Warcraft Wiki:NPC screenshot project

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Project scope

Update as many NPC screenshots as possible (see the category) to reflect the new character models.

How to join the project

  • If you're interested in helping out with the project, add your name to "Project members" below and any particular zone(s) that aren't already listed under someone else's name and whose NPC screenshots you're willing to update. Once you're done with as many NPCs as possible in a zone, move it from "Project members" to "Progress: Finished zones".
  • If you notice an outdated image of an NPC from one of the zones listed under "Finished zones", feel free to go ahead and replace it with a more up-to-date one (if possible).


  • If possible, use personal screenshots rather than ones from external sites (such as Wowhead).
  • If the character is a major character, consider uploading the new file as a separate image. E.g.: [1] compared to [2].
    • Otherwise go ahead and upload a new image over the old one, to keep a history, even if the name of the file is not exactly the same as the NPC's name. An image can be moved to a more desired name later on.
  • Mobs (rare or otherwise) and bosses are (probably) not as high priority as interactable NPCs.
  • If images become mistakenly uploaded or abandoned, remember to mark them with {{speedydelete}}.

Mist of Pandaria

Not all of the pandaren have had their screenshots updated since the earlier beta stages, and as such, some still depict certain npcs without hair. This seems to mostly be an issue for female pandaren NPCs.

Warlords of Draenor

Below is a list of the races that were affected by the character model revamp.


Below is a list of races that will recieve new models in Legion.

Battle for Azeroth

Below is a list of races that will recieve new models in Battle for Azeroth.


  • Any leftover WorgenWorgen Worgen and GoblinGoblin Goblin screenshots from pre-Cataclysm
  • IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Leftover male taunka screenshots from the Wrath-Logo-Small.png beta

Project members

Progress: Finished zones

Eastern Kingdoms






World events