Storm Rider

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Main article: Halfus Wyrmbreaker
NeutralStorm Rider
Image of Storm Rider
Race Elemental dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 37 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Bastion of Twilight

The Storm Rider is a elemental dragon that has been captured by Twilight's Hammer and is being held in the Bastion of Twilight.


  • Ability druid cyclone.png Cyclone Winds — Upon being released the Storm Rider envelops Halfus in a cyclone, slowing his casting speed by 500%.
  • Inv misc head dragon red.png Dragon's Vengeance — The Storm Rider curses Halfus as it dies, causing Halfus to take 100% increased damage. This effect stacks.



If one such as I can be captured by that lumbering oaf, then you must be brave indeed to venture here.

If you can distract Halfus and break the chains binding me then I will fight alongside you.

My ability to engulf an enemy in a furious tempest will impair Halfus' efforts to unleash Shadow Novas.

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