User:Lon-ami/Naga characters

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Personal page for research about naga characters.


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Azshara Leader, queen Alive
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Skessesh General Hatecrest Killable Ruins of Feathermoon Feralas Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Valishj Priestess of Azshara Slitherblade Killable Ranazjar Isle Desolace Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Azjentus Fathom-Stalker Alive Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Meridith Mermaiden Alive Land's End Beach Tanaris Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Nar'jira Champion Alive
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Zalashji Alive Zalashji's Den Tanaris Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Vesthra Lady Killable Ravencrest Monument Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Skar'this Heretic Neptulon Alive Slave Pens Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Sarevess Leader Blackfathom Killable Pool of Ask'ar Black Fathom Deeps Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Atoph Leader Bloodcursed Killable Bloodcurse Isle Bloodmyst Isle Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Rajis Fyashe Leader Bloodscale tribe Killable Bloodscale Grounds Zangarmarsh Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Ssslith Bloodscale tribe Killable Marshlight Lake Zangarmarsh Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Caribdis Fathom-Guard Coilfang tribe Killable Serpentshrine Cavern Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Kalithresh Warlord Coilfang tribe Killable Steamvault Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Karathress Fathom-Lord Coilfang tribe Killable Serpentshrine Cavern Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Sharkkis Fathom-Guard Coilfang tribe Killable Serpentshrine Cavern Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Thespia Hydromancer Coilfang tribe Killable Steamvault Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Keeper of the Cistern Keeper Coilskar tribe Killable Coilskar Cistern Shadowmoon Valley Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Salaris Warlord Coilskar tribe Killable Observation Grounds Magisters' Terrace Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Shav'rar Lady Coilskar tribe Killable Coilskar Point Shadowmoon Valley Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Nazjak Leader, prince Daggerspine Killable Drowned Reef Arathi Highlands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Zephris Lady Daggerspine Killable Eastern Strand Hillsbrad Foothills Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Rajah Haghazed Leader Darkcrest tribe Killable Darkcrest Enclave Zangarmarsh Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Shalzaru Lord Hatecrest Deceased Shalzaru's Lair Feralas Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Szallah Lady Hatecrest Killable Shalzaru's Lair Feralas Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Sakrasis Lord Naga explorers Killable Nek'mani Wellspring Stranglethorn Vale Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Raj Naz'jan Leader, emperor Riplash Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Veehja Priestess of the scale Riplash Alive Shrine of Scales Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Sira'kess Mistress of the tides Sira'kess Killable Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Kragaru Lord Slitherblade Deceased Ranazjar Isle Desolace Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Fangferror General Spitelash Killable Temple of Zin-Malor Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Krellian Leader, warlord Spitelash Killable Temple of Zin-Malor Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Sesspira Lady Spitelash Killable Ruins of Eldarath Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Tset Caravan master Spitelash Killable Shattered Strand Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Sinslayer Leader, lord Stormscale Killable Cliffspring Falls Darkshore Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Vespira Lady Stormscale Killable Ruins of Mathystra Darkshore Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Morgala Darksquall Strashaz Deceased
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Rrurgaz Tidelord Strashaz Killable Alcaz Island Dustwallow Marsh Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Tidewrath Overseer Wrathfin Killable Underbog Outland
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Sriss'tiz Leader, warlord Wrathscale Killable Tides' Hollow Azuremyst Isle Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Xiz Lord Wrathscale Killable Wrathscale Lair Bloodmyst Isle Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Ruuzel Leader Wrathtail Killable Zoram Strand Ashenvale Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Verathress Executioner Alive Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female.gif Vespia Lady Wrathtail Killable Zoram Strand Ashenvale Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Zin'jatar Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Killable Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male.gif Naj'tess Consort of Zar'jira Spitescale Killable Zalazane's Fall Durotar Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall NagaLord.gif Idra'kess Overseer Idra'kess Killable Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall NagaLord.gif Naj'entus High warlord Coilskar tribe Killable Karabor Sewers Black Temple Outland
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Darkscale Lady
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Naz'jar Lady Naz'jar Killable Throne of Neptulon Throne of the Tides Abyssal Maw
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Serena Scarscale
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Serpentra Lady
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Scilla Murkshadow
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Vashj Leader, lady, matron Coilfang tribe Killable Serpentshrine Cavern Outland
NeutralIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Zar'jira Sea Witch Spitescale Killable Spitescale Cove Durotar Kalimdor