion on the ground, inflicting 315000 Frost damage every second for 45 sec. The size of the corrosive pool is also based on the slime's remaining health.
    • Ability rogue venomouswounds.png Bilewater Redox Tank Alert — Helya's Bilewater Breath flash oxidizes armor, decreasing armor by 100% for 30 sec.
  • Achievement boss yoggsaron 01.png Tentacle Strike Important — Helya's tentacle emerges at the front or back of the platform. The tentacle strikes the ground after several seconds, inflicting 2000000 Nature damage, divided amongst all enemies struck. If the tentacle impacts the ground without resistance, it sends shockwaves across the platform, inflicting 2000000 Nature damage to all players.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Tentacle Slam Deadly — If no targets are struck by Tentacle Strike, the impact sends a shockwave across the platform inflicting 2000000 Nature damage to all enemies.
  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Taint of the Sea Magic Effect — Taints a target, inflicting 250000 Frost damage every second. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 61750 to 68250 Frost damage to all players.
  • Inv misc slime 01.png Tainted Essence — The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 855000 to 945000 Frost damage to enemies within 8 yards.
  • Shaman pvp ripplingwaters.png Corrosive Nova — Blasts all enemies with corrosive magic, inflicting 390000 to 410000 Frost damage while no players are in melee range. Corrosive Nova empowers Helya, increasing all damage done by 3%. This effect stacks.
  • Stage Two: From the Mists — Upon reaching 65% health, Helya departs beneath the sea, assaulting the raid from afar with her denizens of Helheim or ocean waves from the Maw of Souls. Defeating Helya's tentacles wounds her, causing her to return to the shore.
  • Helya
    • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Fury of the Maw — Calls upon the fury of the maw, invoking a wave to push away players, inflicting 140000 Frost damage every half-second. Fury of the Maw washes away Bilewater Liquefaction, Decay, and Desiccated Decaying Minions.
      • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Raging Tempest — Increases Fury of the Maw damage by 10%. This effect stacks.
    • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Torrent — Blasts several enemies with brackish water, inflicting 95000 to 105000 Frost damage.
      • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Building Storm — Increases Torrent damage by 5%. This effect stacks.
    • Gripping Tentacle — Helya grips the landmass, allowing her to command the waves of the sea and attack players from relative safety. Defeating these wound her, eventually forcing her back ashore.


    • Inv misc food legion gooslime chunk.png Sludge Nova — Stomps the ground, inflicting 1662500 to 1837500 Plague damage to enemies within 15 yards and knocking them back.
    • Ability creature disease 03.png Fetid Rot Important — Afflicts several targets within 70 yards with Fetid Rot, inflicting 65000 Nature damage per stack every 3 sec and decreasing healing received by 15% per stack, periodically reducing in effectiveness. When removed, inflicts 556000 Nature damage to allies within 5 yards, applying Fetid Rot to any target struck. In this difficulty, Fetid Rot spreads every period.
      • Spell holiday tow spicecloud.png Fetid Fission Heroic Difficulty — Increases the stack count on Fetid Rot by 1.
    • Inv axe 84.png Anchor Slam Important — Slams the ground with his anchor, inflicting 2850000 to 3150000 Physical damage and knocks them up, and increases all damage taken by targets struck by 400% for 6 seconds.
  • Night Watch Mariner
    • Inv offhand outlandraid 03white.png Lantern of Darkness Deadly — Exposes shadowy energy within his lantern, inflicting 36562 to 38438 Shadow damage every half-second to all enemies for 6 sec. This damage increases by 75% each pulse. This effect stacks.
    • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Ghostly Rage Tank Alert — Enters a ghostly rage, increasing attack speed by 30% for 6 sec.
    • Ability warrior charge.png Give No Quarter — Pierces the veil, moving seamlessly through the world. Upon reaching the destination, inflicts 266000 to 294000 Arcane damage to any targets within 8 yards.
  • Heroic Difficulty Helarjar Mistcaller
    • Ability monk souldance.png Mist Infusion Interruptible Important — Infuses Helya with the mists of Helheim, allowing her to cast Fury of the Maw more frequently.
    • Ability monk chiexplosion.png Bleak Eruption — Successful or interrupted casts of Mist Infusion invoke a Bleak Eruption, inflicting 190000 to 210000 Frost damage to all enemies.
  • Decaying Minion
    • Inv pet diseasedsquirrel.png Decay — An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 150000 Nature damage to nearby enemies.
  • Stage Three: Helheim's Last Stand — Helya orders the last stand of Helheim, invoking both the minions of Helheim and her supernatural powers until her defeat.
  • Helya
    • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb green.png Orb of Corrosion — Conjure an Orb of Corrosion which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 350000 Frost damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players and creating patches of Decay. Taking damage from an Orb of Corrosion increases damage taken by Orb of Corrosion by 100%. This effect stacks. Orb of Corrosion triggers Tainted Reanimation every pulse.
      • Inv pet diseasedsquirrel.png Decay — An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 150000 Nature damage to nearby enemies.
      • Ability druid focusedgrowth.png Corrosive Slicer Deadly Heroic Difficulty — A beam of corrosive energy surges between the Orbs, inflicting 5000000 Frost damage to enemies struck by the beam.
    • Spell nature elementalshields.png Taint of the Sea Magic Effect — Taints a target, inflicting 250000 Frost damage every second. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 61750 to 68250 Frost damage to all players.
      • Inv misc slime 01.png Tainted Essence — The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 855000 to 945000 Frost damage to enemies within 8 yards.
    • Spell shadow shadetruesight.png Corrupted Breath — Breathes out corrupt magic, inflicting 380000 to 420000 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Dark Hatred. This creates several Corrupted Axions.
      • Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection.png Corrupted Axion Important — Fires a gout of shadowy magic at a targeted location, inflicting 712500 to 787500 Shadow damage and absorbing 712500 to 787500 healing for 30 sec to targets within 5 yards of the impact location. In the axion strikes no targets, it explodes, applying Corrupted Axion to all players. This effect stacks.
        • Spell shadow mindrot.png Corrupted Heroic Difficulty — The Corrupted Axion instills insidious thoughts if not removed, granting Helya power over their actions, charming them. This effect breaks if their health goes below 10%.
      • Ability priest surgeofdarkness.png Dark Hatred Tank Alert — Breathes out corrupt magic, inflicting 380000 to 420000 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Dark Hatred. This creates several Corrupted Axions.
    • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Fury of the Maw — Calls upon the fury of the maw, invoking a wave to push away players, inflicting 140000 Frost damage every half-second. Fury of the Maw washes away Bilewater Liquefaction, Decay, and Desiccated Decaying Minions.
      • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Raging Tempest — Increases Fury of the Maw damage by 10%. This effect stacks.
    • Shaman pvp ripplingwaters.png Corrosive Nova — Blasts all enemies with corrosive magic, inflicting 390000 to 410000 Frost damage while no players are in melee range. Corrosive Nova empowers Helya, increasing all damage done by 3%. This effect stacks.
  • Night Watch Mariner
    • Inv offhand outlandraid 03white.png Lantern of Darkness Deadly — Exposes shadowy energy within his lantern, inflicting 36562 to 38438 Shadow damage every half-second to all enemies for 6 sec. This damage increases by 75% each pulse. This effect stacks.
    • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Ghostly Rage Tank Alert — Enters a ghostly rage, increasing attack speed by 30% for 6 sec.
    • Ability warrior charge.png Give No Quarter — Pierces the veil, moving seamlessly through the world. Upon reaching the destination, inflicts 266000 to 294000 Arcane damage to any targets within 8 yards.
    • Achievement bg kill flag carrier.png Rally of the Kvaldir Heroic Difficulty — Increases maximum health by 100%.
  • Heroic Difficulty Helarjar Mistcaller
    • Ability monk souldance.png Mist Infusion Interruptible Important — Infuses Helya with the mists of Helheim, allowing her to cast Fury of the Maw more frequently.
    • Ability monk chiexplosion.png Bleak Eruption — Successful or interrupted casts of Mist Infusion invoke a Bleak Eruption, inflicting 190000 to 210000 Frost damage to all enemies.
  • Decaying Minion
    • Inv pet diseasedsquirrel.png Decay — An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 150000 Nature damage to nearby enemies.


Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.


Item Type
Storm Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Life Artifact Relic
Fel Artifact Relic
Mail chest
Plate bracers
Cloth gloves
Mail belt
Plate belt
Leather belt
Leather leggings
Cloth boots
Intellect trinket

Objective of

Related Achievements


Oh, no... Odyn's mighty champions have come to end my reign. Whatever shall I do?
So kind of you to deliver your souls to me... it will save my val'kyr the trouble of fetching them from the surface world.
Come, mortals. You have earned an eternity of torment!
  • Your souls belong to me!
  • Drown in despair, lapdogs of Odyn!
Bilewater Breath
  • Relish the cold kiss of the sea!
  • Shiver! Tremble! Quake!
Orb of Corruption
  • Let the shadows take you!
  • Darkness upon your soul!
Tentacle Strike
  • Touchy, touchy!
  • Do I have your attention?
Phase 2
Soon you will join the ranks of my Kvaldir!
Fury of the Maw
  • Break upon the waves!
  • Your doom lurks within the fog!
  • Behold my army of the damned!
Phase 3
Your efforts are for naught, mortals! Odyn will NEVER be free!
Orb of Corrosion
  • You'll catch your death of cold!
  • The cold will shatter you!
Corrupted Breath
  • Breathe deep... and despair!
  • I'll blow you a kiss!
Killed a player
  • Another soul drowned!
  • Mine! Mine forever!
  • Odyn's fabled champions... HA! Barely worth my time.
  • Soon the Halls of Valor will fall. Odyn's last days are upon him!
  • My reign... cannot end...
  • Damn you... Odyn... Damn... you...
  • He... must not... win...
Odyn yells: My ancient nemesis has been vanquished! The curse that bound me to the Halls of Valor is broken at last.
Odyn yells: Revel in the spoils of victory, worthy champions! The day will come when I have need of your courage and skill once more.
Odyn yells: Hmm... Many ages have passed since my eyes looked upon the halls of Ulduar. Perhaps I should visit my watcher kin... We have much to speak of. Farewell!

Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-12-19):
    • Reduced the health of Bilewater Slime, Night Watch Mariner, and Helya by 10% and Grimelord by 15% in the Helya encounter in Trial of Valor on all difficulties.
    • Reduced the number of Taint of the Sea debuffs applied to players on Mythic difficulty by 1.
    • Reduced the damage of Tainted Explosion on all difficulties.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-12-13): Resolved an issue where Helya's Taint of the Sea on Mythic difficulty would sometimes cast at incorrect times in Stage One.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-12-06):
    • The magnitude of Corrupted Axion's healing absorb now properly scales down as the size of a raid decreases from 30 players to 10 players.
    • Resolved an issue that would cause Fetid Rot from targeting more players than intended on non-Mythic difficulties.
    • Reduced the health of several enemies in the Helya encounter on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
    • On non-Mythic difficulties, Adjusted Orb of Corrosion no longer targets Helya's tank targets, similar to its behavior in Mythic difficulty.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-11-16):
    • The difficulty of several aspects of the Helya encounter have been decreased on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Resolved an issue where sometimes Bilewater Breath would cast while Helya is submerging.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Added.


External links