User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Class Campaigns

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

New Class Campaigns for The World's Heart.


The heroes of Azeroth continue to lead the charge against the forces of evil. With the power of the Void on the rise and the servants of the Old Gods scheming to corrupt the very worldsoul of Azeroth, the defenders of the world gather new allies and uncover powerful new weapons to banish the darkness growing beneath the world.

Artifact Weapons

Class halls offer the opportunity for the heroes of Azeroth to acquire powerful artifact weapons with which to battle the forces of evil that threaten the world. Players can either retain their artifact weapons from Legion and upgrade them into new, more powerful forms, or acquire entirely new weapons to wage war with.

Crusade Missions

In addition to recruiting followers and sending them out on missions, once per day the hero can choose to personally accompany a band of followers on a single mission. The hero and their followers will appear in an instanced location in Azeroth's underworld and do battle against their enemies. The hero may control his followers manually or direct them through AI commands.


Class Order Gamescom4.jpg
  • Death knight Death Knight: The Inevitable City. A stronghold built by the Knights of the Ebon Blade located within the Shadowlands themselves. The death knights must battle a growing evil that threatens every soul in the realm of the dead with a nightmarish fate.
  • Demon hunter Demon Hunter: The Void Hammer. The Illidari empower their vessel and travel to the Frozen Scar, a tear in reality linking Azeroth to the Twisting Nether caused when the Frozen Throne was first sent to Azeroth. The dark power of the Void is on the rise, and the vile nathrezim seek to exploit it. They will be met with the blades of the demon hunters.
  • Druid Druid: The Conservatory of Life. The sanctum of Watcher Freya, located within the Titan city of Ulduar. The druids of the Cenarion Circle battle against the lingering corruption of the Old Gods at the Nightmare Breach, the region where the Old God Yogg-Saron first touched the Emerald Dream and sparked the dreaded Nightmare.
  • Hunter Hunter: Ven Halsing's Camp. The vampyr hunters of the Bloodstone Chasm offer shelter to hunters who seek to aid them in slaying the dark evils lingering deep beneath the surface of the world. Halsing's Hunters must battle some of the oldest, most terrible monsters that have ever blighted the world, including the very source of the vampyr curse itself.
  • Mage Mage: The Nexus. The mages of Azeroth join together with their allies in the blue dragonflight to form the Azure Order, who operate within the ancient dragon stronghold of the Nexus. The Azure Order seek to repair the damage to Azeroth's ley lines inflicted by Malygos during the Nexus War, but something malevolent haunts the arcane veins of the world...
  • Monk Monk: The Sanctum of Balance. The monks of the Broken Temple are approached by the remaining younger members of the Wyrmrest Accord, dragons who seek the means to grant their race hope for the future. The dragons seek the waters of the Eternal Vale to rejuvenate their people, and the newly created Sanctum of Balance, born from the broken fragments of the destroyed Dragonflight Sanctums, represents the hope of their future. The monks agree to restore the balance of the world and aid the dragons, and must journey from the bright heart of Pandaria to distant Outland to find the means to do so, all the while battling the dragonflights most ancient enemies.
  • Paladin Paladin: The Argent Fortress. Built upon the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown, the Argent Fortress is a monument to those who fell during the Scourge War. The Order of the Silver Hand are prepared to lead the charge against the horrors deep beneath the world, and first they must battle the vile servants of the Old Gods who seek to pollute the sacred soil and spread the malediction of the Void.
  • Priest Priest: The Solar Aerie. An outpost created by the val'kyr upon a secluded mountaintop in the Storm Peaks, the last bastion of the Lightsworn Val'kyr who escaped the darkness of the Lich King. The Lightsworn ferry souls of the noble dead into the Light, and battle against the creeping darkness beneath the world. The mortal priests of Azeroth swear to aid the Lightsworn in their task, and venture into the Shadowlands to redeem the souls of the fallen. Even those on the very edge of utter damnation.
  • Rogue Rogue: The Spider's Web. Hidden in the depths of the fortress of Doorward, the Spider's Web is a secret hub of passages and tunnels that stretch across the length and breadth of Azjol-Nerub. An order of shadow figures known as the Fateweavers manipulate the events unfolding in the underworld from here, and call upon the rogues of other races to act as their agents. The rogues who dare venture into the underworld of Azeroth must be prepared to strike dark bargains with fiendish monsters in order to stem the tide of greater darkness that rises from the world's depths.
  • Shaman Shaman: Ra's Forge. An elemental realm bound to the Titan city of Ulduar, where the great keeper Ra himself created the Elemental Plane. The shaman of the Earthen Ring must battle the dreaded Curse of Flesh, which has taken hold in Deepholm and threatens the delicate balance of the world's elements.
  • Warlock Warlock: The Frozen Scar. Sensing the rising darkness from beneath the world, the warlocks of the Black Harvest move to seize the power to crush this threat. The warlocks establish a new outpost in the Frozen Scar, a rift connecting Azeroth to the Twisting Nether, created when the Frozen Throne was cast down to Azeroth decades ago. The warlocks vow to plunder the now-vulnerable worlds of the Burning Legion in order to gather the means to battle an even more terrible threat, the power of the Void. But for beings who hunger for power at any cost, will the temptation of the Void prove too great for the dark magi of Azeroth?
  • Warrior Warrior: Tyr's Hall. The warrior order of the Swords of Tyr establish themselves in Tyr's own sanctum within Ulduar. Locked away when Tyr fled the corruption of Yogg-Saron, the hidden sanctum is now open and its secrets at the disposal of Azeroth's champions. The warriors are called upon by the Titan Watchers, including Odyn himself, to liberate the exiled Watcher Jotun from his curse. In their quest, the warriors must face the blackest evils from beneath Azeroth, the insectile aqir and their Old God masters.