User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Shaman Campaign

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Related to The World's Heart Expansion Concept.

The paladin Class Hall, in a hidden templar sanctum beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

Shaman Class Campaign.

Class Hall - Ra's Forge

A sub-plane connecting Ulduar with the Elemental Plane. This is where Ra forged the Elemental Planes themselves to house the elementals. Shaman use this region as a nexus to access all the Elemental Planes with ease.

The shamans feel the elements quail in fear as the darkness grows within the heart of the world. Summoned to Ra's Forge, the shaman find that Deepholm, the realm of earth, has become infested with the crawling contagion of the Old Gods, the Curse of Flesh. The rock and stone of Deepholm turn to putrid flesh and gardens of cancer, twisting the native earth elementals into slaves of the Old Gods and their Void Lord masters. The three elemental lords of Fire, Air, and Water are preparing to assault Deepholm and purge it entirely, destroying the element of earth and threatening the balance of creation.

The shaman decree that Deepholm must be saved to preserve the world itself, and decide that their artifact weapons must be further empowered to enable them to purge the Curse of Flesh. Determining that the Curse itself infuses Void-energy into elemental energy to create tainted flesh, the shaman decide to counter the curse with infusions of stronger elemental power.

Class Hall Special Benefits

Shaman can find elemental fonts throughout the underworld. Tapping these fonts can grant them powerful buffs and allies. It may also summon forth corrupted elementals that serve the Old Gods, which can be slain for benefits.

Artifact Weapons

Acquire World's Heart Artifacts

Hand of Conflagra and Sulfuras, the Eternal Blaze

Acquire the weapon of Ragnaros' daughter, Conflagra, wrought from the might of Sulfuras itself. Alternate hammer of pure fire, Sulfuras, the Eternal Blaze. Shaman must confront the elemental at the Fire Sea and then follow her into the Firelands to obtain the weapon.

Rod of Ra, Weaver of the Planes and Orrery of Elements

The instrument Ra himself used to forge the elemental plane. The Rod of Ra still retains much of the Titan Keeper's power. Manifests a shield when in hand, the Orrery of Elements.

Hammer of the Furies and Crest of the First Shaman

The shaman must travel to Outland and speak with the elemental furies, receiving their blessing and the spirit crest of the first orc shaman from Outland's ancient past.

Upgrade Legion Artifacts


Using the Doomhammer, shaman travel to the Firelands and infiltrate Sulfuron Keep, tapping the cracked core of Ragnaros the Firelord's own hammer Sulfuras to empower their weapon. The broken core of Ragnaros draws forth Void-tainted elementals that the shaman must purge.

Fist of Ra-Den

The fists of Ra are brought to the Vortex Pinnacle in Skywall, where they can be imbued with lightning drawn from the very heart of the elemental planes, where Ra first forged them all. Shaman must travel into the elemental vortex beneath the Pinnacle and battle an incursion by shadowy Void-spawned entities attempting to corrupt the elemental planes.


The scepter of tides is brought to the Abyssal Maw, where it is infused with the power of elemental water. The Throne of Tides suddenly comes under assault by servitors of the Old Gods, including corrupted naga and faceless ones. After a pitched battle, Neptulon and his water elementals help in banishing the creatures and the scepter is further imbued.

Campaign Storyline

With their artifact weapons, the shaman travel into the depths of Deepholm, which have become heavily corrupted by the Curse of Flesh. The shaman must fight corrupted elemental beings and stone giants, as well as manifestations of the Curse itself in the form of flesh-warped mutants and faceless ones.

At last, the shaman discover the source of the Curse, a sprawling infectious mass of sentient Curse-matter known as Anthrothraxx at the very heart of the flesh-warped fields of Deepholm. After battling the corrupted earthqueen Therazane, the shaman are able to purge Anthrothraxx from Deepholm, curing it of the Curse of Flesh and restoring Therazane. With the elements restored to balance, the shaman are prepared to wield their unified might against the darkness growing within the world.