User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Warrior Campaign

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

Warrior Class Campaign.

Class Hall - Tyr's Hall

Long ago, the Titans left great beings crafted in their image to watch over the world. One of these watchers was Keeper Tyr, one of the most courageous and stalwart defenders of the world, a powerful warrior of unmatched skill who had great compassion in his heart for the world and all its races. Tyr took to his task of protecting Azeroth with great valor and dedication, and from his sanctum within the great Titan-made fortress of Ulduar Tyr would keep watch both over the diabolical entities imprisoned within the fortress's prison levels and the greater world as a whole, protecting its people from the forces of darkness. Tyr taught the fierce vrykul the true valor of fighting to protect others rather than for personal glory, and the virtues of freedom and peace rather than bloody conquest and tyranny.

When the dark grasp of Yogg-Saron, the Old God imprisoned within Ulduar, clutched at the minds of the other keepers, Tyr was forced to lock his sanctum and flee from Ulduar, along with his vrykul followers. Yogg-Saron manipulated the ruler of Ulduar, Loken, into unleashing hideous c'thraxxi abominations to hunt down Tyr's beleaguered followers, and in the land that would be known as the Eastern Kingdoms, Tyr faced down the c'thraxxi and fought them to the very end. Tyr perished, but his memory lived on in the hearts of those he protected, and the land of Tirisfal still holds his memory.

When Yogg-Saron and Loken were slain at Ulduar, the keepers were freed from the madness that had clouded their minds, and they remembered their lost brother Tyr. The keepers have unlocked Tyr's sanctum, and invited Azeroth's most stalwart warriors to enter the fabled halls, remembering one of the greatest warriors that the world of Azeroth had ever known, a true and noble hero. From Tyr's Hall, the warriors of Azeroth will also cast their gaze out across the world, searching for evil to fight and the innocent to protect. As darkness rises to swallow the world, the warriors of Azeroth are prepared to become her greatest shield.

Class Hall Special Benefits

Throughout the underworld, warriors can find vrykul-made shrines to Tyr and the Titanforged, who fought the evils of the Old Gods at the world's very dawn. By honoring these shrines, the warrior can touch the spirits of the long fallen warriors of the past, which confers on them great benefits. Warriors may find their stamina increased, their wounds healing faster than normal, their physical power greatly augmented, or the durability of their armor and weapons suddenly restored. Certain shrines are defiled by the Twilight's Hammer or infested with the dark corruption of the Old Gods, and the warrior must do battle with these twisted evils in order to restored the shrines. Restoring every shrine in a region will grant the warrior great glory and power and may also provoke the attack of a monstrous opponent, providing the warrior with the opportunity to win further glory.

Artifact Weapons

Acquire World's Heart Artifacts

The Gorian Runecleavers - Gron'Gar, Slayer of Giants and Rul'Roc, Bane of Primals (Fury - Greatsword and Greataxe)

Ogres visiting Tyr's Hall bring rumors of fabled weapons of the ogre race's ancient past recently rediscovered on Outland. The warrior departs for Outland, to a fragment of the fallen continent of Goria where the ogre empire once existed. They recover blades forged from the magical Runestones of the Makers, Titan artifacts that correspond to the Pillars of Creation on Azeroth which were used to shape ancient Draenor. The greatsword the ogres call Gron'Gar, Slayer of Giants, was used to kill the ferocious demigod beings called the gronn, while the massive axe Rul'Roc, Bane of Primals, was used to slay vicious genesaur. These ogre-made blades are immensely powerful and enchanted to destroy the mightiest enemies, using the innate fury and berserker strength of the ogre race. The weapons are incredibly heavy, but magically attune themselves to the strength of worthy wielders, allowing a warrior to use a weapon in each hand effectively.

Husk of Narjun and Voidrender (Protection - Shield and One-Handed Axe)

The earthen of Ulduar call upon the warriors to aid them in the gathering of materials that will allow them to craft new and better weapons designed to destroy the evil power that the Old Gods and their spawn wield. The warriors retrieve a fragment of the kr'kaxxi Narjun, the beast slain by Arthas and Anub'arak in the depths of Azjol-Nerub many years ago. Artificers in Ulduar affix Titanforged metal restrains to the still-living fragment, locking its power and creating the shield Husk of Narjun, a defensive instrument that is almost completely immune to the powers of evil. The Titanforged axe, Voidrender, is granted to the warrior as well, making them the ultimate defender against the Void.

Gorehowl, the Eternal Warsong (Arms - Greataxe)

Word comes to Tyr's Hall that the wicked demons of the Twisting Nether have in their possession the legendary axe Gorehowl, which was captured by Gul'dan's forces during the attack on Hellfire Citadel. All warriors recognize Grom Hellscream as a being worthy of respect, who walked the path of both evil and honor and died for honor in the end. To allow his fabled weapon to be further disgraced by being twisted by the Legion he hated is something that no warrior of Azeroth or Draenor can countenance. The warriors enlist the aid of renegade warlocks and travel to the distant Legion world of Nul, destroying the demonic forces there and claiming the axe. The warrior returns the blade to Nagrand, where the spirit of Grom Hellscream and the Hellscream ancestors appear to grant the warrior their blessings. The warrior unlocks the full might of the axe, imbuing it with the might of the orcish spirits, making it Gorehowl, the Eternal Warsong. Grom Hellscream regrets that his own son chose to wield his axe without honor, and grants it to the keeping of the warrior, telling them not to make the mistakes Garrosh did. Hellscream's spirit fades, wondering where his son's spirit now rests.

Upgrade Legion Artifacts

Warswords of the Valarjar, Odyn's Fury and Helya's Wrath | Blades of Wrath and Storm, Skysunder and Stormrender

The warrior is sent to battle the hideous forces of the Old Gods that infest the depths of Ulduar, seemingly drawn to the immense, ossifying carcass of Yogg-Saron that still lies half-entombed in the depths of his prison. The warrior slays fiend after fiend across Ulduar and the surrounding Storm Peaks, finally slaying a monstrous c'thraxxi at Thorim's Temple of Storms. Impressed by the valor of the warrior, Thorim calls down the power of the storms at his command and infuses them into the warrior's Valarjar warswords. Thorim's hatred for Yogg-Saron and all the misery he caused the keepers heightens the power of the blades, making them into twin incarnations of righteous wrath, the Blades of Wrath and Storm - Skysunder and Stormrender.

Scale of the Earthwarder and Scaleshard | Dragonward and Wyrmstrike

The warrior is sent to the hidden arcane prison of the great draconic abomination Chromatus, the ultimate creation of the fallen aspect Deathwing's progeny, Nefarian, and his experiments in creating the Chromatic Dragonflight. The warrior retrieves chromatic scales from the creature's undying body, which are fused into the shield and sword forged of Deathwing's scales, enhancing their power with the energies of all five dragonflights. The shield becomes the Dragonward, a chromatic shield imbued with fantastic power, and the blade becomes Wyrmstrike, a weapon that can turn any strike.

Strom'kar the Warbreaker | Stron'Tyr, the Legacy of Giants

The warrior travels into the depths of Tyr's Hall, which are infested with aqir that serve the Old Gods. As the warrior travels through the innermost chambers of Ulduar, they will discover records of the times when Tyr fought against the corrupting influence of Yogg-Saron. The warrior will experience Tyr's memories of his flight from Ulduar, his battle with the corrupted watcher Loken and his forces, and Tyr's final conflict with the dread c'thraxxi who ended his life. Inspired by the records of Tyr and his conflicts, the warsmiths of Ulduar take the warriors' blade Storm'kar and reforge it using all the power of the Titans' art, infusing the very memories of Tyr himself into the sword. The blade is transformed and enhanced, making it Stron'Tyr, the Legacy of Giants.

Campaign Storyline

Having unlocked Tyr's Hall, Odyn calls upon the warrior to free his old friend, the Titanforged watcher Jotun, from the curse inflicted upon him by Loken. The warrior will journey across the length of breadth of Northrend, seeking out the lost watcher, as well as uncovering secret vaults of Titan relics that were hidden away by Loken in his madness. Throughout their journey, a mysterious robed figure of great size appears to warn them away from their quest. The mysterious being's warnings quickly turn to threats, and the dread faceless ones are unleashed on the warrior at the stranger's commands.

Finding Jotun in a hidden nerubian temple deep beneath the surface infested with the grasping corruption of the Old Gods, the warrior battles the crazed Titanforged watcher, and using the power of the Titans they have uncovered manage to free him from Loken's curse. The lingering darkness of Yogg-Saron, the true source of the curse, manifests and the warrior must banish it as well. While the warrior is able to defeat the darkness, the mysterious stranger who has impede their quest reveals himself to be a Titanforged, claiming to be none other than Tyr himself, reborn in service to the Old Gods. The being claiming to be Tyr vows that they will see the warrior again before vanishing into the darkness.

Returning to Ulduar with Jotun, the warrior is honored by the other keepers, who welcome their long-lost friend back. Jotun, once regarded as the greatest weaponsmith of their kind, vows to aid in the efforts to battle the rising darkness within the world. Jotun activates and enhances the Forge of Wills, the Titan Creation Forge used to create the races of living stone and metal that make up Ulduar's armies. Earthen, vrykul, and giants are born of the Forge, made immune to the influence of the Old Gods, a seemingly inexhaustible supply of soldiers to battle the equally numerous hordes of the aqir. Jotun also further enhances the weapons of the warrior, making them even more powerful.