User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Priest Campaign

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

Priest Class Campaign.

Class Hall - The Solar Aerie

An outpost of the val'kyr built upon a secluded mountaintop in the Storm Peaks. The val'kyr here have embraced the Light and work to ferry souls from the lands of the dead into the Light. The innermost chamber of the sanctum contain a nerubian void temple where the val'kyr guard against horrors from the depths.

Class Hall Special Benefits

Priests may find beacons of the Light in lonely and remote corners of the world. Praying at these places of power will confer benefits and buffs on the Priest. There is also the possibility that the Light beacon will become darkened and Void entities will manifest - slaying them will grant the Priest with rewards of power and treasure.

Artifact Weapons

Acquire World's Heart Artifacts


Torch and Tome

Wryth, Staff of the Black Spectrum

Upgrade Legion Artifacts

Light's Wrath

Naaru Beacon

Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire | Kron'xaal, the Aeons Torn

Campaign Storyline

Priests work with the val'kyr to enter the Shadowlands and ferry souls to the Light, reclaiming them from the Void. The final soul is that of Benedictus, the Twilight Father, who hovers on the edge of damnation.