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Image of Khasar
Title <Shikaar Huntsman>
Gender Male
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Class Hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Shikaar
Location Mudfin Village[80.57, 30.74] and Timberstep Outpost,[84.26, 24.76] Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Alive
Companion(s) Baba (pet)

Khasar is a centaur quest giver of Clan Shikaar first seen in Mudfin Village in the Ohn'ahran Plains, where he's been captured by the Mudfin gorlocs after trying to reclaim the supplies that the gorlocs stole from Farrier Roscha at Timberstep Outpost.[1][2] Khasar asks adventurers to free him and the Shikaar bakar from their cages, including his own bakar companion, Baba.[3][4] While recovering in a cave with Baba, he then asks the adventurers to kill the gorlocs' Chief Grrlgllmesh.[5] In the process, the heroes find a medallion that Khasar helped a late childhood friend make from her first hunt.[6] Khasar, Baba, and the adventurers return to Timberstep Outpost and give the supplies and medallion to Roscha, who was betrothed to the medallion's owner.[7][8] Khasar and Baba can subsequently be found recovering in a tent next to Roscha.

He and the adventurer later buried Shalkeel at Cascades Canyon.[9]


  1. N [62-65] Sole Supplier and N [62-65] Thieving Gorlocs Activequest
  2. N [62-65] The Ora-cull and N [62-65] Release the Hounds and N [62-65] A Centaur's Best Friend AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [62-65] A Chief of Legends AvailablequestActivequest and N [62-65] Medallion of a Fallen Friend Activequest
  4. N [62-65] The Sole Mender and N [62-65] Return to Roscha Availablequest



Main article: Sole Supplier#Notes
Main article: A Centaur's Best Friend#Notes
Main article: A Chief of Legends#Notes
Main article: Return to Roscha#Notes


Khasar in his cage in Mudfin Village.
Mudfin Village
We have to put an end to the gorloc menace before we can return back to camp.
Timberstep Outpost
It will take some time for Baba to feel safe again when he is not by my side.
That is okay.
I will be here for him until he is ready to go out again.

Patch changes



External links