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Timberstep Outpost

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NeutralTimberstep Outpost
Timberstep Outpost.jpg
Type Camp
Leader(s) IconSmall Centaur2 Female.gif Sansok Khan
Race(s) IconSmall Centaur2 Male.gifIconSmall Centaur2 Female.gif Centaur
Affiliation(s) Clan Shikaar
Location Mirewood Fen, Ohn'ahran Plains[84.8, 25]
Status Active

Yes Inn          Yes Mailbox

Yes Stables

Yes Anvil & Forge

No Bank       No Auctions
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
No Mass-transit
No Portal(s)

Timberstep Outpost is a Clan Shikaar hunting post located in the Mirewood Fen in the northeastern corner of the Ohn'ahran Plains. It is the first quest hub that players enter during the main Ohn'ahran Plains storyline, just as Sansok Khan is preparing a caravan to travel to Maruukai.[1] After lending their aid to the Shikaar, players accompany the caravan out of the post.[2]

The outpost is harried by the Mudfin gorlocs of the nearby swamp, who've stolen both the Shikaar's supplies and many of their bakar companions.[3]


Quest givers
Vendors and services

 † = After completing the objectives of N [10-70] Return to Roscha.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [10-70] Welcome at Our Fire
  2. ^ N [10-70] Toward the City
  3. ^ N [10-70] Sole Supplier