User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Monk Campaign

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

Monk Class Campaign.

Class Hall - The Sanctum of Balance

The Sanctum of Balance is a new dragonflight sanctum created from the remnants of the old sanctums that were destroyed during the Cataclysm. Though the Wyrmrest Accord that once watched over the sanctums has largely disbanded and many of the older wyrms have fallen into apathy, resigned to their inevitable extinction, younger dragons reach out to the Order of the Broken Temple for aid in discovering a way to renew their species ability to reproduce, which was lost following the de-powering of the Aspects due to the destruction of Deathwing. These younger dragons refuse to accept that their time is truly past - the Age of Mortals belongs to them as well. The red dragon Andrastraz believes that the monks of the Broken Temple hold the key to the dragon's future, and with their aid the dragon race can be saved.

The Sanctum of Balance is located within a pocket dimension connected to Wyrmrest Temple. While the previous five dragonflight sanctums were destroyed by the Twilight's Hammer, fragments of them remained, and the dragons of the Wyrmrest Accorded managed to create a new sanctum from these remnants. The Sanctum is a wondrous, supernatural paradise that incorporates elements of the five dragonflight sanctums - verdant green forests represent the green dragonflight, swirling temporally-charged sand gardens represent the bronze, a shimmering grove of arcane-charged trees represents the blue dragonflight, a tranquil underground grotto represents the black flight, and at the center lies a forest clearing caught in perpetual autumn that represents the red dragonflight, scarlet leaves eternally falling. The sanctum represents the five flights as they were always meant to be, not separate and independent, but unified in harmony.

At the central grove, a great spring designed by the dragons is located which has been tied into magical waters from across the world - the springs of Un'goro Basin, Sholazar Crater, and the swirling arcane energy of the world's ley lines. The dragons call upon the monks to help them imbue the spring with the magical waters of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the hopes that the Titan-blessed waters can help the dragon race regain their vitality and secure their future.

Class Hall Special Benefits

Throughout Azeroth's underworld, monks can locate special springs that are connected with the sacred spring within the Sanctum of Balance. By meditating at these springs, monks can acquire special powers that enhance their abilities, as well as summoning forth draconic allies from the Wyrmrest Accord to aid them. Some springs have also been polluted by the darkness of the Old Gods, spewing forth Sha-like aberrations that the monk must destroy in order to purify the spring.

Artifact Weapons

Acquire World's Heart Artifacts

Kar'Samaan, the Unbroken Promise

The draconic staff of Korialstrasz, retrieved from the lair of Alexstrasza herself somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. The monk must do battle with packs of twisted underdwellers in the service of the Old Gods - deviaan, skardryn, and bound elemental beings. These wretches are led by aqir forces that seek to slay the vulnerable dragon queen. After purging the dragon queen's lair of enemies, Alexstrasza awards the monk with the treasured artifact, a dragon-headed staff that focuses the very powers of life itself to protect its wielder and their allies.

B'Ganta, Staff of the Turning Wheel

The monks journey to Ulduar to speak with watcher Freya herself. The watcher offers the monks insight into the means by which the sterility of the dragonflights may be reversed. During their meeting with Freya, Ulduar comes under assault by the dark forces of the Old Gods. The monks must do battle with armies of hideous faceless ones and aqir rising up from the depths of the world deep beneath Ulduar. After purging the depths of Freya's sanctum of the fiends, the monk is granted the staff B'Ganta, an artifact crafted by Freya herself with the power to grant life. The staff is used to impart a measure of life-giving magics to the Sanctum of Balance, bringing the monks and the dragons one step closer to their goal.

The Runefists of Goria - Thunderhand and Stormknuckle

Ogre sages from Ogri'la make a pilgrimage to the Sanctum of Balance, and inform the monks there of ancient artifacts from the lost ogre empire of Goria that may be of use to them. The monks travel to broken Outland and search amongst broken fragments of the world to recover artifacts of the ogre empire's past - a pair of battle-gauntlets imbued with runestone magic by the ogre-magi emperors of ancient times. The monks must deal not only diabolical entities of the Void and the hostile pale creatures that serve them, but also black dragons who have succumbed to the madness of the Old Gods that curses their flight.

Upgrade Legion Artifacts

Fu'Zan, the Traveler's Companion

The monks journey to Ulduar to speak with watcher Freya herself. They must do battle with armies of hideous faceless ones and other servants of the Old Gods rising up from the depths of the world depe beneath Ulduar. After purging the depths of Freya's sanctum of the creatures, Freya will tap into the heart of nature within her sanctum to enhance the power of her ancient staff, transforming it into a new, more powerful form.


Enhance with trees from the Eternal Vale. Battle the last of the Sha, the Sha of Regret, formed from the wicked memories of those who suffered from the Sha. Destroying the last of Y'Shaarj's darkness enhances the staff.

Tol'vir Windfists

Enhance with obsidian tol'vir sorcery. Fight the aqir in the depths of Northrend. Unlock the mighty tol'vir forge that gathers the wind currents of the deep places beneath Azeroth, tapping into the Titan's very breath and imbuing it into the fists.

Campaign Storyline

  • Andrastraz says: The elders may have given up on our kind, but I never will. The Age of Mortals belongs to us as well!

The monks of the Shattered Temple are approached by representations of the Wyrmrise Reclaimers, an organization of young dragons who seek a means to restore the fertility of their race, which was lost when the Dragon Aspects gave up their power and immortality. While many of the elder dragons have given up hope for dragonkind, the younger generation has not, and seeks to secure a place for dragons of all flights in the future of the world. Led by the red dragon Andrastraz, the Wyrmrise Reclaimers meet with the monks and inform them that the waters of the Eternal Vale of Pandaria, and other similar substances, may be the key to rejuvenating the dragonflights. The dragons request that the Shattered Temple aid them in acquiring what they seek.

The Eternal Vale and the Black Lotus

  • Alyanikus says: The waters of the Eternal Vale were empowered by the ancient Well of Eternity, which flowed from the very life's blood of our world! They bring bountiful life to even the most desolate of environments. Even the devastation wrought by Garrosh Hellscream has already begun to recede from the Vale, thanks to the power of the waters here. If there is a solution to our crisis, the waters are certain to be part of it.

The monks and the green dragon Alyanikus venture to the Eternal Vale, seeking entry into the Terrace of the Endless Spring and the Titan structures beneath the Vale where the water elemental Immerseus dwells. After requesting the waters of the Vale from Immerseus, the water spirit Lei Shi appears and asks the monk to aid her in banishing 'cloudy water' that still stains regions of the Vale. The monks travel with Lei Shi deeper beneath the Terrace and discover that the sha still linger there, their darkness enduring the demise of Y'Shaarj and the other Prime Sha. After clearing away the sha infestation, the monks and Alyanikus discover a Vault of the Titanforged Keeper Ra-den hidden within the Vale, and within it a record of Ra's participation in the original ritual that created the Dragon Aspects. Believing that the knowledge may be of use, Ayanikus attempts to retrieve it, but suddenly the sha re-emerge, this time led with intent by a mysterious figure who identifies himself as Shaku.

  • Shaku says: The relics of the Titans are not for you, little green lizard. The lord of the Black Lotus desires them, and what my lord desires, Shaku delivers.

Shaku's dark energy threatens to overwhelm the monks, but they are able to defeat the mysterious being. Shaku reveals himself to be a manifestation of the sha, but more stable and intelligent than the other monstrous breeds. Shaku retreats with the rest of the lesser sha, vowing that he and the monks will cross paths again. The monks secure water from the Vale from Immerseus and Lei Shi, and Alyanikus secures the Record of Ra.

The Waters of the Cradles of Life

Having secure the waters of the Eternal Vale and transported it to the Sanctum of Balance, the dragons consult the Record of Ra to learn the secrets of how the Titanforged Keepers empowered the Dragon Aspects. Andrastraz discovers a ritual by which the life's blood of Azeroth, the nascent Titan who slumbers within the world itself, may be used to empower the dragon race and restore their ability to produce offspring. While the Dragon Aspect Alexstraza alone originally held the power of life that granted all dragons fertility, power that was lost when Alexstraza became mortal, the ritual may be modified to bestow the power of life upon all dragons equally, restoring the entire race to fertility. However, the ritual will require the pure essence of all five of the chromatic flights, as well as strength drawn from a Titan. Andrastraz determines that waters from the other three Titan wells of power - Un'Goro Crater, Sholazar Basin, and the well at Darkbreach in the Twilight Highlands, as well as water from the Well of Eternity, must be gathered to distill the power of a Titan from it. The raw, primal essence of proto-dragons will also be required.

Un'Goro Crater

  • Numadormi says: We no longer see into the flow of time as we did when Nozdormu was an Aspect. But it is the nature of mortals not to know the future before-hand, and instead to forge it through their own efforts in the present. We will always safeguard history, but the future remains unwritten. We deserve our chance to write our own destiny.

The monks travel to Un'Goro Crater with the bronze dragon Numadormi, delving into silithid-infested caverns below the region to acquire the enchanted waters from the underground wellspring there. The monks must battle a marauding band of fierce qiraji, the insect-men driven to deranged fury by the rise of the dark powers and the return of the aqir. The qiraji vow that the Old Gods will soon reclaim the world. In spite of the qiraji resistance, the monks are able to secure pure samples of the waters of Un'Goro. Throughout the adventure, the bronze dragon Numadormi laments the apathy of the elder bronze dragons, many of them resigned to their future fate of becoming the Infinite Dragonflight. Numadormi explains that since Nozdormu became a mortal, many of the bronze dragons can no longer see the future as they once could, and younger bronzes are completely ignorant of what their personal futures hold, having never learned of it through time-scrying. Numadormi believes that not knowing the future may give the younger bronzes hope of forging it for themselves, not having it pre-determined for them.

  • Numadormi says: Thank you, hero. Even without the ability to see the future, I feel I know that we will succeed!

Sholazar Basin

  • Tyrigosa says: Kalecgos and I will have no future if we do not succeed. So have no fear; I will not allow you to fail.

The monks travel to Sholazar Basin with the blue dragon Tyrigosa. They meet with the Avatar of Freya and enlist her aid in acquiring the purest waters of the basin that contain the essence of Azeroth's lifeblood in them. Freya also informs them of an old and powerful proto-dragon called Barbarok roosting in the mountains surrounding the basin that would be the ideal source of primal essence. When the monks and the dragons discover the proto-dragon's lair, however, they find that the beast is already under attack by mantid and pandaren dragon-hunters bearing the emblem of the Black Lotus. After subduing Barbarok, the Black Lotus hunters turn on the monks. A fierce battle ensues, which is cut short when Barbarok breaks free and charges out of his lair, trampling the Black Lotus and carrying off the monks into the air. The monks must battle Barbarok in mid-air high above the basin, finally slaying the beast and sending it plummeting into the Broken Pillar. The monks are rescued from a lethal fall by Tyrigosa in her dragon form.

The monks retrieve the Primal Proto-dragon Essence from the corpse of Barbarok, only to suddenly be approached by none other than Shaku, who rides a monstrous black cloud serpent crackling with dark lightning. Shaku informs the monks that his master, the lord of the Order of the Black Lotus, knows of their goal and has been impressed by their actions, and is willing to work with them to see the dragons restored. Shaku tells the monks and the dragons to wait for his master to contact them soon, before departing astride his cloud serpent mount.

  • Shaku says: My master and the dragons all want the same thing. He has what you will need to fulfill your dream. You will hear from him soon...

The Well at Darkbreach

The monks and the red dragon Dagoristraz travel to the Twilight Highlands, to the well of power located in the Darkbreach canyon. Though the well of power was tainted by the Void, the recent defeat of the Void Lords' forces in the Voidlands has caused the darkness to recede from the region. Dagoristraz is able to extract some of the last of the pure water from the well. However, no sooner do the monks and Dagoristraz secure their prize, then dark energy begins pouring into the region. Void entities manifest themselves, and aqir forces in the form of nerubian and mantid assault the area. A prolonged battle takes place, which culminates in the appearance of a mighty Twilight Dragon Stygizax, who appears in support of the Void forces. Dagoristraz sacrifices his life to destroy the Twilight Dragon, whose demise banishes the darkness and causes the enemy forces to retreat. The monks and the dragons recover the well waters and recover the pure essence of a red dragon from Dagoristraz, vowing that his sacrifice will not be in vain.

The Well of Eternity

Having acquired water from the four lesser wells of power, the monks and the dragons now require the waters from the original source, the Well of Eternity, which now exists atop Mount Hyjal, beneath the world tree Nordrassil. Andrastraz and the others gather at the well, extracting a sample of its waters and combining it with the waters from the other wells of power. Andrastraz also contributes the essence of Dagoristraz, as well as essence from Tyrigosa, Numadormi, and Alyanikus, leaving only the essence of a pure black dragon missing. Wrathion and Ebyssian are the only known black dragon on Azeroth who remains pure, and with Wrathion's whereabouts a mystery the dragons decide to seek out Ebyssian on the Broken Isles.

The monks and their dragon allies depart for Highmountain and seek out Ebyssian's hidden lair. However, to their horror, the monks find the noble black dragon slain, his body impaled on a great spear that still crackles with lightning. Andrastraz determines that the body of Ebyssian has been leeched of essence already, and there is no way to salvage more. Shaku appears, revealing that the dragon was slain by none other than Wrathion, and that the Black Lotus has learned that Wrathion has left Azeroth and traveled to Outland, where more black dragons dwell. Shaku informs the monk that he cannot leave Azeroth, and gives the monk a black jewel, a symbol of the Black Lotus, promising the support of the order in stopping Wrathion.

  • Shaku says: You are close now, so very close. Only a few more pieces to be acquired, and you will receive the reward you seek.

The Black Dragons of Outland

The monks and their allies race to Outland and travel to the Blade's Edge Mountain, where the black dragon Sabellian and his brood nest. Sabellian and the black dragons of Outland escaped the influence of Deathwing and his Old God masters during the Cataclysm, but the black dragons still contain the corruption wrought in them by the Old Gods thousands of years ago. Although Sabellian has largely remained free of their direct influence, when Wrathion learned that more corrupt black dragons existed he was driven to destroy them. The monks and their allies arrive in Blade's Edge, where Wrathion and a band of mogu mercenaries are facing down Sabellian in his lair. Just as the monks reach the battle, Wrathion uses the power of the Titans at his call to strike down Sabellian, before sending his mogu to slaughter the remaining black drakes and smash the black eggs. While the dragons appeal to Wrathion to stop his actions and join them in restoring the dragonflights, Wrathion is adamant that only he and he alone can secure the future of all worlds.

  • Wrathion yells: You understand nothing! Still I see them in my mind's eye, the garden of stars that the Titans tended! The Titans are lost, and I alone possess what remains of their power now! It is not enough for a hundred or a hundred thousand lesser beings to stand against the growing darkness! It requires a singular champion, forged by will, with the strength, wisdom, and fortitude to secure the hope of the cosmos! I am so close now... with the power I now possess, with the prize my pawns now secure for me... I will not fail as my father did! I will become the one and only Dragon Aspect, the defender of Azeroth, the hope of the universe!

Wrathion's summoned Titan power strikes down the monks and their allies, just as the mogu return. Mogu sorcerers tear open a dark portal back to Azeroth, informing Wrathion that their master awaits to fulfill his bargain with the young black dragon. Wrathion lets slip that the mogu mercenaries are agents of the Black Lotus before departing.

Battle at the Sanctum of Balance

After the disastrous encounter with Wrathion, the monks and the dragons race back to the Sanctum of Balance only to encounter greater disaster still. The Sanctum has come under assault by Black Lotus forces - mogu, mantid, saurok, even pandaren loyal to the Black Lotus assault the defenders of the Sanctum. The monks and their dragon allies leap into the fray, and the battle intensifies when Shaku appears with sha reinforcements for the Black Lotus. At the climax of the battle, Wrathion appears, subduing all forces gathered and stealing the Waters of the Titans and the Record of Ra that the monks and their allies gathered, before departing with Shaku.

  • Wrathion says: The life's blood of Azeroth. The pure essence of the dragonflights. The secrets of the Ascension. The power of the Titans that resides within me. All the necessary pieces are in my grasp.
  • Shaku says: Indeed, young master dragon. And for my master's aid in your venture, you know the price you vowed to pay.
  • Wrathion says: Yes, yes, of course. I will have the item he requires. And your master is to be permitted to attend my Ascension. I have not forgotten. A price well worth paying. Your master is certainly generous with his pawns, for so simple a fee.
  • Shaku says: My master is old and wise, young master dragon. You are wise as well, to uphold your end of the bargain. He will meet you at the agreed upon location to accept payment.

Journey to the Caverns of Time

In the aftermath of the Black Lotus' assault on the Sanctum of Balance, the dragons nearly descend into despair. All their efforts to gather the necessary items to restore their race have been for nought. But the monks of the Sanctum inspire the dragons to keep fighting. The monks and dragons have one way to finding out how to stop Wrathion and his scheme; Numadormi and the monks will travel to the Caverns of Time and examine Wrathion's timestream, learning the details of his deal with the Black Lotus and where he will be to meet with their mysterious master. The monks and Numadormi race to the Caverns of Time, and after a brief encounter with Soridormi enter the timeways and seek out Wrathion's history. The monks and Numadormi witness Wrathion's meeting with the Black Lotus' master in the depths of the Throne of Thunder, though the entity remains shrouded in mystical darkness.

  • Wrathion says: If what you propose could be accomplished... the ritual that created the Dragon Aspects could be replicated, even without the Embrace.
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: The key is the power of the Titans that resides within you, Wrathion. The power of the Highfather, Amanthul, to whom time itself was a servant. You need not share the title of Aspect with others. You alone would ascend, the ultimate Dragon Aspect. The ultimate champion of this world.
  • Wrathion says: Yes... yes, it could work. No more hiding in the shadows. No more relying on pawns and puppets who rebel, who fail! My will would be absolute. I could forge this world into what it needs to be to survive!
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: But it must be you alone, heir to the Titans. Your father was almost worthy, but he succumbed to temptation in the end. You must not be dissuaded from your path, from your devotion to the world...
  • Wrathion says: I will not be! My ambition is pure! I seek the power to save the world, not for its own sake!
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: Of course, Wrathion. That is why I sought you out. To aid you in protecting this world. I can provide you with what you need, in return for but a humble token of your esteem.
  • Wrathion says: Yes... yes, perhaps. Tell me of the black dragon you claim escaped my hunt, who plots against me. Tell me where to find Ebyssian, and I will consider the rest of your proposal.

Numadormi and the monks pursue Wrathion's timeline, witnessing his confrontation with Ebyssian in Highmountain. Ebyssian reaches out to Wrathion, but the appearance of Shaku turns the encounter deadly.

  • Ebonhorn says: This conflict is pointless, little brother! I am not your enemy.
  • Wrathion says: 'Little' brother. Making you the 'elder' brother? Am I to bow to your authority, then? Am I believe this ridiculous fable of yours, this freakish conflux of events that spared you the corruption that consumed all others of our flight?
  • Ebonhorn says: I have never sought to rule others, Wrathion. And is the story of my salvation any stranger than your own?
  • Wrathion says: Do not compare yourself to me! I wield the powers of the Titans, heir to their majesty! What did you do with your 'salvation!' Played at being nursemaid to a band of backwards tauren!
  • Ebonhorn says: I had a duty to protect my people. And did they not battle with bravery the very enemy you have vowed to fight? I did not see you at the Broken Shore 'little' brother... yet many of my tribesmates gave their very lives there to save this world.
  • Wrathion yells: You dare insult my resolve?! My will to save this world?! One battle with the Legion or one thousand, it does not matter! They are nothing compared to the threat that I, and I alone, hold the key to defeating!
  • Ebonhorn says: Wrathion, please! Enough of this! I am not your enemy, nor do I seek to rule you! If you wish to protect this world, tell me how I may aid you!
  • Wrathion says: You... Ebyssian, I...
Suddenly, Shaku appears in a swirl of darkness.
  • Shaku says: He lies, young master. He does seek to rule the black dragons. He colludes with others of his kind, corrupted black dragons that he shields from you.
  • Ebonhorn says: What... what manner of creature are you...?!
  • Wrathion says: What do you mean, other black dragons?
  • Shaku says: He has met with black dragons who hide on the broken world called Outland. He schemes with them to overthrow you.
  • Ebonhorn says: That... that is not true! The black dragons of Outland are our brethren! They need only-
  • Wrathion says: Black dragons on Outland?! You admit what he says is true? There are corrupted members of our flight there?!
  • Ebonhorn says: Please, Wrathion, hear me! They are touched by darkness, but not irredeemable. Their leader, Sabellian, has resisted the taint that consumed the others. So distant from Azeroth, the influence of the Old Ones was lessened-
  • Wrathion yells: Enough! Sabellian?! My father's own lieutenant?! And you claim yourself to be pure! What evil do the two of you plan?!
  • Shaku says: Slay him, young master! Before he turns on your for uncovering his scheme!
Ebonhorn transforms into his true, draconic shape.
  • Ebyssian says: Creature! Your words are poison!
Ebyssian rears to attack Shaku.
  • Wrathion yells: No! You will not escape me!
Wrathion conjures a  [Lightning Lance] and hurls it into Ebyssian, killing him in an instant.
  • Wrathion says: I... I... Ebyssian... I did not intend...
  • Shaku says: I am grateful, young master dragon. You slew the fiend, and saved my life.
Wrathion blasts Shaku to the ground with a bolt of lightning.
  • Wrathion says: I did not save you, abomination! I acted... I acted rashly. Ebyssian... I had more to ask him.
  • Shaku says: ...hsshkk. About the black dragons of Outland, no doubt. More of your corrupted kin. Do you not have a duty to seek them out, to slay all the corrupted spawn of Deathwing? My master can tell you where to find them. My master can bring you to them.
  • Wrathion says: ...Yes. I must... fulfill my duty. The black dragonflight must all perish. Only I can remain, to fulfill my destiny.

Numadormi and the monks pursue Wrathion's timeline further, finally locating the moment he and the master of the Black Lotus reveal their plan.

  • Wrathion says: I had no inkling that so many of my kind survived on Outland. Even a single corrupted black dragon threatens everything. Sabellian... he could become another Deathwing, or worse!
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: Indeed. Only you possess the pure black dragon essence that is the key to the Ascension of the Final Aspect. Your corrupted brethren are but the final obstacles you must overcome.
  • Wrathion says: They will be purged, like the rest of my father's corrupted brood. But the instruments for the Ascension lie beyond our grasp still. Your servants failed to acquire them.
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: They will not fail again. I have already taken steps to leave the relics vulnerable to our acquisition. When you return from your task, they will be ripe for the taking. All I ask of you is to honor our bargain with the agreed upon price.
  • Wrathion says: One of the gems forged from the essence of the Sha of Fear, tempered by my breath. It will be yours. Such a simple thing, really. The work of my early childhood, long before I inherited the power of the Titans I now wield. What use could it be to you, I wonder? Just what do you hope to gain from all this, oh 'Master' of the Black Lotus?
  • Master of the Black Lotus says: I have lived a long life, and my ambitions are far more... humble than your own, young heir of the Titans. The gem will be more than enough to satisfy me, I assure you. My only other desire is to witness the birth of Azeroth's salvation. I would be grateful to receive both payments at the time agreed upon time and place.
  • Wrathion says: Very well. The site of the first Ascension, where the Titanforged Keepers first created the Dragon Aspects, where the bones of Galakrond still lie. Meet me there once I have what is needed.

With the final vision, the monks and Numadormi have the key - Wrathion will meet with the Master of the Black Lotus at Galakrond's Rest, where Wrathion intends to transform himself into a Dragon Aspect. The dragons and the monks gather to discuss Wrathion's plot. While Andrastraz wavers at interfering, wondering if Wrathion becoming a powerful new Aspect might be the very key they need to fulfill their dream, the rest of the dragons sway him to stand with all mortals against the birth of a new potential Deathwing. Andrastraz and Numadormi propose one final use of the Caverns of Time - they will witness the creation of the first Aspects by the Titanforged, learning the ritual first hand so that they are prepared to deal with what Wrathion intends. The monks and the dragons witness the Titanforged Keepers creating the Aspects and their dragonflights before traveling with all speed to Northrend to find Wrathion and the Black Lotus Master.

The Final Aspect

At Galakrond's Rest, the monks and dragons find Wrathion and the forces of the Black Lotus, their strongest warriors mounted on black cloud serpents. While Wrathion begins the ritual to transform himself into an Aspect, the dragons take to the air against the serpent-mounted Lotus warriors while the monks engage the Lotus ground forces. As the battle reaches a fever pitch, Shaku appears and attacks the monks alongside the sha. When pressed, Shaku absorbs the other sha and transforms into the monstrous Sha of Greed, attacking the monks with even greater savagery.

As Shaku rampages against the monks, the mysterious master of the Black Lotus finally reveals himself - emerging from a fog of darkness is an enormous black cloud serpent, crackling with sorcerous lightning. The serpent reveals itself as Chang'Tzun, the Master of the Black Lotus. As Chang'Tzun appears, Wrathion completes his preparations, and the ritual begins. Surrounded by the essence of the five dragonflights, empowered by the waters of the well and the power of the Titans, Wrathion's body begins to pulse with energy and rises into the air above Galakrond's Rest.

  • Wrathion says: I can feel it... the power of the Titans! The power of all creation! Yes... It fills me! The Ascension approaches!
  • Chang'Tzun says: Then it is time.
Chang'Tzun bradishs the black gem he received from Wrathion. The black gem pulses with energy that begins to affect Wrathion.
  • Wrathion says: What...?
  • Chang'Tzun says: Poor young Wrathion. So powerful, yet so inexperienced. To give freely of oneself to another is to give that other power over you. You gave me your breath, and so you gave me a piece of yourself. And in doing so, you gave me power over you.
Wrathion writhes in pain as Chang'Tzun's spell takes effect.
  • Chang'Tzun says: Sympathetic magic, Wrathion. So simple, so basic. Similar principles to mogu spell-craft; flesh-shaping. Soul transferal. I taught the mogu how to refine their pratice of these arts, and so I'm quite the master myself. You see, Wrathion, no matter how powerful you become, I own you now. Through our link, I will graft my soul to yours. We will ascend together as the Final Aspect. Your power, my will. With you as my blade, I will reap everything this world has to offer. Everything.

Chang'Tzun attempts to merge his power with Wrathion in an effort to control the dragon's growing power. Moments before Wrathion succumbs, the other dragons rally to him and fight back against Chang'Tzun's spell. The monks overcome Shaku and disperse his monstrous form, forcing him to revert to his humanoid shape and retreat, just as the dragons combine their magic with Wrathion and break Chang'Tzun's spell. The black serpent is overwhelmed by Wrathion's unleashed Titan powers and plummets from the skies, crashing into the earth below. The spell of Ascension infuses itself into the enchanted waters, rather than transforming Wrathion.

  • Chang'Tzun says: Hrraaagghh... no... so close...
Darkness cloaks the black serpent.
  • Chang'Tzun says: So the mighty dragonflights chose mortality, to become like these miserable, interfering monks... So be it. There are other roads that lead to the dominance I desire. In the end, all will be mine...

Chang'Tzun vanishes and the Black Lotus forces retreat. The dragons convince Wrathion to aid them, and he contributes the essence of a pure black dragon to their spell. However, even with all the powers the dragons have acquired, the spell is still incomplete - not enough power from the Titans exists to accomplish their goal. In the end, Wrathion surrenders the power of the Titans that he gained from the heart of Lei Shen and imbues it into the Sanctum.

  • Wrathion says: I thought my purpose was to save the world... the world, and the entire universe beyond it, from the Burning Legion. I thought that becoming the savior of all was my destiny... wanted it to be my destiny. What vanity! What gross arrogance! I was not so different from my father in that respect...
  • Wrathion says: In the end, the world was saved without me. My efforts only served to weaken Azeroth and its people, to bring us closer to the brink. All my power, and I accomplished worse than nothing.
  • Wrathion says: Perhaps... my destiny was not to save all worlds, but just one small part of this one. To use this power, not to destroy the world's enemies, but to help my people... all my people find our place in the future.
  • Wrathion says: Perhaps my purpose was always something more... hah... humble. I suppose I should have listened more closely to the pandaren after all...

With the power of the Titans imbued into the water of the vale and the renewed sanctums, the Sanctum of Balance is complete and the dragons are restored to a fertile race, allowing for more dragons in the future to be born.

The Further Campaign

The Sanctum of Balance is complete and the dragons are restored, but their new future is something that must be fought for. Darkness threatens the world from deep below, and the black serpent Chang'Tzun and his Black Lotus are still at large, seeking the secrets of Deathwing's Chromatic and Twilight Dragonflight experiments. The monks and their dragon allies will need to be ready when the wily serpent makes his next move.