User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Warlock Campaign

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

Warlock Class Campaign.

Class Hall - The Frozen Scar

region where the Frozen Throne was sent from the Nether to Azeroth. Warlocks must clear out lingering demonic presence. Campaign consists of studying the Void.

The warlorcks of the Black Harvest sense the rising darkness, a power that will swallow everything and unmake the universe in a manner the demons never could have imagined. Knowing that the power of fel and the twisting nether will be vital against battling the Void, the Black Harvest vows to further empower their artifact weapons with the strongest sources of fel magic in the cosmos. Now that the Legion has been scattered in the wake of the war for the Broken Isles, the Black Harvest vows to plunder Demon Worlds throughout the Twisting Nether.

The Black Harvest must also contend with the tendrils of the Void reaching out to ensnare the mortal universe. The Void will devour fel energies as readily as vital ones, and the warlocks must be prepared. Many voidwalkers are conjured to interrogate about the nature of the Void, but while the shadowy beings readily obey combat commands they are difficult to question, giving only cryptic answers. The true nature of the Void and the dark entities within it must be revealed, and this is a task that falls to the Black Harvest.

Class Hall Special Benefits

Warlocks can find rents in the fabric of reality throughout the underworld, which can be tapped to grant the warlock powerful Void-based buffs and allies. Warlocks can also pull through potent demons or Voidborn horrors and either slay them for treasure or enslave them as powerful servants.

Artifact Weapons

Acquire World's Heart Artifacts

Ul'Umbrael, Book of Profound Darkness (Staff)

The warlocks travel to K'aresh, a world consumed by the void, and retrieve the journal of Ahriman, Herald of the Void. Within this tome he compiled all his knowledge of the Void and the entities therein. The warlocks bind the tome to a staff of felforged black metal with enchanted chains, allowing them to channel the dark knowledge of the book without being overtaken by its power.

The Heart of Destruction and the Fragment of Gharak'Mor (Relic and Dagger)

The warlocks travel to Demonfall Canyon in Kalimdor, duplicating the ritual Gul'dan used to revive Mannoroth and the Pit Lord's old body held in the cavern. Rather than fully resurrecting the demon, the warlocks trap the Pit Lord's heart in a cage of fel iron, using a fragment of the Pitlord's shattered blade as a dagger to draw on the heart's power.

Azj'Nazeem, Staff of Ruinous Powers (Staff)

The warlocks travel to the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and unearth the ancient aqir scepter known as Azj'Nazeem, Staff of the Ruinous Powers. The staff has the power to control dark magic, plague, and fel energy. Twilight forces seek the staff, but the warlocks are able to claim it.

Upgrade Legion Artifacts


-The warlock travels to the broken world of K'aresh, where Voidfiends glut themselves on the souls of ethereals. The Harvester scythe reaps a toll in both Voidspawn and maddened ethereals, absorbing the dark energies unleashed when K'aresh was broken.


-The warlock travels to the demon world of Xoroth, a world blasted and ravaged by the Void and the Legion alike. After slaying a powerful demon knight atop a ferocious voidsteed, the warlock empowers the Skull of Thal'Kiel with greater energy, reawakening the slain demon's ancient knowledge of the Void. The warlock also learns that voidsteeds may be tamed for their own use.


-The warlock travels to none other than Doomworld itself, the burial ground of the Pantheon. Broken remains of mighty Titans lie strewn across Doomworld, and demons and Voidspawn alike are feasting on the lingering tainted energies of the murdered gods. Destroying a powerful Voidmaster entity, the Scepter of Sargeras is empowered with the might of darkness.

Campaign Storyline

With their newly empowered weapons, the Black Harvest is ready for their most dangerous and potential rewarding venture; they will travel into the Void itself and tap its energies for their own use. First, the warlock travels to the site where the four Old Gods once ruled the Black Empire, in order to tap the lingering Voidborn energies of the ancient behemoths. Ahn'Qiraj where C'Thun lay, Ulduar's Descent into Madness where Yogg-Saron was imprisoned, the heart of the Dread Wastes where Manti'Vess and the mantid empire lay, and Ny'alotha, the city of N'Zoth, where the drowned god once ruled. After tapping these four sites and battling the eldritch horrors there, the warlocks are ready. The ritual begins, however, the Void is unlike anything the warlocks have experienced in their studies of the Twisting Nether, and they inadvertenly open a terrible Void breach in the heart of their headquarters, nearly pulling the entire order into the Void.

Bound partways to the Void, with the breach growing wider, the Black Harvest mobilize to seal the breach. Their actions drawn a huge number of Voidspawn to them, including a terrifying eldritch entity akin to the Old Gods. As the massive void-born horror attempts to consume the Black Harvest, the warlocks must pool their might and summon forth mighty demons to aid in their survival. After a desperate struggle, the Old God is driven away, leaving the Black Harvest victorious and enabling them to close the Void breach. The remnants of the Old God are used to further empower the warlock artifacts.